“New Ways” and a Very Old Proclivity

New ways and gay pride

Since the Church’s beginning, we sinful people have acted as though Jesus’ magnificent message about marriage/family/sexuality was NOT abundantly clear. As a result, there has been scandalous failure to truly appreciate the sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders, as well as the vocation of religious life. New Ways “ministry” is one of those failures.

When I was still a Brooklyn high school student, scandalous confusion compelled the Vatican to release Persona Humana – Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics (approved by St Pope Paul VI on 11/7/75):

Christian doctrine…states that every genital act must be within the framework of marriage….

[some] have begun to judge indulgently, and even to excuse completely, homosexual relations between certain people. This they do in opposition to the constant teaching of the Magisterium and to the moral sense of the Christian people….

Pastors of souls must…exercise patience and goodness; but they are not allowed to render God’s commandments null, nor to reduce unreasonably people’s responsibility

A Tree (as Well as Myself) Grows in Brooklyn

In the 1970s, I was especially proud that my hometown diocese was at the forefront of services for people with developmental disabilities and for deaf people. From volunteering at Brooklyn diocesan summer camps, Saturday respite programs, and special events, I was also blessed to know other volunteers who were fine young people.

My first sign language classes were offered by the Brooklyn Diocese. I recall practice signing with my friend Frank on the tough NYC subway of the 1970s. In 1978, I also recall receiving a palanca letter from Frank, welcoming me to the Brooklyn diocesan Cursillo.

In the early 1980s, Frank and I were both interested in pursuing holy orders and/or religious life. While I sensed a shift in men attracted to holy orders/religious life, from men I knew growing up, I initially thought they were just way cooler than my uncle (whom I had not yet come to treasure). Anyway, I recall being envious that Frank seemed to fit in better with the young men having that interest.

While I have not had direct communication with Frank since the 1980s, I am aware of his well-known activities.

New Ways “Ministry” – Inspired by Brooklyn’s Bishop

Brooklyn Bishop Francis Mugavero issued the 1976 Sexuality – God’s Gift. While this pastoral statement clearly lacked the depth and clarity of Persona HumanaNew Ways “Ministry” has called it “one of the first Roman Catholic statements to contain a compassionate and encouraging message to gay and lesbian people”:

Gay and lesbian people deserved to be treated equally in society and the Christian community, he noted [He did not use those terms.], and then he addressed them directly, stating, ‘. . . we pledge our willingness. . . to try to find new ways to communicate the truth of Christ because we believe it will make you free.

New Ways “Ministry” identifies the above “new ways” phrase as being their impetus. A quick check of it web site reveals that New Ways – much like James Martin, SJ – tries to alter unchanging truth about marriage/family/human sexuality….

Confusion Still Reigns….

Though the Vatican and USCCB were strongly critical of New Ways “Ministry” in the past, Pope Francis recently gave them a private audience. In the widely publicized photo of that meeting, my old friend Frank – long time CEO of New Ways – stands next to the Holy Father.

To me, it seems disingenuous for Frank to act as though he has been victimized by the Church. Much like the Holy Father’s embrace of James Martin, SJ, the New Ways photo strikes me as a clericalist smack in the face to Catholics trying to faithfully follow the truth about marriage/family/human sexuality.

But There is Every Reason to Hope!

Twice in my life, I was in the presence of the saintly, late Father John Harvey, OSFS – moral theologian and psychologist. Across the East River from my native Brooklyn, Father Harvey founded the wonderful Courage apostolate, at the behest of the late Cardinal Cooke (cf, A Call to Courage – undated autobiographical work). Tragically, Father Harvey spoke of meeting with ” massive indifference on the part of many clergy and laity alike.” Courage has five basic goals:

  1. Live chaste lives in accordance with the Church’s teaching on homosexuality.
  2. Prayer and Dedication. Dedicate one’s life to Christ through service to others, spiritual reading, prayer, meditation, individual spiritual direction, frequent attendance at Mass, and the frequent reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.
  3. Foster a spirit of fellowship in which all may share thoughts and experiences, and so ensure that no one will have to face the problems of homosexuality alone.
  4. Be mindful of the truth that chaste friendships are not only possible but necessary in a chaste Christian life and in doing so provide encouragement to one another in forming and sustaining them.
  5. Good Example. Live lives that may serve as good examples to others.

Please join me in praying for my old friend Frank and the conversion of all involved with New Ways.

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7 thoughts on ““New Ways” and a Very Old Proclivity”

  1. Pingback: EVERYONE'S OPINIONS WANTED (except for your own, of course) - Catholic Stand

  2. Pingback: SATVRDAY EVENING EDITION • BigPulpit.com

  3. In 2020, the Seattle Archdiocese put a sham committee together to consider if there should be changes to the Catholic school policy on firing employees who so-called “came out” and announced not only were they practicing homosexuals but they had “married” their same-sex partners. The principal of the Archdiocesan high school was fired himself by progressive Archbishop Etienne for simply following Church teaching and policy after his firing of homosexually active & “married” school employees was protested by thousands of progressive/heretical Catholics.

    Why do I call the committee a sham? It referred to and used as a resource the heretical New Ways Ministry 18!! times in its report. It referred to Courage 0 times.

    1. Even among practicing Catholics, it may come as a surprise to learn how few allies there seem to be for straight lay men in Church employment!

  4. Joe, in reading your article, I couldn’t help but wonder why you “have not had any direct communication with Frank since the 80s” who seemingly was a close friend and supporter at one time. Are you saying that he is no longer a friend? I don’t understand. What exactly is the meaning of being friends, or friendship?

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