How to Know if You Are Under a Spiritual Attack

snake, serpent, apple, deception
Spiritual Suffering and Spiritual Attack

I want to clarify one thing before I move forward. A spiritual suffering and a spiritual attack are two different things that can come to the same result. Spiritual suffering is when Jesus removes His consolations from a person. It is a separation from God, or an inability to feel the Lord’s love and presence in one’s life.

A spiritual attack is when a person is spiritually assaulted by the devil or demons, either by their own choices or mistakes or through people who willingly practice evil and serve Satan. Spiritual attacks can lead to spiritual suffering, which is why they are so fruitful. God allowed me to be attacked spiritually because He knew it would bring me to a greater love for Him. And it did. I also think that Jesus allowed the attacks so that I could help other people understand what is happening to them.

God is in Charge

What is most important to remember, is that God is in charge, and He knows what is going to bring a person to a deeper and more profound love for Him. Now that I have made that clear, I will go on.

For a long time, I did not know I was being spiritually attacked. I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t know what it was. Because of that, the people who were attacking me had a lot of power over me. That is why knowing what an attack looks like is very important. I was only able to identify the characteristics of an attack by experiencing them. But it took me a great deal of time and searching before I was able to put it all together.

So, I can tell you some of the ways I was affected, and I can lead you to some answers, but you are going to have to do some research to pinpoint your particular issues. Stopping the attacks will depend on a lot of things. Some of them include how severe the issues are, how strong your faith is, how determined you are to enter into the battle, and ultimately how long God wishes you to endure the suffering. I know that may be hard to hear, but I believe it is through suffering that God perfects our faith and brings us to a deeper relationship with Him. I know that is how it worked for me.

When I was actively under attack, I experienced fear, doubt, sleep disturbances, extreme fatigue, and a debilitating lack of concentration. There was a lot of confusion and obsessive thoughts that interfered with my ability to think or communicate clearly. I also suffered from depression mostly, because I could no longer feel God and believed He had abandoned me. As a result, I isolated myself from others and began to look for Jesus. It was difficult to complete tasks, and I often wondered what was wrong with me. The sleep deprivation left me weak and susceptible to further and more heinous attacks. This is not everything that happened to me, but it should be enough to help you understand what an attack is like.

The Best Defense

The best defense against a spiritual attack is to live a holy Catholic life. That means don’t engage in activities or behaviors that open the door to evil. A little bit of common sense goes a long way. Confession, and the Eucharist, are essential in the fight against evil. Don’t let the enemy stop you from seeking Christ’s mercy. Jesus gave us confession for a reason. It free’s us from sin and renews the soul. The Eucharist is strength and will help a person reject sin and live a more pure and holy life. Prayer is very important, but also difficult when one is in the middle of a spiritual attack. Sometimes things can be so bad that prayer is impossible. Just repeat Jesus’ name over and over again. It is beautiful and He will surely respond.

Sacramentals also protect us from the enemy, but remember, the power they carry is based on the faith of the person using them. If you can have a priest bless water, olive oil, salt, and candles with an exorcism blessing, that is the best course of action, because this type of blessing is very effective against demons.

Christians have Spiritual Power

Every Christian has great power; power much greater than that of those who practice the occult, and specifically those who use the occult to hurt or control other people. But to put that power into action, and to benefit from it to the fullest extent, the Christian must have a very strong faith. That means they need to completely trust in God and believe that Jesus Christ can do all things. But sometimes we have to suffer before we can come to that kind of faith.

The following prayer and scripture passage are powerful and can help anyone who prays them whether they are under an attack or not. God never leaves anyone alone.

Cleanse Me Lord

May the most Precious Blood of Jesus, which flowed from the holiest wounds of our loving Lord Jesus pour over me, to wash, cleanse, purify, heal, guide, and protect me from all evil, harm, sickness, and bless and make me as Holy as I can be. I ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus and through His most Precious Blood and His most Holy wounds.  Amen

Psalm 27
A Prayer of Praise
The LORD is my light and my salvation;
I will fear no one.
The LORD protects me from all danger;
I will never be afraid.
When evil people attack me and try to kill me,
they stumble and fall.
3Even if a whole army surrounds me,
I will not be afraid;
even if enemies attack me,
I will still trust God.
I have asked the LORD for one thing;
one thing only do I want:
to live in the LORD‘s house all my life,
to marvel there at his goodness,
and to ask for his guidance.
In times of trouble he will shelter me;
he will keep me safe in his Temple
and make me secure on a high rock.
So I will triumph over my enemies around me.
With shouts of joy I will offer sacrifices in his Temple;
I will sing, I will praise the LORD.
Hear me, LORD, when I call to you!
Be merciful and answer me!
When you said, “Come and worship me,”
I answered, “I will come, LORD;
don’t hide yourself from me!”
Don’t be angry with me;
don’t turn your servant away.
You have been my help;
don’t leave me, don’t abandon me,
O God, my saviour.
My father and mother may abandon me,
but the LORD will take care of me.
Teach me, LORD, what you want me to do,
and lead me along a safe path,
because I have many enemies.
Don’t abandon me to my enemies,
who attack me with lies and threats.
I know that I will live to see
the LORD‘s goodness in this present life.
Trust in the LORD.
Have faith, do not despair.
Trust in the LORD.

To read more read more see my blog: Conquer the Devil


23 thoughts on “How to Know if You Are Under a Spiritual Attack”

  1. Kim L Spearbecker

    I think I’m experiencing this. I moved into a building that is definitely housing some very dark entities–both invisible and in the form of a deep dark black ”shadow person” that I witnessed a few times. A young man before I lived there was hearing the voices (these are common there and heard by everyone). He thought he was becoming schizophrenic and took his own life. The history of the building is filled with violence, divorce, rapes, police calls, fire calls, depression, and much more. Over 400 emergency calls and crimes since the city started keeping records–the house is 120+ years old. The owner was hospitalized with depression while living in it and had a miscarriage and divorce. I have terrible ”bad luck” every December Christmas Season anything that can go wrong will–I think because it’s a holy time and a time I love. A few years ago I fell down a flight of stairs, strangely I don’t know how. I ”came to” halfway down and was speeding down feet first but I couldn’t feel any of the wooden steps, it was like I was gliding above them, I should have had back injuries or bruising but although I was badly bruised and tore something in my hip (and still feel it sometimes) my back and head were untouched. I certainly should have had a broken hip. I believe in my Miraculous Medal. Things like horrendous scratching in the walls were common–far beyond anything even a rat could do. I began blessing the apartment every night with the sign of the cross and a bible verse. There were fewer weird happenings. But the owner of the building stopped paying the utilities and my 83 year old mother spent her last year at the building without heat, hot water, or electricity. I pay my own so mine wasn’t lost but I lost my water beginning last winter (2023) due to frozen and broken pipes. I had the pipes repaired but it cost $700 and the same afternoon in July the water was turned off by the city because the owner owed $17,000 in overdue water payments. We had broken pipes that used tons of water every winter because there was so little heat but she wouldn’t let us call a plumber. The city told me I had to leave last summer because there was no water. He had no idea I also had little heat, the downstairs often fell below 32 degrees but the upstairs soared to the high 90s, I had just lost refrigeration since summer, bad electricity (I worked so hard writing an E-Book of prayer for a lady’s religious group to buy a beautiful new range and never could even plug it in without shorting it out), two near serious fires when the firemen had to be called, I breathed a lot of smoke and Mom fell broking 4 bones in her hand and had a head injury, and the mice infestation that continually terrified me. I couldn’t move because it was the only place in town I could afford–$300 vs $700 and up everywhere else. I applied for a low income home loan but it never arrived at the USDA. I applied again in December but my income was too low for a low income loan. My income is too low for Habitat for Humanity and we don’t have one in our county. In November the building was lost to back taxes and I was told I had to be out by the end of December. I couldn’t find any place to go and explained to them that at the age of 66 and with my ill health I didn’t think I would survive homelessness. They gave me until Feb. 22 but I was confined to bed rest, steroid drugs, and no solid food ordered by the hospital during a terrible Crohn’s Disease attack (I was in the ER again last night). It’s made worse by the constant stress, fear, and anxiety. I told them there was no way I could leave until after I was out of bed. I was applying for one rental after another for months but my income is too low. My credit is neither good nor bad but I’m up to a 606 score. Affordable housing options are few and have a long waiting list. Two weeks ago the town D.A. came to the apartment and told me I had to be out by the end of the day. I grabbed what I could and my two cats, called my niece in another town to help, and went to my mother’s apartment in senior living. But the rules are only two weeks of overnight visits. I sleep in the homeless shelter now and hang out with Mom during the day. The hard reclining chairs aren’t comfortable but it’s better than sleeping outside. The city gave me two weeks to pack and get my belongings out. I walked over and packed every day but it is slow going with fibromyalgia and CFS/ME. Most of the work was done, but I had to wait for a mover and asked for a few more days so I could get my belongings to a storage facility, although they assured me I could when I left they denied me the request and I have lost everything I owned–furniture, clothing, houseware, china sets (lovingly collected piece by piece for years), Christmas decor including my first tree ornament at the age of 14, much loved gifts from my father now dead a year and a half, precious family heirlooms and photographs and much that can be replaced with my income now little can be. I still have my little cats, although one may not live long. My mom is taking care of them. I have no idea what to do or where to go. My mother is very difficult and all but a few of my friends have become distant. It seemed like things really took a turn for the worse when I began attending Mass and receiving Spiritual Communion online at a much loved Marian shrine in Knock Ireland every day but at the same time, it’s my only comfort. I refuse anything to take me from by beliefs. I don’t have transportation to my local church. I have felt like God has largely left me. I keep opening my Bible to Job. That makes sense. Though I’m out of that building the terrible ”luck” goes on and on. I sometimes wonder if this nightmare will ever end. Once I heard a deep gruff voice grumble ”get OUT.” It finally got it’s wish. But now what?

  2. Wendy, I came across this and another article of yours recently. In my 77 years as a Catholic, I have never undergone brutal attacks until last Summer. They mostly attacked our sweet Blessed Mother, which thoroughly sickened me. After seeing a physician friend of mine, a devout Catholic, he assured me these attacks were coming from “the Tempter.” It made perfect sense. The first attacks lasted a month then subsided after a made a visit to my parish before the Blessed Mother’s statue.

    That Fall the attacks returned for a month, subsiding a month later, again, after another visit to Our Lord before the tabernacle.

    They have come and gone recently. I have discussed these miserable attacks with two priests who have absolutely assured me that I am not “losing my mind” and that they are absolutely coming from Satan. But that Almighty God knows what I am going through and will never give me more than I can handle. One priest opined that God may have some special plans in mind for me.

    It is extremely disconcerting, and I pray every day for strength and that these ludicrous thoughts will be taken away. God and Mary know I am doing my best and that I love them with my heart and soul.

    I am so thankful for your writings, Wendy, and wish you the very best. I promise to keep you in my prayers and please do the same.

  3. If anyone is reading this article now (2023) long after it was published, please take a few seconds and pray for me. My marriage is in shambles. I don’t have any other explanation but a spiritual attack. My wife’s behaviour and extreme anger goes beyoond what I can bear. I have found myself praying God to take my life, to do with me as He wants since I feel worthless. This is too much for me. I love life, and I am grateful to the Lord because every blessing in my life has come from Him and He has held my hand through many difficult times. But this is different. This feels different. It is different because I simply cannot understand where all her rage and anger comes from. For my children and I, and, of course my wife, please pray for us. The Lord will win . I know His victory will come but this is too hard for me.

    1. My friend, I promise I will pray for you, your wife and kids. Undoubtedly, you all are facing a very rugged situation. But please pray for continuous strength. Our Blessed Trinity and Blessed Mother Mary will absolutely protect you. God bless you all.

    2. JP – that voice in your head that tells you that you are worthless, that is not coming from God. He doesn’t say that. He says things like ‘I love you.’ “Come to Me”. The answer in everything – at least what I have found – is to get closer to him. Keep receiving the sacraments, go to Adoration and Mass and Confession.
      Good can exist without evil, but evil cannot exist without good. Evil spoils good and is a parasite. If you are being assaulted, I take it to mean there is some good there that evil wants to spoil.
      Don’t fall for the I’m worthless line. It’s a lie. Give it all to Him. Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. He will come back with something bigger and better. Wait and see what tomorrow brings. His love is greater than any evil that assaults you. It is greater than any offense that makes you feel you are worthless. Give it to Him. You can’t do it, but He can. I will pray for you and please pray for me.

  4. Our Lady Undoer of Knots is a great devotion… Arch Angel Michael defends us in battle you know… Just sayin’…. God wins!!!!!!!!!

  5. Dear Wendy, yes spiritual attacks are real. I had one 30 yrs. ago, a severe sudden one as I was beginning to read St. Teresa of Avilas book the Interior Castle. What I learned was this, the souls in their agony of death are attacked by demons, that if a soul is consecrated to Jesus through Mary, she will come and drive them off, even if the soul seems to be dying and shattered, the mercy of Jesus is manifested to save and teach.At the end of it the Holy Spirit showed me a devotion to St. Joseph, causing me to pray daily to God through him and Mary to help souls who were dying to come to the mercy of Jesus which I say daily. When all had calmed, I returned to reading the book ,turned the page and at the top was written by St. Teresa, “Never attempt the interior journey alone. Always invoke the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and your Guardian Angel”. I was able to understand better because of the aforementioned attack, which I will not describe but which temporarily left me feeling shattered as I was threatened by every sin I had done. I felt despair and death until Mary entered and took over leaving me thinking only of the great and tender mercy of Jesus.

    1. You are right! Consecration to Mary is paramount in defeating the enemy, and St Joseph is the Terror of Demons, how we all need to have St Joseph in our corner. There are also a lot of other things we can do to protect ourselves. The Eucharist, confession, fasting, and prayer are all essential in the fight against the devil. Living a holy catholic life is the best defense.

  6. To Larry,
    With all due respectI am growing more intolerant daily with people who diminish and downplay the spiritual aspect of mental illness, depression, desolation and the like. Unless you have experienced it, you really can’t offer your secular opinion. The secular science and medical fields only offer drugs that are capable of subduing the manifestations of evil. They do not treat the root cause, therefore most people still suffer on drugs, and fear what life would be like without the drugs.
    I wish this author would have delved more deeply into this situation. With more and more youth practicing witchcraft and the occult it is obvious this is a very clear and present danger, especially when it is never discussed and if it is it is with trepidation because it is looked upon as insanity. I can testify that it is not. It is vicious, cruel, sinful, rooted most often in jealousy and envy of a demonic degree. Nothing to play with. So, just because you’ve never experienced it, doesn’t make it untrue Larry.

    1. Dear my wife Tabassum Ali has negative energies spiritual possessed by black magic May God remove all negative energies spiritual possessed from her body

  7. Absolutely – we did talk to our priest and put youth minister as well. I have a lot of great people
    In the church militant and triumphant on my “team”!!

  8. thank you Wendy- this was so perfectly timed. Our son has been undergoing a spiritual attack and we were combatting it on multiple levels ( through prayer, sacramentals, therapist and physical exercise, to name a few). All of these combined with the knowledge that the devil is real and we need to be on guard against him were so powerful in helping him through this time.
    I never got the sense from your article that you believe depression/mental illness is not a real thing. Depression can ABSOLUTELY be a side effect of a spiritual attack. 100% truth. Prayer and asking for wisdom from the Holy Spirit can help us “see” these things with a divine light.
    Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you Christina I am glad that it helped you. I would also encourage you to talk with a priest. They have the power to help people who are suffering from these attacks. There are many symptoms of a spiritual attack, it is all-encompassing. I actually wrote an article called Signs of a Spiritual Attack: Depression. You can read that on my website. There is a link at the bottom of this article. I will add your family to my rosary. God Bless.

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  10. To say that a spiritual attack is not real, or to label them diseases is your opinion and you have a right to that. But there are people who battle the devil. I did, and it was through the Church and the sacraments that I found freedom. A spiritual attack and clinical depression are two different things, and they both exist. All you have to do is look to the saints and the bible to see that the devil attacks people.
    1 Peter 5:8-9
    Ephesians 6:11-17

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  12. Depression and mental disturbances are real. They are not a “spiritual attack”, they are diseases that are just as real as any other observable physical disease. God has provided us with psychological and psychiatric science, professionals and medications to provide relief. I strongly recommend a book like “The Catholic Guide To Depression”.

    1. Be assured; psychology is the world’s misguided attempt to dismiss the reality of the spiritual world. The spirit world is a beach the length of the east coast. The material world we live in as mortals is one grain of sand on that beach. In the Spirit world there are only two forces; the supernatural force of Christ and the preternatural force of satan. there is no third force; ie; a ‘neutral force’ its one or the other. period.
      we are constantly pulled in one direction or the other sometimes overtly but mostly covertly to the darker and seemingly easier side; ever so subtle, just like the serpent.

      But the material world, especially to modern world we live in is completely based on the false belief that there is a third neutral force. Within that falsely neutral space we (especially in the richer western countries) plan our lives according our will. College, career, nice house, football games, TV shows, facebook etc. maybe church on Sunday once in awhile. We go to a Christian wedding or baptism etc and its really all about just the party after the ceremony where we eat or drink too much. Most of us are just spiritual slobs. Completely out of shape and unhealthy.

      Catholics have been given the greatest gifts of all; the full Truth of of the eternal Truth that became a man and walked the earth with us and formed a living church (not write a Bible) for us and with living sacraments that provide supernatural healing graces and a direct communion with the Living God. But who cares about all that ? Sunday Mass time conflicts with high sports games or NFL pregame etc.

      Psychology and psychiatry thrive in that false neutral space, but at its core is a rejection of the supernatural force of Christ. mostly a rejection due to apathy and pride. always very subtle but always at play, always obscuring the ultimate reality we have to face; the Hour of our Death.
      At that hour the fog of the false neutral force most of us lived in all our lives will lift and we will be facing the ultimate realty of the Spirit world; and the two forces; Christ and satan. How much attention we gave to either one (satan gets his attention from most of us by our apathy to Christ) during our mortal lives will determine who will have the most claim on us.
      Fully understanding, contemplating, and living every second of our mortal lives in the ultimate reality of ‘Two, not Three” (forces) is the most psychology we will ever need.
      Essentially this is the same as the Four Last things; Death, Judgment, Heaven or Hell.

    2. Larry,
      Yes, those are things of the “body”, they are real. Spiritual attacks are also real and you may never experience them in your lifetime, therefore it could be difficult for you to understand they exist. I recommend you to read the life of the Saints. Regards.

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