The “Theological Time Bomb”

theological time bomb

St. Pope John Paul II gave 129 addresses at general audiences from 1979 to 1984, focused on marriage, family, and human sexuality.  Biographer George Weigel calls these addresses a “theological time bomb” set to go off in the twenty first century. Weigel referred to them as such because he saw that our culture’s disregard for God’s law and the Church’s teaching on sexuality would eventually cause the world catastrophic suffering.

The 129 addresses began with a working title of “Theology of the Body,” but St. Pope John Paul II indicated that “The redemption of the body and the sacramentality of marriage” was more accurate (cf. St. Pope John Paul II, 11/28/1984). The very names of these individual addresses hint at their magnificent messages. In a world and Church filled with confusion, we desperately need St. John Paul II’s beautiful and inspiring clarity to remind us of the timeless truths about marriage, family, and human sexuality.

Theology of the Body Part 1

Looking back from the vantage point of his last address, St. Pope John Paul II told us:

 The first part was dedicated to a study of Christ’s words….

First of all there is the text in which Christ referred to “the beginning” in his discussion with the Pharisees on the unity and indissolubility of marriage (cf. Mt 19:8; Mk 10:6-9).

Next there are the words Christ spoke in the Sermon on the Mount concerning concupiscence as adultery committed in the heart (cf. Mt 5:28). Finally, there are the words reported by all the synoptic Gospels in which Christ referred to the resurrection of the body in the other world (cf. Mt 22:30; Mk 12:25; Lk 20:35)  (St. Pope John Paul II, 11/28/1984).

Despite accommodations God allowed for people in the Old Testament, Jesus called us back to the “beginning” of God’s plan for marriage, family, and sexuality.

Wanting our happiness in this world and our joining Him forever in the next, God wants lifelong, loving, monogamous, open to life relationships between one man and one woman, thus continuing His work of creation.

Relationships changed for the worse after Original Sin, and we continually need to be called back to God’s magnificent plan of lifelong, loving, monogamous, open to life relationships between one man and one woman – proclaiming what Christ tells us all about eternal life!

With our present finite understandings, the awesomeness of God’s plan for our eternal destinies eludes our grasps! While men and women will not marry nor bear children in Heaven, God will draw us even closer to each other in Him!  We are meant to see God face-to-face!

Original Unity of Man and Woman: Catechesis on the Book of Genesis
Blessed Are the Pure of Heart: Catechesis on the Sermon on the Mount
Theology of the Body Part 2

The second part of the catechesis was dedicated to the analysis of the sacrament based on the Letter to the Ephesians (Eph 5:21-33). This goes back to the biblical beginning of marriage expressed in the words of Genesis: “A man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body” (Gn 2:24)….

all the reflections that deal with the redemption of the body and the sacramentality of marriage seem to constitute an ample commentary on the doctrine contained in the Encyclical Humanae Vitae (St. Pope John Paul II, 1/28/1984).

Rather than just a sign, a sacrament is an efficacious sign, making real what is signified.

No one can escape the truth that sexual intercourse proclaims committed love and openness to new life. So, non-martial sex is lying with the body. And using the sexual functions in ways that are not open to life – even by authentic spouses – is lying with the body too!

St. Pope John Paul II honors the oft disregarded encyclical, Humanae Vitae. Obeying its teachings blesses us with profound respect for the sacredness of human life (cf. 9/5/84).

Life according to the Spirit: St. Paul’s Teaching on the Human Body
The Resurrection of the Body
Virginity for the Sake of the Kingdom
The Sacramentality of Marriage
Reflections on Humanae Vitae
Conclusion from an Ideological American

Jesus Christ, through the Chair of St. Peter, blesses us with clarity about God’s magnificent plan for marriage, family, and human sexuality (cf. From Pope Leo’s Arcanum to 2013 – Part 1 and  Part 2).

Perhaps out of fear of offending those impacted by same sex attraction (cf. The Elephant in the Room, 4/10/23), the Church is doing a grave disservice – especially to those with same sex attraction – by not clearly and unapologetically proclaiming the fullness of God’s magnificent message about marriage, family, and human sexuality. We must remind everyone that God intends our happiness on earth and our eternal salvation. This is how we avoid the theological time bomb.


18 thoughts on “The “Theological Time Bomb””

  1. Pingback: The ‘Theological Time Bomb,’ The Ulma Family Bible Had Three Verses Underlined, The Shrine of Blessed Stanley Rother in Oklahoma City, and More Great Links! - JP2 Catholic Radio

  2. A very intriguing Freudian slip. Perhaps “God’s design” is not quite as clear cut as tradition has held it out to be. Perhaps God has started to reveal more to us now that we are in an age of increased life spans, over population and global warming, to name a few realities that challenge the earth’s very existence. The need to “multiply” might have taken precedence over everything else when human existence was far more fragile than it does now. The proverbial “light bulb” went off in my head after more than a few family members and some friends came out during my young adulthood. Unlike comparisons with murder, alcoholism, theft and the like, I really see no harm in LGBTQ people having loving, romantic, sexual relationships. Ultimately, nobody is getting hurt. And if sexual orientation is nothing that is contagious or changeable, as seems to be the universal assessment of LGBTQ people (even those who come from very devout, traditional Catholic backgrounds and continue to practice) and nearly universal among medical and psychiatric professionals, then it makes absolutely no sense to me why anyone else would object.

    1. So, you see nothing wrong with perverting God’s clear plan based on biological (e.g. natural law) reality? Your god must be small if he would allow the earth he created to be destroyed by overpopulation. He must also infuse certain non-believers with incredible wisdom and prophetic ability as they tell us with certainity what’s going to happen 60 or 70 years in the future on this imperfectly designed planet.

  3. Pingback: The ‘Theological Time Bomb,’ The Ulma Family Bible Had Three Verses Underlined, The Shrine of Blessed Stanley Rother in Oklahoma City, and More Great Links!| National Catholic Register - Todd K Marsha

  4. Pingback: The ‘Theological Time Bomb,’ The Ulma Family Bible Had Three Verses Underlined, The Shrine of Blessed Stanley Rother in Oklahoma City, and More Great Links!| National Catholic Register - My Catholic Country

  5. an ordinary papist

    Kudos for the tremendous amount of patience and formatting that went into the essay, however everything you noted as well as the papal encyclicals stem from the Genesis and OT account which is not required as an article of Catholic faith and dogma. IF (and I’ll give you the possibility) the theory of evolution is correct then the whole premise concerning sexual theology is a moot point. You can’t discount our ascension from caricaturist images of cavemen dragging woman by the hair to military women strapped to F-15’s flying to keep us free. That these gains will never revert to their former status is also testament
    to the sexual component of an evolving species free from the bonds (if they so will) of convention, dictated by archaic tomes that are most likely fables. In the end, God is responsible for what has been wrought and I’m very sure the universe is unfolding as
    it should.

    1. In my Catholic high school in the 1970s, “Desiderata” was infinitely more promoted than Catholic doctrine! I suspect it is behind (at least) your last sentence: “….And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be….Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”

      Do yourself an enormous favor and check out the beautiful news contained in St Pope John Paul II’s addresses.

    1. Brian,

      I am sure that you are a very nice man, but I suspect that you have not read the 129 addresses from St Pope JP II or the two documents from the Catholic Medical Association, which I referenced to John. I would be happy to discuss those materials.

      God bless,


  7. Wanting our happiness in this world and our joining Him forever in the next, God wants lifelong, loving, monogamous, open to life relationships between one woman and one woman, thus continuing His work of creation.

    I’m thinking that you need to correct this statement in your article.

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