The Case for Patriarchy—Timothy Gordon

patrick coffin

Patriarchy has fallen on bad times. Feminism, weak men, apathy, and activist media have been attacking the whole idea of patriarchy for two generations.


“Chauvinist!” “Misogynist!” “Brute!” are some of the charges thrown at men since the 60s. But what if patriarchy is the manifest embodiment of God’s order in the world? What if men and women both benefited from the blessings of patriarchy? Lawyer, podcaster, and writer Tim Gordon has produced a red-pill dispensary in the form of a new book, The Case For Patriarchy. We need to talk.

In this Episode You Will Learn
  • The historical roots of first, second, and third-wave feminism
  • The best definition of feminism
  • Why his book is not merely a response to feminism
  • Examples of how women (and men) reap the blessings of patriarchal-based families
  • How sexual egalitarianism ruins everything
  • The massive amount of magisterial documents that support patriarchy
  • Why the death of patriarchy has led to the rise of divorce, porn, abortion, and economic disaster
Resources Mentioned

The Patrick Coffin Show podcast features weekly interviews with A-list influencers and outliers in the effort to recover the Judeo-Christian roots of the culture. Patrick is the Canadian-born former host of Catholic Answers Live, and he has raving fans around the world. He injects these fascinating interviews with his own distinctive blend of depth and levity. If you’re tired of politically correct mediaspeak, you want to see God back in the public square, and you’re not allergic to having a laugh, this is the place to be.

To watch the video, click on the link below.


19 thoughts on “The Case for Patriarchy—Timothy Gordon”

  1. I’m not going to call Patrick or Timothy cowards, but I do wish they’d address the question I posed in my earlier comment. Timothy condemns all feminism, even first-wave, and has called the 1848 Seneca conference “demonic” (or something like that). My understanding is that the main goals of first-wave feminism were getting the right to vote, the right to run for office, and to own property. Are these things therefore bad? And what about second-wave feminism accomplishments, such as anti-discrimination in hiring and pay, and being able to charge your husband with rape? P & T should be able to answer these questions.

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  3. And of course Patrick Coffin is too cowardly to give me an answer.

    Anyone who advocates for patriarchy believes wife beating should be encouraged. If you didn’t think that women should be chattel, you would say so, but since you won’t deny it, everyone can assume you agree.

    1. I agree with you. As a conservative Catholic prolife woman who has prayed out in front of abortion clinics in all 3 states I’ve lived in, I’m sick of being called a ‘feminist’ (used as a pejorative of course) because I expect this crowd to condemn domestic violence (which they won’t). I’m sensitive to this because I see how domestic violence and abortion frequently go hand in hand. Patriarchy is evil, plain and simple. It hurts women and men as well as children who are forced to live under it. Patrick Coffin and Tim Gordon need to condemn domestic violence but I don’t know that they will. Men like this scare me because they use our faith to bash women and demand we put up with abuse.

  4. So how does patriarchy deal with wife-beating? If a man has ‘authority’ over his wife as ‘head of the household,’ he has the right to enforce that authority. How can he do that?

    Other Biblical authorities are God, governments, and parents. All of those entities have the clear ability to inflict harsh physical pain to enforce their edicts. Why wouldn’t husbands have that authority as well? I keep asking patriarchs this question and so far none of them have answered me at all. So, boys, which one of you will show some courage and answer me? Can you beat your wife if she lips off to you?

    1. Wow, of course your name is Karen. I don’t think you listened to the interview nor read Tim’s book. So at least listen to the episode first. I have saved your uh, very interesting comments (can’t delete now, sorry) and will be reading them on a future episode.

    2. Dear Karen:

      “Of course he wants all those things repealed. Patriarchy can’t exist if women have any other options beyond being powerless punching bags for men. He’s too much of a pathetic coward to say openly that he wants women locked out of any any all economic life and regularly beaten, but that’s his ultimate goal.”

      Your wrathful comments are too extreme to reply to. 100% absurd. I think you have suffered abuse from an evil man. I hope you get help and find peace.

    3. Patrick and Timothy still refuse to answer a simple question: how can a husband punish an unsubmissive wife? Parents can hit disobedient children; governments can kill or imprison lawbreakers; God sends sinners to eternal conscious torment. If husbands have authority over their wives like these other authorities, husbands clearly have the duty to beat their wives for being unsubmissive.

      You will delete this comment because you’re both cowards. You know that you agree that husbands should beat their wives but also know that such an answer is at the moment unpopular. You can’t escape my logic — the Bible and common sense both define authority as having the right to physically punish wrongdoing — but you also know women will object to being reduced to punching bag chattel. So you call me names and refuse to answer my question.

      So prove you have some courage and answer me.

    4. Patrick – you’re making fun of her name? Really? Just write her off as absurd so you don’t have to answer basic questions about your extreme views. Her and many, many, many other women have suffered at the hands of evil men. Myself included. So don’t think you can roll out your men should run women’s lives and everything will be great line and expect any of us to buy it. And what you say is only your opinion and not Church teaching. The Catholic Church doesn’t teach that women are beneath men, that you’re over us or better than us. Face it, you want control over women so you can have your way and do what you want. You parade your entitlement as Catholic teaching but we know better.

  5. Engaging topic podcast, you guys iterated some things I’ve been trying to grasp the hidden meanings of when I sensed a barb in the hook of many liberal battle cry titles. Thanks again. “All honey is there speech but their words are drawn swords.”

  6. Since Patrick is tuning in here, I have to backtrack a little bit, now that I’ve listened to his interview with Gordon. But I am curious as to whether Gordon thinks it was wrong to give women the vote, or the right to own property, or to have the benefit of anti-discrimination laws in employment and education. I was expecting Patrick to get to these points during the interview, and it seemed a couple of times that he might, but he didn’t. An answer on these questions would be appreciated.

    1. Of course he wants all those things repealed. Patriarchy can’t exist if women have any other options beyond being powerless punching bags for men. He’s too much of a pathetic coward to say openly that he wants women locked out of any any all economic life and regularly beaten, but that’s his ultimate goal.

    1. Hahaha. Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, and countless queens through history all went to war. Not all war is wrong, according to Jesus. (Google “St. Joan of Arc”.) This my last on this. I don’t engage fake name trolls. Grow up and use your real name. Thanks.

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