Thank You, Guardian Angel


Do I believe in Angels? Well, of course I do; I’m Catholic. I believe because I’ve been told. I was told by my Catechist. I’ve been told by different priests at different times from the pulpit. I’ve been told by reading sacred scripture; the perfect Word of God. I’ve read about Tobiah and the Angel Rafael who was his traveling companion (The Book of Tobit 5:4-8, NAB). I’ve read about the Angel Gabriel who came down from Heaven and spoke to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-33, NAB). I’ve been told in many ways through sacred scripture and tradition, accurate and rich in its telling of  Angels.  I’ve been told, and I believe through Faith.

I didn’t believe in Angels in the same way I believe that the sun will rise in one hour or, that the tide will shift, if I wait long enough while staring at the breaking waves as they reach shore. Those beliefs are a result of my experience, whereas my belief in Angels was intellectual—I believed what I had been told.

That was my belief system about Angels for a very long time. But something happened to change all that within a year after my becoming a Catholic. Angels became as certain to me as my belief that if I touch fire, I will burn, or if I step into the rain, I’ll get wet. I learned through experience that Angels exist, indeed. And that they are here to help us. Even though this experience occurred many years ago, I remember it well, and this is the story I need to tell today.

When I was younger and stronger I worked as a lumberjack, though there and then the term used was “cutter,” in the far away wilderness of northern Maine right next to the Canadian border. It was on an  ordinary day, during an ordinary routine that my “invisible companion” just showed up.

One occasion in particular occurred in the middle of winter, when the snow is deepest and the branches of the hardwood trees most brittle. I was cutting white birch. Unfortunately, I missed my target zone and one of the trees “hung up” in the branches of a large maple slightly to the right of the target zone. Had this happened at any other time of the year, I would have taken the chance, gone under the “hung” tree and cut down the tree holding it up; more specifically I would have weakened the “holding” tree with a notch, a slight back cut, placed a wedge into the back cut, and then cut and aligned yet another tree to “hit” or crash into the two trees bringing them all to the ground. But in the winter with hardwoods, it was just too risky to cut under hanging trees because a branch under slight movement could “crack” like glass and fall within seconds.

I concluded that dropping another tree into the white birch hung on the branches could possibly free it from the clutches of the maple. How wrong I was; the holding tree and its branches held firm, now bearing the weight of two white birches in its crown. I gave up; I knew that the skidder driver could  safely pull down the birches when he came by, but that he wouldn’t like it because he would have to get off the skidder and cut the tops from the two white birches. I thought it best to leave the “hung trees” alone and continue working. So. I began to move towards the next cutting area. Walking in the deep snow is difficult. It was easier to take a short cut by walking under the maple tree holding the two white birches snuggly in its crown.

As I started walking, I heard this crystal-clear command: “STOP, GO BACK, NOW!” I realized that I was heading towards the “umbrella” of the “hung” trees and it was somewhat risky, but it was also a short-cut. Nonetheless I heeded the command, I stopped and stepped back. At that moment, it seemed like the whole forest exploded into the thunder of snapping and cracking trees as the branches of the maple broke and the large birch trees came crashing to the ground. Had I walked just a few more feet forward, I would not have survived.

Listening and obeying developed into trust, and soon it was almost like I had a companion standing and working right beside me who could see things I couldn’t see and predict things I could not predict.  Once I learned to trust and accept this “intervention” I worked more efficiently and safely under the guidance of my “invisible companion” who only made himself known to me during working hours.

My “companion” was my guardian angel taking a more personal interest in me. His communication to me came in the form of “thought impressions,” crystal clear and very much beyond a whisper. They were  commands, or statements in the imperative relevant to the work I was doing. For example, directions as to which way to move after falling a tree–most of the time trees will bounce or “jump” when hitting the ground, and it is always best to be where the tree is not, when this occurs, thus, the usefulness of the “imperative statements: “move to the left,  move to the right,  move back, or way back,” because the tree can bounce and roll in any direction.  I learned the hard way to listen to this invisible voice.

My Angel stayed with me until the end of my career as a cutter several years later. My invisible companion became my mentor, and I was glad to have his company. I know that it sounds “a little crazy,” but it was real—as real as the sunrise and the changing of the tides.

There are two appropriate quotes about Angels from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The first quote is in reference to Angels in general:

Angels have been present since creation and throughout the history of salvation, announcing this salvation from afar or near and serving the accomplishment of the divine plan: they closed the earthly paradise; protected Lot; saved Hagar and her child; stayed Abraham’s hand; communicated the law by their ministry; led the people of God; announced births and callings; and assisted the prophets, just to cite a few examples (CCC 332).

And the second quote specifically about Guardian Angels is as follows:

From infancy to death human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession. Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life….(CCC 336).

Listen—not to me—but to that voice inside yourself. It spoke to me as a “thought impressions.” It may speak to you in an another way, but if you listen, it will speak.

It is your Guardian Angel.



19 thoughts on “Thank You, Guardian Angel”

  1. In 1978, I was hit by a train while in my car (and no, I’m too much of a chicken to have tried to beat the train across the tracks). I was unconscious for at least 15 minutes. When I awakened in the car, I couldn’t move, didn’t know what had happened, and didn’t even know where I was. However, the FIRST thing that entered my mind was that my guardian angel had been and was in the car with me. I couldn’t see my angel, but I just KNEW they were with me…I sensed the presence of my angel. They stayed with me until EMS and the Fire Department arrived to extricate me. I spent 3 months in the hospital and had to learn to walk again. My guardian angel was there, and Jesus and my angel were with me during the surgeries and recuperation. Even my doctor said that I was a walking miracle. As I look back on my life since that time, I know I had a purpose to fulfill that my guardian angel was protecting me from danger. I became an RN after the accident and had 2 sons who are grown men loving Jesus. We never know how our guardian angel will protect us from danger and evil so that we may fulfill God’s purpose for us and others on Earth.

  2. Richard, Thank you for sharing your experience. I can really relate to your story as I have worked in the woods for 50 years now as a cutter and every other logging related job. I credit my guardian angel for keeping me safe as most of the time I worked alone with no way to get help if I was in need. I too have been tempted to take the shortcut, but an inner voice told me if it was safe or not.
    A few close calls would remind me to listen and accept my angels help.


    Michael, I had the exact same experience, I was driving home with my granddaughter and had the green light but something told me to slow down and a big tractor trailer came roaring through the red light at a high speed which would have killed my granddaughter and me. I know this was my guardian angel , I have had a couple other incidents that could only be explained by the assistance of my guardian angel

  4. Before Covid when we were allowed to receive the Precious Blood at Communion, I was a Eucharistic minister when my angel kept me from falling with the chalice. That was my thought as “someone” grabbed me by the elbows as I missed a step coming down from the altar. My husband saw me start to fall, but then I straightened up. The only reason that I didn’t fall was because of my angel’s help.

  5. Kathleen Phelan Doyle

    Years ago, my father was driving up a mountainous road and at one of the curves, the hood of his car flew up and instead of turning to the curb, he cut across to the opposite side. At that moment a huge logging truck came down the road and was in the direct path of where my father’s car would have been if he had swerved to the right. We had just left the Shrine of St Anne de Beaupre in Quebec and we naturally gave St Anne the credit. I’m sure our Guarding Angels also had a lot to do with it.

  6. I used to see my Guardian Angel as a young child. I would wake up at night and he was standing at the foot of my bed in a transparent form. I only realized what he was when I was a senior in high school when and someone saw him over my left shoulder and said to me that he had had the same Guardian Angel in his life. I had never talked to anyone previous about my transparent friend. I was invited to the home of the other person to view a picture he had painted of the transparent figure he had seen all of his life, and sure enough, it was the same vision I had had. He had named him Gray Cloud – the Angelic vision was an Indian Male. It was then I knew about Angles. I met my husband four years later and converted to Catholacism.

  7. Pingback: TVESDAY EDITION – Big Pulpit

  8. My Guardian Angel has been my loyal best friend since my only child youth. Thank you, Gardian Angel, for all you did and do.

    Read more and Send Your stories of encounters with Your Holy Guardian Angels to Opus Angelorum, where You can learn more about the Consecration to Your Guardian Angel and Consecration to All the Holy Angels. Especially Important in our times!

  10. I had an experience driving on an icy country road and saw a car coming at me fast on a curve and I could see the driver’s face with their mouth open when the car just suddenly moved over into their lane and passed me. I don’t know if it was my guardian angel or Jesus but I was thankful for their help. I pray daily to my angel and ask him to guard me and coordinate with the angels of other people I come in contact with to keep me safe.

  11. My guardian angel is real. Whenever I am in a bind, and have to get to a place quickly, I would ask my guardian angel aloud like I am talking to a person and ask my angel to get me there on time. I would ask to show me which GPS route I should take, which turn at the fork is better, which flight I should be on, which date I must leave, etc.

    I have always prayed ‘Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.’

    There are many instances driving on the road that I would have met an accident but for split-second, BLIND decisions which I attribute to my guardian angel.

    I have asked my guardian angel many times to assist someone in need.

    1. Richard auciello

      Likewise, I have had my share of split-second reactions to avoid an accident while driving;
      and I believe it was because my Guardian angel was more alert than I was. Thank God for his help in all things.

    2. Life is complicated but not to God the Creator of it all. I have come to understand and “see” more as I trust God with child-like belief and trust. Rejection of God “blinds” us to
      “seeing “ what God has done and is doing.
      Yes, I believe in God’s angles…Just as I also believe in the power of electricity and light waves of all kinds. I believe angles have protected me many times as directed by God’s Holy Spirit. Can I prove it? No, just as I can’t prove why love makes me happy and smile!

  12. Richard,
    Thank you for sharing your amazing experience of your guardian angel. I wonder how much more effective our angels can be when we are aware of their presence and attentive to their voice, as you have been.

  13. Hello Richard.
    This essay really touched a nerve as I had a similar experience. I was sitting in a hot tub, and the voice said “GET OUT NOW!”
    I did, quickly. It’s a long story.
    Thanks for sharing. I’d forgotten about that episode and am now inspired to write about it.

    1. I love what you have shared and I believe because I also had a personal experience which probably saved my life. I was approaching an intersection with my vehicle and before I got into the intersection I had a strong thought come into my head more like a command or a suggestion but what I felt or heard or experienced was this;
      ” yYou had best slow down in the event that someone comes quickly through the intersection.” I did as I was told and about 2 seconds later a vehicle came around the corner into the intersection and turned left in front of me at a high rate of speed. Had the driver hit me I would have been T-boned in my driver’s door and I’m not sure that I would have survived. When I was able to get to a safe place to pull over I did so and immediately my lip began to quiver and there were tears in my eyes and gratefulness in my heart and I called out to the Holy Trinity in Thanksgiving for having my life spared by my guardian angel.
      God bless you.


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