Real Men: You Can End Abortion

motherhood, abortion, bodily autonomy

The most common reasons women have an abortion, it has been shown overwhelmingly, are: 1) They feel they cannot afford a baby, and 2) They don’t want to raise a baby alone.

Underlying these reasons are perceived interference with a current job or school (they can’t afford to stop either one and support a baby) and relationship problems with the baby’s father. More than half of all women claimed that relationship problems were the primary concern for them. Their partner was unfaithful or unreliable, immature, abused drugs or alcohol, did not want the baby, or broke off the relationship when he learned of her pregnancy.

How is Abortion “Liberating”?

After considering the above, how can anyone submit that abortion, a procedure in which all of the pain, suffering, and after-effects are born by women, is somehow “pro-woman” or “liberating?” Even traditional birth control is not the gift that feminists portray it to be. Women take a drug or insert a device that alters or stops a natural process in their bodies. They feel bloated, have breast pain, increase their risk of blood clots (read the side effects on the box, ladies), and change their body chemistry so that they can have recreational sex with men.

Meanwhile, what is the man’s responsibility? Zip. (Or, in this case, unzip.)

Show up, have a good time, and leave. Oh, perhaps be kind and caring and pay for meals occasionally, but the bottom line is that men have zero responsibility when a woman takes the birth control burden upon herself. How’s that for equality?

Then, when a woman becomes pregnant, a “good” guy will offer to pay for her abortion. He may even escort her to the clinic where she will feel the pain, suffering, and after-effects, and then, he, more often than not, will leave her. Doesn’t that sound empowering?

Liberating Men From Responsibility

Women put themselves on hormonal drugs or insert pieces of metal/plastic inside their uterus, freeing men from any responsibility, and then, if that doesn’t work, put themselves through an expensive and painful medical procedure, again freeing men from any responsibility … and claim that this is liberating for women? It almost sounds like some men thought this whole thing up and then whispered, “…but we’ll make the women think it’s their idea!”

There’s an old saying: “No one will buy the cow if the milk is free.” It may sound outdated and sexist, but, lo and behold, the past sixty years have proven its truth. Feminists deride the “patriarchy” in which (they claim) women were subjugated into subservient roles. Yet, what can be more subservient and denigrating to women than having a man who likes/expects her to provide consequence-free sex?  On top of this, many feminists claim that men don’t have a right to an opinion. Gee, I wonder how many of these guys are thinking “Great!”

Men who are nothing more than selfish, immature boys love that they don’t have to take any responsibility. Sadly, as long as women allow this, those boys will expect it, and the cycle of empty sex and superficial relationships will continue, leaving more broken women in the abortion clinic waiting rooms.

Men: Grow Up and Show Up

Ultimately, this will only end when the real men stand up and women settle for nothing less. Real men say no to sex unless they are publicly committed to raising a baby that may come along. Real men place more value on the health and well-being of their partner than upon the inflation and satisfaction of the male libido and ego. Real men support women in achieving their dreams, sharing the workload, and dedicating themselves until death do us part. Real men are fathers who share in the bearing, rearing, educating, and raising of their children.

Real men show up and stay put.

While women need to seek out and expect nothing less than real men, demanding the self-respect that is their due, women should not have to set the bar. Boys, it’s time to grow up. Then, and only then, will women be truly empowered by having the men they deserve and the true freedom they desire.


9 thoughts on “Real Men: You Can End Abortion”

  1. Abortion will never end as long as women have the vote. The preeminence of pubic pleasure(relationships) over the sanctity of Life is the glaring debility of feminism. Motherhood is the highest achievement of humankind except for the grace of salvation. We used to deride the abortion rate in ‘Russia’ until her errors spread throughout the world.

  2. “It almost sounds like some men thought this whole thing up and then whispered, “…but we’ll make the women think it’s their idea!””
    That’s because historically that is exactly how it actually happened. The pioneer feminists of the 19th and early 20th centuries were fiercely anti-abortion, anti-contraception, pro-marriage and pro-chastity. Then a bunch of men somehow managed to surreptitiously persuade today’s faux feminists that it would liberate women to do the exact opposite.

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    1. P.S. FYI Dworkin was one of the most extreme of the “radical feminists”.
      And Trump is a still unrepentant baby-killer.

      Cynthia, good for you, for sticking to what you believe.

    2. I pointed out a couple of true quotes. You should not be offended by the suggestion that someone on the opposite side of the cultural/political divide might agree with you on something, or that someone on your side of it might be a hypocrite about something.

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