Made for Mission

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Prior to March 2020 we knew we had some challenging times ahead. Last summer Pew study came out that held some shocking results. 70% of self-proclaimed Catholics stated they did not believe in the real presence. Very troubling news indeed. Then in March Covid-19 hit. Church doors were closed. Catholics were given an 8-week vacation from attending Mass. As we slowly begin to reopen Mass times around the country are being restored but something else is becoming obvious, at least to those of us paying attention. Even with churches limited to 50% capacity as they are currently are in my Diocese, we are not reaching that max limit in many parishes. We left the playing field empty for 8 weeks and now we need to find ways to get the team back on the field.

Tim Glemkowksi has written a very timely book, though not meant for these times, it could very well hold the answer for these times. Made for Mission: Renewing Your Parish Culture sets forth a road map on how to go about reinvigorating our parishes. Prior to COVID, there were some disheartening statistics that drove the authorship of this book. From 2007 to 2014 those identifying as Catholic dropped from 24% to 21% a consistent trend from previous decades. Add into the mix that those identifying as “nones”, those with no religious affiliation, are the largest religious group in the United States today. What are we to do to right the ship? Particularly a ship that was already taking on water prior to 2020.

Tim brings up some fantastic points in this book. First and fore most changes start with looking inward. This requires an open and HONEST evaluation of where your parish stands. Where are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What gaps do you have that need filled? Remember this is NOT about implementing the latest program. It’s more about getting down to basics and fundamentals.

Next Tim dives into four key steps for success. These are:

Have a vision and follow it

Craft a clear path to leadership

Mobilize leaders

Align everything

Bottom line… a plan and enact it. Don’t rely on the same people who come forward over and over and are well on their way to burnout. Stop allowing people to operate in silos but rather promote teamwork and unity. We must change the culture in our parishes to realize success and stability for years to come.

Tim Glemkowski has written a fine book that will surely help many parishes. It’s time for us to get out of maintenance mode and get into growth mode. Will that be challenging? Sure, it will, but remember this. It will not be any more challenging than what the early Christians faced some 2000 years ago. For their sake we must succeed.

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4 thoughts on “Made for Mission”

  1. Hi Manoj,
    Good, very good!!
    We may know each other if revealed further. I was working at FACT as a senior Plant Engineer and residing at FACT township. My parish as you know was Infant Jesus Church, Karimughal. And, I was attached to Fr. Rocky Chulli very much. And I knew him personality. He is a saint, I am sure.
    My email :
    If interested please contact. I would like to renew our connection 👍

  2. 70%: Communion in the Hand and on the Floor is at fault. It was not an accident that when this abuse was introduced, (and I remember this at the parish of my youth), that the requirement to inspect the hands for Particles and consume them was never mentioned. Mention of that would have brought attention to the Real Presence, and many of the laity probably would have been reluctant to adopt the abuse. The abuse was never meant to be just an option to Communion on the Tongue, but rather as its replacement. For Communion on the Tongue proclaims the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, and those promoting the abuse were opposed to that reality.

  3. The Author has given note of the pathetic plight of believers losing adherence to our Holy Catholic Church the World over today. His attempt made me ponder and pen down certain facts.
    We need change in tune with the march of time. If not, troubles of all sorts will shoot up in our systems giving rise to the lethargic attitude of man.
    Jesus Christ always stood for reform and change:
    “36 He told them a parable also: “No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it upon an old garment; if he does, he will tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old.
    37 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. 38 But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins.” Lk. 5:36-38
    I have never come across a Divine Leader sermonizing the true meaning of these parables given above, whether during the services in Church or retreat centres or anywhere else.
    What Jesus meant by these two parables, in essence, is ‘UPGRADATION’ with respect to time and development……yes, upgradation of man as he keeps on moving through the dark corridors of time during his pilgrimage to his Home of Heaven.
    There are many such parables and plenty of significant and splendiferous words in the Bible pregnant with yet-to-dig-out wonderful meanings. Divine leaders are supposed to sermonize their true meanings to man and enlighten him. It is their prime vocational duty. And it is, indeed, the need of the time too. But unfortunately neither they do it nor are they provoked/urged to do it in a sufficient manner. This is the saddest plight of our Holy Church and the prime reason for many either to lose interest or to leave the Church fold.
    That is why once Jesus lamented:
    “2 And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.” Lk. 10:2.
    Grievously, there is no other way but to admit that the divine leaders— sorry, I don’t mean everybody but many though—-are after the material pleasure and things or correctly, they are lured away more and more to become worldly rather than being after what their vocation is meant for, viz, taking care of Jesus’ little lambs in every manner. This is the unfortunate trend of the day that speeds up erosion of the Church membership a trend of the day everywhere in the World. That’s also the tragedy our Most Holy Catholic Church encounters now.
    I do, in contrast, remember we had a humble and pious Parish Priest, Fr. Rocky Chulli, who won’t wear a sandal or slipper, and he will ride bicycle to reach everyone in his spare times with a smiling face to preach the Gospel and enquire their welfare. He is a saint: I’m sure. We are in need of such Divine Leaders who are the torch-bearers of Jesus Christ. Our Church’s dilemma today is such divine leaders’ absence.

    1. Fr. Rocky Chulli was my parish priest in the 80s at Karimugal Church. I woke up this morning from a dream with Fr. Rocky. I was explaining to a priest want an amazing man Fr. Rocky Chulli was and how he will walk everywhere in searing heat without slippers to come to our houses and how he genuinely cared for all his parishners. I was an alterboy and I remember how much I was impressed by this saint of a man. Catholic Church like that doesn’t exist anymore where I live now.

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