Let Mary Be Your Mother

mary full of grace

I have one request for you all today. That is, let Mary be your mother. Let the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, be your mother today. 

Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting; the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31: 30). 

I absolutely love this biblical quote because it reminds me of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the highest saint in Heaven. She has all the qualities of what it means to be a saint. The Blessed Virgin Mary is compassionate in her love for Jesus and anyone who calls upon her Immaculate Heart. She is shown to be trustworthy by fulfilling God’s plan for her life. The plan will save many souls for years to come. She is wise in following the Holy Spirit’s promptings all throughout her life.  Furthermore, she is industrious by working hard in her hidden life in her home in Nazareth. After all, along with St, Joseph, she raised the Child Jesus. Lastly, Mary is a joyful soul shown through the joyful mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary.  

Why Should Mary Be My Mother?

Now I know some of you may be thinking, why should I let Mary into my life? My answer to you is this. When you let the Blessed Virgin Mary into your life by praying to her you not only receive so many spiritual graces, but you also receive her guidance, protection, and most of all, you cultivate a loving relationship with the Queen of Heaven. How amazing is that?

By sharing your life with her, you’ll receive powerful love from her Immaculate Heart. This will strengthen you to be a true soldier of Christ which God created you to be. 

Jesus Christ is like the sun, full of light and warmth, and Mary is like the moon reflecting that light and warmth. Meaning, she is the perfect example of what it means to imitate Christ in every way. 

Several years ago, I felt inspired to write a prayer called, “Mary Our Mother Moon”. I think it captures how important and life-changing it really is when you let Mary into your life as your mother. 

Mary Our Mother Moon, your glowing purity enchants us for you are the Immaculate Conception.

Although your spotless heart was pierced leaving craters of sorrow, your sweet smile always prevails. 

Your immensity shows the many graces you shed upon us.

Full of spiritual wisdom, you have watched us grow and fall over the centuries.

Mary Our Mother Moon, reflect upon us the rays of Your Divine Son.

Cast your heavenly shadow over us; let us grow in God’s image.

Your eyes of loving care look down upon us, as we seep into the depths of slumber.

Protect us from the evil spirits who dwell in the darkness of the night.

Sing to us your sweet voice through the winds of nature.

Mary Our Mother Moon, guide us by your light to our holy Destination.

Let us not be lost to the clouds of sin.

Intercede for us, so we may overcome the gravity of our transgressions.

Raise us up to your Son’s Heavens, as we draw our last breath.

Let us shine beside you as the resplendent stars. 

We love you and honor you, Mary Our Mother Moon. Amen. 

Let Mary Be Your Mother

Now that you know why you should let the Virgin Mary be your mother, let me tell you how. One way is the rosary. Mary herself gave the rosary to touch the hearts of mankind and bring us closer to God. So we should definitely pray it daily. Even only a decade a day can be spiritually beneficial to your relationship with God.

Another way is keeping a personal journal to write heartfelt letters to Our Lady. Tell her your hopes, dreams, and struggles and I promise you one way or another she will hear and answer your prayer. A third way is to sing to Our Lady. Whether it is “Ave Maria” or your own song, Mary will surely love to hear a song from the heart. As you can see, there are various forms of prayer to honor Mary. The important thing is that you do it conscientiously. Think of it as you would with any relationship you want to see grow and blossom. Give it time, love, and effort and then you will see Mary making a difference in your life. 

We should all reflect upon and come to realize God’s profound love that He shows for each person through Mary. 

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son. Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother. “And from that hour the disciple took her into his home” (John 19: 26, 27


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