Our Lady Healer of Families Heal My Broken Family

sad, sorrow, meditation

sad, sorrow, meditationI work in RCIA and Adult Faith Formation ministry in my local parish. This role enables me to welcome people into the church, and to help people delve deeper into their relationship with our Lord. Because of this role, I listen to many stories of suffering from people who come into our door. We truly are the “field hospital” Pope Francis spoke of and by far the most common suffering people bring to me is the suffering within their families.

I have heard about adultery and pornography addiction ruining marriages,  estrangement of children from parents and parents from children. Warring between siblings and even cousins and extended family, the list goes on and on.  It seems the vitriol we see in society is often reflected in our own families and it’s hard to come to the table with our own blood relatives.

Research shows how far we have come as a nation from where we once were.  Many have written of the prophecy of Our Lady of Fatima which stated that the final battle will be over marriage and the family.   I am seeing this on the front lines.

As this is the 100 Anniversary of the prophecy of Fatima, and because I am seeing so much turmoil, I took this issue to prayer. As a mother, I spoke to the Blessed Mother and asked for her intercession for the people I am coming across who struggle daily within their families.  In my prayer I have felt our Lady tell me over and over again that she is in union with the Divine will.  She is all things relationship with the Trinity.  Daughter of the Father, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, and Mother of the Son.  She knows union with God and we can, by following her example, have loving relationships with one another.

Then one day in my prayers I very clearly heard her tell me that she wants to heal Families.  That she is “Our Lady Healer of Families” and she wants a devotion under this title.  She asked me to have an Icon painted and a Litany  written.  But she didn’t want me to write it.  She identified to me who she wanted to do these two things.  My cousin, Kathleen Carr, to paint the Icon, and a friend of mine to write the Litany.    I called both my cousin and my friend.  My cousin informed me she had prayed only the night before about what to paint next — and then I called her in the morning.  She was amazed and quickly said she would do it so I gave her the parameters I saw in my prayer.  Her Icon will be forthcoming in the future months. Please keep her in prayer as she paints.

My friend also agreed to write the Litany but has asked that her name be withheld and that you focus solely on the prayer.  Because I feel this prayer is so needed, I am releasing the prayer even though the Painting isn’t ready.  If you are struggling in your family and you want to bring healing, then this prayer is for you.  We will be writing a full Novena as well, but for now, we have this Litany;

Litany to Our Lady Healer of Families

Hail full of grace,

Daughter of the Heavenly Father

Pray for us

Hail full of grace,

Daughter of the Alpha and Omega

Pray for us

Hail full of grace,

Daughter of the Creator of Heaven and Earth

Pray for us

Hail full of grace,

Daughter of Yahweh, the great I AM

Pray for us

Hail full of grace,

Daughter of St. Anne & St. Joachim

Pray for us

Most favored daughter

Pray for us

Most devoted daughter

Pray for us

Most obedient daughter

Pray for us

Most peaceful daughter

Pray for us

Most pure daughter

Pray for us

Most joyful daughter

Pray for us

Most modest daughter

Pray for us

Our Lady Healer of Families, the Lord is with you

Mary, Daughter of God the Father

Pray for us


Blessed are you,

Spouse of the Holy Spirit

Pray for us

Blessed are you,

Spouse of the Paraclete

Pray for us

Blessed are you,

Spouse of the Consuming Fire

Pray for us

Blessed are you,

Spouse of the Peaceful Dove

Pray for us

Blessed are you,

Spouse of St. Joseph

Pray for us

Most merciful spouse

Pray for us

Most humble spouse

Pray for us

Most selfless spouse

Pray for us

Most hopeful spouse

Pray for us

Most loyal spouse

Pray for us

Most unified spouse

Pray for us

Most affectionate spouse

Pray for us

Our Lady Healer of Families, the Lord is with you

Mary, Spouse of God the Holy Spirit

Pray for us


Holy Mary,

Mother of Jesus Christ

Pray for us

Holy Mary,

Mother of the Prince of Peace

Pray for us

Holy Mary,

Mother of The Word

Pray for us

Holy Mary,

Mother of The Way

Pray for us

Holy Mary,

Mother of the Eucharist

Pray for us

Most patient mother

Pray for us

Most gentle mother

Pray for us

Most encouraging mother

Pray for us

Most accepting mother

Pray for us

Most gracious mother

Pray for us

Most consoling mother

Pray for us

Most prayerful mother

Pray for us

Our Lady Healer of Families, the Lord is with you,

Mary, Mother of God the Eternal Son

Pray for us


Mary, Daughter of the One True God

Put an end to all heresies

Mary, Spouse of the Divine Spirit

Restore unity among all of humanity

Mary, Mother of the Divine Son

Crush the head of Satan and lead all souls back to Jesus


O Most Holy Trinity,

In our efforts to love one another more perfectly

Unite us and bring healing

In our efforts to sow peace in our relationships

Unite us and bring healing

In our efforts to offer forgiveness to those who have hurt us

Unite us and bring healing

In our efforts to care for the needs of others

Unite us and bring healing

In our efforts to offer up our sufferings for the salvation of souls

Unite us and bring healing

In our efforts to speak Your truth in word and deed

Unite us and bring healing

In our efforts to surrender our will to Yours

Unite us and bring healing


Oh Most Immaculate Virgin, Daughter of God the Father, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, and Mother of Jesus Christ our Savior, you are the perfect example of human relationship with the Divine Will. Help us, O Most Holy Mother, to heal the broken bonds within our families, our friendships, and all our other relationships. Help us to love others the way that Christ loves us with self-sacrificing love. In particular, heal my relationship with (state intentions here). Intercede for us O Holy Daughter, Spouse, and Mother, so that through the mercy of God, the chains of division will be broken, uniting us once again as you are ever united to the Most Holy Trinity. We ask this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My hope for all of you is that through the Intercession of the Our Blessed Mother, your families will be healed.  You may think healing is impossible, but remember, with God all things are possible.


27 thoughts on “Our Lady Healer of Families Heal My Broken Family”

  1. The major Reason why I am sharing this information is because a lot of home has been saved and there are more that need saving too, my Wife and I has been married for 11 years living a blissful life God has blessed us with two beautiful & amazing kids. believe it or not, the devil is loosed rooming around looking for the family and life to destroy. something Happened my wife wanted a divorce, financially, this will cost me over 4 million dollars, it is not just about the money but, there are mental issues that comes with divorce, it break the family when it is not meant to be, I have tried several means to restore peace but none was effective, I had to contact my friend who is from Africa descendant, I told him I don’t want this to happen to kids, they need all the love to grow together, He gave me a contact of a Man who is spiritually blessed to live on Earth. Dr.Suju. I contacted him, he asked what I need I answered ‘Peace in my Family’ I don’t know how he did it, my wife dropped the case. we are now living happily after. I am Grateful, here is the contact of the Man who helped me:
    Drsuju@ priest. com | The Summary.

  2. We all get our prayers answered, maybe not when we want, or how we want them. The bigger picture here is that you are praying and should never loose hope. I always find comfort in prayer and know our Lord is there for us all the time. Don’t give up, no matter how long it takes.

  3. I don’t intend any disrespect, but too many parents say that they’ve prayed and prayed and have gone to mass and nothing happened. My life has been hell and I’m all alone now. My kids want no part of me and all I see from God is death, corruption, pain and suffering. I was born and raised Catholic but I now believe that God is just another icon people use to make themselves feel better because God doesn’t do a damn thing to help good people

    1. The problem isn’t that God will not help you, the good person. The problem is your family members what do not allow themselves to be with God.
      My husband and daughter are out to destroy themselves on to be against my faith: never your your back to God our Savior. We all will meet God on Judgement day, I hope it our family members repent and ask for forgiveness soon, for their sake and our reunion.
      God bless you!!! You are not alone, We Have God with us, do not close the door on Him like your/our family members.

  4. Leigh Sophia Phillips

    I am estranged from my two daughters. Their dad and I divorced when they were 9 and 11. I have major depression and I’m sure that’s part of the problems we’ve always had but I’ve tried over the years, they are 35 and 37, to rebuild our relationships. It seems this isn’t going to happen, I’m torn apart about this. They do allow me to send gifts to my grandchildren but communication with me is something they aren’t willing to do. I want them to be part of my life. I want them to believe me when I tell them I love them. I want to hug them again. I’ve been searching for a saint for being a better mother. And there aren’t any about reconciliation. This gives me hope. Thank you for your wonderful family and your openness to the Holy Spirit.

    1. I just stumbled on this prayer and it’s beautiful but also pray to St Monica & St Jude I pray you get restoration with your daughters

  5. Woke 3am this morning after dreaming twice if my Daughter who has cut all ties with myself and family, there is no specific reason for she lives in America, and has just cut all contact with us, doesn’t want anything to do with us, I am heartbroken and haunted by the thought of never seeing her again.
    Because I couldn’t sleep I started looking for a specific Saint for estranged children, and found this website, I have said your litany to our lady of Fatima and will pray to her for a miracle.
    Thank you

  6. Just came across this while searching the internet for a novena for my struggling adult child. Wondering what progress, if any, has been made since 3/30/17 (the last posting), as I am very interested in seeing the completed icon and novena.

  7. Dear Susan Skinner, thank you very much for this wonderful discovery I made today as I google-searched for a novena for my family that is in crisis of forced estrangement of its members. After opening the novena of St Monica and discovering that it was not what I was looking for, I hit this jackpot. My wife and I will not wait for the finalization of the novena and the painted Icon to start praying for the healing of our family. We will use the Litany as well as the draft novena in the meantime.

  8. Do you have the novena now? I felt inspired this morning to find a novena for healing in our family and found this. Praying for all families! Thanks to you, your cousin, and your friend for responding to your call.

  9. I just found this prayer at the most crushing time of my life. My family needs reconciliation so very much. I’m at the end of my rope. I go to Mass daily, pray the rosary and biweekly Confession. The more I pray, the worse it gets. My priest said Satan is trying very hard to dissuade me. Thank you so much. I need just one more chance.

    1. Dear Patricia,
      I truly understand when you say you are “crushed”. I too am crushed. I have been praying for my only child, my daughter, to let me back into her life. She will not reveal to me why she has turned against me. I have 4 grandchildren that my heart aches to see. I also feel that the more I pray the worse it gets. I will pray for you and your family and ask God to turn the situation around for you. God bless you and your family.

  10. I got married to the most wonderful man,June 2002 but later released that he was having another relationship outside our matrimonial home.Tried all i could to make sure things works out again but the more i try,the more it hurts so bad.He packed out of the house and decided to live with the so called lady,at first i thought my marriage has crumbled until i contacted this wonderful woman(Mama Kalaki)who cast the spell that brought him back to me in less than 24hrs.

    she is wonderful and powerful,contact her now for your own testimony.

    mama.kalakisolutiontemple@yahoo.com or https://mamakalakisolution.wixsite.com/spell (Whatsapp/Call: +2348117796356)..

  11. Pingback: Invoking Our Lady Healer of Families | The Next Right Step

    1. Your comment make me laugh a little. Have you ever studied Catholic teaching on sex. It’s actually beautiful. Way more beautiful than the pornography the culture buys into…. This is about a spiritual issue….

  12. Thank you very much for this; I look forward to the image as well. How appropriate to have this devotion in this year of the Fatima anniversary, as well as the prophecy of the final battle being about marriage and family. My family and my relationships need healing, so I thank the Lord for bringing me to this page. Thank you, Susan.

    Our Lady, Healer of Families, pray for my family, and all our future families, that we may find a good spouse if God is calling us to marriage and form new families for Him.

  13. Thank you! Truly inspired and very moving. I will add the Litany to my morning prayers, and pray it for the needs of my own family for healing…

  14. Thank you for sharing this message and litany – very timely for my own family’s struggles, and I’m sure for many others. I will continue to pray it.

  15. Hi Susan! A very touching and heartfelt article. it borders on the mystical. So many people try to worship Mary over her Son, but you spelled out her relationship to the Trinity so beautifully. Maybe if more people followed her example of love, we would find it much easier to understand what it means to be in relationship to the God who loves us with a perfect, eternal, and divine love. I looked at your cousin’s website. her paintings are stunningly beautiful! I especially love her paintings of Jesus and Mary. You’d swear they sat down to pose for her – she seems to capture something beyond human eyes. It’s hard to explain, but you really see both her soul and the soul of Our Lady and the Lord in those paintings. The Litany is beautiful as well. Please tell the author the words were truly inspired. Isn’t is so unfathomable and wonderful how God breaks our hearts over the sufferings of others, stirs up our passion to respond in His love, and gifts us to minister to them in ways we never thought possible! Thank you for your writing!

    1. Thank you. My cousin is truly gifted. She was just awarded the Golden Rose award by St. John Cantius parish. I look forward to seeing what she paints. Keep my friend in prayer as she writes the Novena for this devotion. God Bless.

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