Erasing Women: The Misogyny of Transgenderism


“Woman has a genius all her own, which is vitally essential to both society and the Church” (Pope John Paul II, Angelus Message of July 23, 1995).


Proponents of transgenderism hold that if you feel that you are not in the right body, traditionally defined as gender dysphoria, you have the right to do whatever is needed to change that body. In recent years, the number of biological females who suffer gender dysphoria and wish to transition has sky-rocketed to numbers two to three times that of males. You can arrange for a surgeon to remove your breasts and reproductive organs after you have been taking hormones (courtesy of your local Planned Parenthood) so that your body reflects your perception. You now can use the men’s bathroom and the men’s locker room, but you will never be as large or as strong or as fast as the guys because of your immutable XX female-design cellular matter. Part of that feminine genius which allows you to create life is permanently destroyed. Another woman is erased.

If you are a male who feels that you are really a female, you take hormone suppression drugs for a period of time until your testosterone levels are decreased to appropriate levels. You can choose to have breast implants, your penis removed, and a vagina created (although that’s very expensive surgery and subject to a great deal of infection). You can’t have children because you don’t have a uterus and the transplants of uteri in biological males have not yet been perfected. You’ll also never have a period, feel menstrual cramps, or have the natural hormonal changes which biological women have.

Now you can dress like a female, use female bathrooms and locker rooms (even if you still have a penis), and, if you are athletically inclined, participate in women’s sports. Unlike the biological women, you will always be larger, stronger, and faster than any other biological woman because, even with those suppression drugs, you can never get rid of the larger skeleton, heart, lungs, and fast-twitch muscles that will always remain with your immutable XY male-designed cellular matter. But that’s okay because you will win the women’s races and perhaps go on to win the Olympics and be celebrated.

In both scenarios, there is one pernicious constant: Biological women are being erased by the transgender movement.

Catholic teaching aligns with basic biology in holding that sex is an immutable attribute and cannot be changed. There is enormous pressure on teenagers, however, via social media and “woke” corporate promotion, to glamorize transitioning as the panacea for a wide range of mental and emotional illnesses.

Sadly, the focus on “being in the wrong body” frequently masks or ignores more serious underlying issues of depression, abuse, autism, or personality disorders. When transgenderism is promoted in the media, and questioning of transition is met with accusations of transphobia, it is difficult for parents and friends to stand firm.

Yet more than ever, this is what we all must do.

A Lie

We must call out transgenderism for what it is: a lie, deceit, a cruel trick played upon those who need effective mental health care and not bodily mutilation.

Men can never become women, and women can never become men, and if one feels that he or she is “in the wrong body,” it is the perception which must be changed, and not the body.

Women are being erased by the transgender movement, and we who love women for their amazing genius must stand up and stop this injustice. In the words of St Pope John Paul II:

Situations where women are prevented from developing their full potential and from offering the wealth of their gifts should therefore be considered profoundly unjust, not only to women themselves but to society as a whole (Angelus Message of July 23, 1995).


13 thoughts on “Erasing Women: The Misogyny of Transgenderism”

  1. Karen, Feb. 2: Not all “men” are guilty of what you accuse them of-but some are, many were. And of course much worse has occurred than “looking down” on those
    described as “sub human.” What was and is done in the name of women as subhuman is clear and, hopefully, this and the other barbarities justified by such actions is diminishing. Several years ago I wrote: “These “things” have included all sorts of human beings throughout history . . . and countless female things called “wife” who were the subhuman property of their owners, lords, masters, their husbands.” A longer quote is below.
    May you and all here have a fullofwonder weekend. Guy, Texas

    “You Can Do Whatever You Want To Subhuman Unborn Things
    This point about artificially denigrating human beings as ‘things,’ and then what society or government can legally do to them, has been made by your present author:

    Throughout history, for various reasons, a people or a government has called a being a “thing” and then said that this “thing” is not a “human” being. If something is a thing, it can be treated like a thing and it has no moral claim to be treated otherwise. And then the people or the government can use the “things” – even if in some way they are “human” things – for any utilitarian purpose, much like other things are used for their utility – like food, fuel, and beasts of burden. Similarly, if the “thing” happens to have some life, it is simply characterized as vegetable life, cellular life or animal life – and then the “thing” can be treated like a mass of cells, like a pig for butchering to be made into bacon (which can be sold), or like a tree or plant whose various parts can be harvested and as a commercial crop.
    These “things” have included all sorts of human beings throughout history : about 400,000 African-American “things” shipped here on “cargo” ships up until the Civil War, including the Dred Scott thing, Harriet Scott the female thing that was his wife, and the female thing that was their unborn child; about 6,000,000 Jew things whose body parts provided hair made into socks for German submariners, fat for soap for those in Germany who got to take baths, gold from teeth to enrich the country’s leaders and skin for lampshades so bright lights did not hurt the eyes of the human beings staffing the Jew thing camps; and countless female things called “wife” who were the subhuman property of their owners, lords, masters, their husbands.

    Pornography Dehumanizes Women and Children
    The cornerstone of many feminist anti-pornography arguments (as well as the primary basis for many non-feminist anti-porn positions) is that pornography dehumanizes women. For some anti-porn feminists, pornography also dehumanizes children. Anti-porn feminists include Andrea Dworkin, Catharine MacKinnon, Robin Morgan, Diana Russell, Alice Schwarzer, and Gail Dines. Gail Dines has said :

    “The process of dehumanizing a group as a way to legitimize and justify cruelty against its individual members is not something that porn producers invented. It has been a tried and trusted method adopted by many oppressors; the Nazi propaganda machine effectively turned Jews into ‘kikes,’ racists defined African Americans as ‘niggers’ rather than humans… Once the humanness of these individuals is collectively rendered invisible by their membership in a socially denigrated group, then it is that much easier to commit acts of violence against them”
    (“Feminist Anti-Porn Logic: The Rational Basis For The Anti-Abortion Position” ,Catholic Stand, July 2, 2016.)

  2. A well-meaning article that suffers from using the favored terminology without qualification of those who push the “transgender” movement.

    Once again I issue a clarion call: Always use quotation marks with “transgender” (also “trans,” “trannie,” etc.) to signify that it is a faux term since nobody can change their genders. In conversation, be sure to make it clear that the term is not accepted and won’t be acknowledged for the same reason. Don’t ever give in on this, even for so-called politeness reasons. Apply the same approach to the despicable, anti-freedom-of-speech insistence that people must deny objective reality and refer to other people by their “chosen pronouns” that do not coincide with their biological/gender realities. Also note that gender is not fluid as too many yahoos ignorantly declare, and no matter what “study” they may cite that “supports” their fantasies.

    In addition, nobody has “transitioned” or is in the process of “transitioning” from one sex to another. Such is impossible, so this must also be resisted and made clear that it is merely a fantasy that also attacks objective reality.

    Many years ago the late, great Reverend William Smith frequently advised that “all social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering.” The more we give in to the use of such malevolent and false terminology (no matter how many doctors, psychologists, church leaders, and so on believe otherwise), the more we help to normalize the abuse of properly recognizing God’s creative order of male and female.

  3. Very well put, Ms. Millen! Would you object to me reproducing this for my Third Order Franciscan fraternity newsletter? God bless and protect all here!

  4. Pingback: THVRSDAY EDITION – Big Pulpit

  5. “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.” Guy, Texas

  6. This is a time of flux and it’s hard to know what to think or (especially) what to call people. A couple of years ago my daughter said she wanted to declare herself “non-binary”. She doesn’t dress like a man or want to change her name. It’s just a mindset.

    From what I’m told by my (slightly less confused than me) children, “transgender” means keeping your birth genitals but dressing as, and identifying yourself as, the opposite. “Transsexual” means surgery and hormone treatments. Some of this might be disordered, but there is such a thing as gender dysphoria.

    To get to the subject of this piece, either for transsexual or transgender, male-to-female has always outnumbered female-to-male, so I don’t see how these practices are “erasing women”. You could make a stronger case that it’s men who are being erased, though I don’t think that’s true either.

    1. It is erasing women. The laws are that any man can claim to be a women and real women are now called cis-women, in other words real women can not call themselves women only men can!!!. Any of these pretend women can go into women’s showers dressing rooms and washrooms where they can hang out displaying their genitally in front of women and children. They can compete in female sports destroying female sports etc.

      We have to call pregnant women pregnant person. Brest feeding is now called chest feeding. So real women are being erased by men and I believe this is an agenda by the evil ones.

    1. The US is in a demographic winter like much of Europe and Japan. Our population is aging, and the birth rate has been declining since 2008 (except for 2014). Apparent increases in population are mainly thought to be from immigration. As you know, immigration of people to different geographical locations doesn’t reflect an increase in the number of births in the world but just movement of people. Americans have been fed the line of overpopulation for so long. Look at US census and other data and examine the facts of “demographic winter”. Parents and their biological babies are good for America and the world. It’ s sad when materialism and other choices take precedence over the natural family.

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