Abortion Is Slavery VI: Celebrate The Evil?

deathbed converts

At rallies, award shows, conventions, and banquets, those who have killed the “pregnancy things” within them boast, and ‘shout’  about their murders, while their audiences applaud and cheer.

This is one more crystal clear indicator that abortionists know exactly what they are doing. They celebrate child murders publicly, often in concert with celebrity abortionists, exultantly proclaiming what the deaths of babies have made possible for the advancement of careers, perceived empowerment, and increased celebrity status.

Shout Abortion Murder

When a woman or in some cases, a multi-millionaire celebrity, stands before an adulatory group of her fellows, and tearfully and says she had to kill her pregnancy thing to make her career possible or make her worldly success a reality, many in attendance weep with sympathetic understanding. They speak their approval with their applause because they have also killed their own pregnancy things and empathetically identify with the honoree and her, literal, human sacrifice.

Some of them have sacrificed two, three, even four or more of their own pregnancy things in the temples of their wombs. Some of the fathers are there applauding as well. Reportedly one such woman has had five abortions. She is a star, honored, feted, awarded. None of those five unborn babies will be beside her, holding her hand in the future as she passes from this world.

Reports in the entertainment news and in business journals congratulate her with compassionate understanding and beating-heart heartfelt empathy for the difficult, human sacrificial choices she made.

Some of these for-the-moment womb-filled women hoist aloft their award, or their bonus check, boasting about how denying existence to a tiny unique living human being thing has helped them achieve what their peers value.

Those present taking part in the celebration are not unlike those in ancient Rome who applauded the victorious gladiator who had, after the ‘thumbs down’ signs ringed the arena, killed his opponent lying helplessly on the ground before him to thunderous applause; or those who, having gathered from far and wide for a surreptitiously advertised lynching of a slave in America, cheered as his instinctual spasms ceased and he hung dead and lifeless in front of them.

Slavery Evils Exposed By Harriet Beecher Stowe

In the nineteenth century, before the Civil War, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s books presented the evils of slavery. Her books included the fictional story, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, (1852 A.D), and her follow-up non-fictional book, A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1857 A.D.) which stated the factual backup for how she portrayed the evils of slavery in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

There is a lack of a description of any celebration of slavery in either of Mrs. Stowe’s books.  She presents whippings, floggings, and “discipline,” but no celebrations of the tortures of slaves or their deaths. Despite her many descriptions of slavery as consummate evil and absolute despotism, she was, evidently, unaware of public celebrations of the evil; or, if she was, she decided not to include such pagan barbarities in her books.

Some executions, including executions of slaves, e.g. hangings, did receive some publicity before the ‘event’; and some of them were ‘social’ happenings. But the instances of actual celebrations of the death of a slave thing – like the dinners, banquets, award ceremonies, speeches, conventions, conferences, and pro-death marches of today – are nonexistent.   There was no red carpet for honorees to walk down to attend a lynching.

Unlike today’s celebrations of the murder of pregnancy things, before the Civil War there were no trophies given at public dinners or award ceremonies for ‘best advocate of slavery in a supporting role,’ ‘best leading slave thing owner,’ ‘best runaway retriever,’ ‘best ad copy for sale of multiple slave things,’  ‘best slave discipline program short of death,’ ‘best dog trainer for finding runaways,’ or ‘best song for working slaves.’

Not so today with celebrations of the horrendous killings of pregnancy things.

Celebrations of Pregnancy Thing Murders in Aunt Thommie’s Cabin

The books Aunt Thommie’s Cabin and A Key To Aunt Thommie’s Cabin (both by the present author) are patterned after Mrs. Stowe’s books and seek to present the evils of abortion. Aunt Thommie is aware of the current-day ‘abortion celebrations:

To tell you all the truth, I was never scared or ashamed or secretive. I didn’t hide anything. I was free, powerful, confident. I was selfish, truly my body, my self, no one else. If back then they had these new wicked “abortion celebrations” they do, I would have been the star of the party, the belle of the ball, shouting my abortion, my power, my business, my privacy, my glory. So I went to have ‘it’ ‘terminated,’ ‘it’ removed. ‘it’ gone. Not a living being killed, not a human life taken. No. It terminated. I could not let it interfere with my plans. I was just me-me-me, now-now-now – for me. ‘It’ didn’t matter. ‘It’ couldn’t argue with me. You could hear me, a woman. I could roar, roar my empowerment, roar me, but ‘it’ was silent, in my warm womb. Voiceless. (Aunt Thommie’s Cabin, pp. 91-91).

Pro-death totalitarians and democrat socialists,  completely in accord with the inherent contradictions of neo-real abortion logic, also now celebrate the killing of the elderly, the mentally ill, and the sick. Abortion slavery has now surpassed the evil of human slavery in America.

As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities. Voltaire

We are standing face to face with the barbarians. The enemy is no longer outside but inside the City  . . . Present society is an accomplice to the evil that is devouring it ( Guillaume Faye).

Further Sources

“Abortion as Positive Good: The Democrats’ New Rhetoric Has Vile Precedents,” Josh Craddock, National Review, Nov. 21, 2019.

“Celebrate Abortion Care,” Abortion Care Network.

“Angry Feminists Celebrate Abortion on the Steps of the Supreme Court,” Zachary Mettler, The Daily Citizen,  Mar. 5, 2020.

“It’s Abortion Provider Appreciation Day in Minneapolis-St. Paul,” Hannah Jones, Mar. 10, 2020, City Pages.

“New York is celebrating abortion up to birth,” Human Coalition.

“Celebrate with us,” DC Abortion Fund.


“Let’s celebrate your abortion!” Dennis Byrne, Chicago Now,  August 23, 2018.

“Shout Your Abortion Campaign Is A Celebration Of Life,” YES! Magazine, Feb 18, 2019.

“Celebrate  Democrat  Abortions! Shout  For Feminist Terminations!” Guy McClung, The American Catholic, Jan. 7, 2019.

“Shout Your Slave,” Guy McClung, The American Catholic, Dec. 22, 2018.

“Abortion Celebrations,” Guy McClung, Catholic Lane, Apr. 20, 2015;


3 thoughts on “Abortion Is Slavery VI: Celebrate The Evil?”

  1. Pingback: A Word Of Comfort From Elisha The Prophet For A Difficult Week, Why I Am Still A Catholic, And More! – christian-99.com

  2. No love here, for anybody — children put in cages, the uninsured, black victims of police violence, workers stiffed from their fair wage, gay people, married couples trying to have a loving sex life, children faced with a devastated future due to man made global warming — except the unborn. If those children put in cages, the uninsured, black victims of police violence, workers stiffed from their fair wage, gay people, married couples trying to have a loving sex life, children faced with a devastated future due to man made global warming, could all be stuffed back into their mothers’ wombs, they might actually get a mention here and some kind loving words.

    1. Abortion is a specific act with one intention; a dead baby. The other items you cite have a myriad of permutations to be addressed. Mixing the issues it what gave us the duplicitous “personally opposed” politician.

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