Abortion Is Slavery V:  Minority Genocide


This is the fifth in the Abortion Is Slavery article series. Abortion is slavery. Not simply like. Not a comparison. Not an analogy. Without qualification, without condition, categorically, undeniably, abortion is slavery. With slavery, a slave owner owns a slave thing. With abortion under our laws today, a woman owns a piece of property, a pregnancy thing.

Before the American Civil War, two books of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe exposed the evils of slavery: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (fiction; 1852 A.D.) and A Key To Uncle Tom’s Cabin (nonfiction; “Key,” 1857 A.D.). The present author’s books similarly expose the evils of abortion today: Aunt Thommie’s Cabin (fiction; “Thommie’s”) and A Key To Aunt Thommie’s Cabin (nonfiction). What follows is an excerpt from a section of A Key To Aunt Thommie’s Cabin.

It is undeniable that slave businesses targeted minorities, almost exclusively Africans and African Americans; and it is equally undeniable that abortion businesses today target not only children but minority children.

Minority Human Things & Minority Mamas

Of the over four million slaves bought and sold, born and died in America before the Civil War, almost all of them were of dark-skinned minorities, and of those almost all of them were African or born here of an African mother or of a mother who was part African, many of their children sired by their mothers’ masters and owners, and their sons.

Of the over approximately 62,000,000 child murders here since 1973, over half of them, about 32,000,000 of the dead, were babies of minority mothers, and of those about two-thirds were African-American and about one third were Mexican-American or Hispanic-American.  In rough numbers, over 19,000,000 dead black children and over 13,000,000 dead brown children.

Mothers of minority children here – African-American, Mexican-American, and Hispanic-American – account for less than 12% of the entire population, but for over 60% of abortions. Their dead children are significantly more than half the total of the killed. Since 1973 more African American babies have been aborted than the total number of African American deaths from AIDS, violent crimes, accidents, cancer, and heart disease combined.

Does this simply happen by accident? Without malicious intent,  fiendish planning or evil purpose? Is it just sad karma or bad luck that a minority unborn child in Manhattan has a less than 50-50 chance to exit its mama alive?

Why do activists fighting abortion, describing it as “black genocide,” assert that “the most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb” and that “abortion or population control is the most institutionalized form of racism” in America?

Just Business

There is a valid business reason many abortion businesses make an effort to price their killing services not only at a good price point for profits but also as low as they can. The majority of their customers, according to some studies 75%, qualify as poor or ‘low-income.’ Many businesses, not wanting to turn away customers who can pay something, have a ‘sliding scale’ by which they charge for their killing services.

The abortion business national chains try to explain away the true basis for their branch or franchisee location choices with a “You gonna believe us or you gonna believe your eyes?” defense. Among the many “Us or your eyes” excuses for their RETA (racial eugenic targeted abortion) policies, national chain abortion businesses and franchisors argue:  we have a business to run so our primary motivation is not eugenics nor is it racism, but it is to locate abortion businesses most strategically; or they say apparent location ‘disparity’ is not based on any eugenics doctrine or racist beliefs, but on supply and demand; or of course, a business is going to locate where, in its view based on its studies and demographics, it will thrive.

According to these abortion business people themselves, it is simply accidental happenstance that so many minority children end up dead; and, for the eugenicists among them, a happy, merely fortuitous happenstance. They consider that critics saying that they are motivated by their RETA policy is an insult. They become incensed if one has the effrontery, the churlish audacity, or the prejudiced pusillanimity to provide verbatim quotations from so many abortion advocates who were also, going back over a century, eugenicists and racists. And damn anyone who dares to use the actual words of their patron demon Sanger to prove what anyone and everyone can now plainly see:   her whole adult life was a crusade for eugenics which was her motivation, her guiding principles both for her programs and pogroms and for her business Planned Parenthood. Eugenics is the basis of her legacy of minority genocide.

 Minority Genocide in Aunt Thommie’s Cabin

In Aunt Thommie’s Cabin, when the high school counselor, Letty Steiner, takes Harry to the Preferred Personhood business location for the first time, Harry notices that they have to drive through a “rundown neighborhood” (Thommie, p. 10); and Simone Legarde, Preferred Personhood branch manager/director, had the thought that driving her Mercedes “through the ghetto all these months was going to be well worth it” when she brokered the sale of Harry’s unborn Down Syndrome twins to a research company. (Thommie,  p.  21).

It is a fact that, in most large cities in America, almost eighty percent of the business locations of the large abortion businesses are in or near minority neighborhoods or areas. An accident?  Another happy happenstance? Letty gives Harry one often-publicized false talking-point justification for such choice of locations:

Harry was paying more attention to the area as they turned onto the street of the Preferred Personhood building. Almost everyone she saw, walking, driving, sitting in their yards, was either African-American or Hispanic-American.

“Letty,” she asked, “Why do they have their location here? This really doesn’t seem that safe.”

“I guess they figure these folks need these services more. And they care about these people. They are really impacted hard by an unwanted life change. Most of them are already on welfare. Having a baby can mean a girl never gets to leave here, no college, no job, no future, no life. That’s why most of the women and girls who come here are minorities, why half the terminations all over the country, or even a little more than half, are for them, even though their mothers make up less than twenty percent of the overall population. It’s a real blessing to them. It can mean a whole new life. Preferred Personhood really cares about them to provide this care so close to home for them. And it reduces the load on the welfare systems. (Thommie, p. 29).

Genocide in Mrs. Stowe’s Books

“Genocide” as such is not present, explicitly, in Uncle Tom’s Cabin or in A Key To Uncle Tom’s Cabin. According to our definition of “genocide,” what is depicted in Mrs. Stowe’s books is genocide. What is there in her books is the fact that before the Civil War, many in America, both North, and South, believed that slaves were inferior sub-human animals, which is the foundational belief for both racism and minority eugenics in America.

In Chapter XIX of Cabin, Miss Ophelia describes her own father:

. . . he considered the negro through all possible gradations of color, as an intermediate link between man and animals, and graded all his ideas of justice or generosity on this hypothesis.. . .“There must, he says, be a lower class, given up to physical toil and confined to an animal nature; and a higher one thereby acquires leisure and wealth for a more expanded intelligence and improvement, and becomes the directing soul of the lower.”


The real proof that the abortion businesses, their political champions, and the members of the pubic who support them are involved in genocide is the transparent mendacity of their futile efforts to make us believe it not so. The mute testimony of 32,000,000 dead minority children silences their denials. If you believe your eyes, if you learn the truth, if you hear these children, you know in your gut this American minority genocide makes other genocides in history pale in comparison.

Further Sources:  Minority  Genocide In America & Eugenics

“Abortion’s Devastating Impact Upon Black Americans,” Arthur Goldberg, Feb. 11, 2019.

“Abortion’s Racial Gap – Even as the U.S. abortion rate is at its lowest since Roe v. Wade, women of color are five times as likely to terminate a pregnancy as their white counterparts. Why?” Zoe Dutton, The Atlantic, Sept. 12, 2014.

“Abortion and Race-For decades, abortion has disproportionately eliminated minority babies” April 25, 2018.

Black Genocide Org

“ “Abortion as black genocide”: inside the black anti-abortion movement- A new documentary examines how fears of “black genocide” became part of mainstream anti-abortion activism,” P.R. Lockhart, Vox,  Jan 19, 2018.

“BLACK GENOCIDE AND THE BLACK LEADERS WHO SUPPORT IT,” Ryan Scott Bomberger, RaidANCE Foundation,  Sept. 29, 2014.

Further Sources:  Margaret L. Higgins Sanger, Eugenicist

The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist and a true-believer eugenicist who created the “Negro Project” designed to weed out “inferior” people, “human weeds,” and “human undergrowth” through segregation and sterilization. Her own magazine’s articles included statements to the effect that eugenic sterilization was an urgent need; and that America should act without delay to prevent the multiplication of bad stocks [nonwhite], and to preserve the well-endowed stocks [white], and to increase the birth-rate of the sound average population.

“Eugenic Sterlization: An Urgent Need,” Ernst Rudin [Nazi; served as Hitler’s Director of Genetic Sterilization, helped establish Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene, honored with awards by Adolf Hitler personally; friend of M. Sanger], The Birth Control Review [Sanger’s Magazine], April 1933.

“Selective Sterilization”, Leon Whitney, The Birth Control Review, June 1933 [praising the National Socialist – Nazi –  Third Reich’s pre-holocaust race purification programs].

“Killer Angel,” George Grant, 2001 [biography of Margaret Sanger.

“The Pivot of Civilization”, Margaret Sanger, et al. 1922; see, e.g., Ch. VIII, paragraph 12.

“My Way To Peace,” Margaret Sanger, Speech, Jan. 17 1932.

“Eugenics and birth control.” 

“Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. Why are we still celebrating her?” John J. Conley, America, Nov. 27, 2017.

“Margaret Sanger, racist eugenicist extraordinaire,”  Arina Grossu, The Washington Times, May 5, 2014.

“Hitler, The Ku Klux Klan, and Margaret Sanger- Planned Parenthood clinics have followed along the same lines as its racist founder,” The Courier-Herald,  April 10, 2019;

“Margaret Sanger, Birth Control, and the Eugenics Movement,”


2 thoughts on “ Abortion Is Slavery V:  Minority Genocide”

  1. And, with rare exceptions, dead (dark pun intended) silence from our bishops. Be assured, that as in 1936-39 Spain, they will be the first sent to the wall when the mob takes over.

  2. Pingback: TVESDAY EDITION – Big Pulpit

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