A Letter to a Mother About the Synod on Synodality

magisterium, Vatican

A Letter to a young mother of four who asked my opinion on the current Synod of Synodality which she is finding unfathomable. 

When I was censured like all whistleblowers, for drawing attention to the sexual abuse and cover-ups that were taking place in the Church in the nineteen eighties,  I withdrew into solitude. Then, I believed that just as Alcoholics have to hit rock bottom before they can admit their addiction and begin their recovery and rehabilitation, the same would have to happen in the Church. I hoped that the books I had written in my exile, detailing traditional Catholic prayer and spirituality would be ready and available to those who wanted to restart their spiritual journey. But sadly this never happened. So I simply continued writing.

My Worst Nightmare

I became so lost in what I was doing that I became oblivious to what was in fact happening in the Church. I assumed that self-disgust would lead sexual abusers and their allies, the concealers, to rock bottom, thence to recovery. Far from rejecting sexual depravity, a fiendish inner elite were not only bent on forgiving abusers and their allies, without the sacramental absolution that they did not want anyway, but on moving backwards into a neo-paganism. They were hell-bent on institutionalising and even sacralising what had so recently been condemned as mortally sinful, as taught from the very beginning of Christianity.

Woke Wisdom and Globalism

They continue to use traditional Catholic rites, rituals, Catholic language and terminology so that the naive and the unwary will not notice they are introducing ‘the woke and wanton wisdom of the world’ into a new Catholic pseudo-orthodoxy. It is this new pseudo-orthodoxy that will support and collaborate with secular world leaders to usher in a new heiness world order called Globalism.  Only God can help us; only he can destroy the powers of Evil that are hell-bent on destroying the world that he made to mirror his goodness, his truth and his love. Prayer, true, deep and life-changing prayer is the only human action that can invite and maintain his presence within us. Then he can vanquish once and for all the pernicious panoply and pandemonium that always reigns when evil-doing and downright devilry rules, where goodness truth and love once reigned before.

A Wake-up Call

My first intimation of what was going on was in the autumn of 2015. I had been writing a column on prayer for the English version of an Italian Magazine for the past fifteen years, long enough for the editor to know my colours. He knew that I would not be the best person to write and enthuse about the ‘Year of Mercy’ that would be inaugurated that December on the Eve of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception. It was the first example for the universal Church to be treated to the double-speak that is meant to confuse. It was meant to give the impression to traditional Catholics that it heralded, and called for a return to Sacramental forgiveness, as the first step towards future renewal and reform.

However, for the then small group of elite who were dedicated to radically taking over the Church in the name of the wisdom of the modern world, it meant something else. It meant that God was forgiving all the sins they had committed as abusers, paedophiles and concealers who had covered up their crimes. Furthermore, this merciful forgiveness was granted without them needing to ask forgiveness or ever receive sacramental absolution.

A Subtle and Silent Revolution

It was to initiate a subtle revolution that would not only continue to offer mercy to sexual abusers, but to both institutionalise and sacralise gross sexual depravity. A small group of people, who know exactly what they want, can take over the reins of power when all around them are in a state of confusion and bewilderment, if not total indifference. The vast majority of Catholics, even Catholic intelligentsia, have not realised what has been happening. It is being done gradually, furtively, but efficiently over the last ten or more years, long before I woke up to see what was happening.

It is too late to stop the handpicked oligarchy from taking over power in the Church, not just to introduce the wisdom of the world but to join forces with powerful and malign maneuverers, who are bent on promoting a new world order, otherwise called Globalism. It will make the Mediaeval Feudalism from which we have long since escaped look like heaven on earth.

Rule by Similar-minded Synodalitists

Instead of calling an Ecumenical Council when all the successors of St Peter, the guardians of our sacred tradition would be called to Rome, they called a Synod, a gathering of hand-picked and like-minded reformers. The ‘people of God’ were supposedly consulted, but less than three percent of the Catholic population were approached, and handpicked collators ensured that their contributions were either ignored or reframed to coincide with the new conventual wisdom that now rules in Rome.

A Rather Unlikely Prophet

When Chief Sitting Bull first said, “White man speak with forked tongue”, he did not know his words were prophetic for his people, but for all future people who are lied to by global institutions bent on doing to humanity what was once done to native American  Indians. As one brave once put it, “When you came you had the Bible and we had the land, now we have the Bible and you have the land”.

Double speak presents opposite ideals, sometimes in the same sentence to induce a sense of safety and security to the traditionalists while simultaneously satisfying the dreams of the revolutionaries. The bees must be sedated for the hornets to take over the nest

Take Heart – Remember the Promise of Christ

Tectonic plates on which our faith depends are being ruthlessly removed, to be replaced by sand, the sinking sand that the Gospels warn lead to disaster. Many will be flung into the hell of hopelessness, and despondency, but take heart as the Man who rose from the dead on the first Easter day is alive and loving now.  Although he is even more wounded now than he was then, he is still radiating with his all-unconditional and all-conquering love for those who are prepared to radically turn to receive it. But Infinite Love is not true love if it is not ultimately complemented by justice. And if Our Lady is to be believed, and who would doubt her, this Justice will begin in this world and in the near future.

The One Thing Necessary

Become a member of the new remnant by doing the one thing necessary. We must open our minds and hearts to Christ like never before, turning to him day and night, in ever-deepening prayer. He will take over our lives, and through us destroy this, the worst and most pernicious plague ever to have ravaged our beloved Church. It is indeed the worst ever,  precisely because it has come from the inside, like a thief in the night.

Please listen to my course on prayer released by the Essentialist Press. I have put it together now, to draw us all together as one in Christ to fulfil the last prayer that Jesus made for us before going out to meet his deplorable death on the Cross that would release the only unconditional and ever-ready love that can make all things new.  For with his love, even death will be swallowed up in victory (1 Corinthians 15:54).



6 thoughts on “A Letter to a Mother About the Synod on Synodality”

  1. The challenge of the Church today is to reach out to the people who have been so alienated that they have left the Church entirely or detached themselves from her. The challenge is not to reach out to the people sitting in the pews screeching “alienation”, because that leads to navel-gazing.

    Snyodality is not connected with protecting abusers. In fact, it is connected with dissolving the atmosphere that allowed abusers to hide in the shades of power.

    We should remember the Promise of Christ, but what David has done is distort the Promise to fit his authoritarian purpose. This entire article is one jumble of conflated concepts.

    1. I beg to differ. The challenge of the church today is, as it has always been, to call people who want to live the teaching of the gospels to repent of their sinful lives, then they can be joyfully admitted into Christ’s church.

      If all those who are in the church are busy navel gazing, why do you feel that it is imperative to get as many to join us?

  2. Pingback: MONDAY LATE EVENING EDITION – BigPulpit.com

  3. Those like the author who boldly stand against sin and doctrinal decay in the Church will always be ostracized, marginalized and attacked. That is why it is so important for all Christians to stand for truth in a time when truth is seen as the enemy.

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