The Tridentine Fallacy

Patrick Pierce - Tridentine Fallacy


What most people call the “Latin Mass” seems to have a bewildering number of names and many of them are imprecise for one reason or another. Perhaps surprisingly \”Latin Mass\” is the least precise of all. But another label, Tridentine, can be used in a way that is downright troublesome.

Among the many names for it, calling the liturgy conducted in Latin and pursuant to the 1962 Missal the “Extraordinary Form” is certainly accurate since Pope Benedict XVI\’s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum formalized the term, along with the term Ordinary Form for the form of the Mass commonly seen today. Pope Francis seems to prefer calling the Extraordinary Form the Vetus Ordo, or Old Form, which lines up nicely given that the Ordinary Form is also called the Novus Ordo, or New Form. So, regardless of any possible connotations, the benefit of the labels Extraordinary Form or Vetus Ordo for the so-called Latin Mass is that they are precise, accurate and used by popes. Many, though, prefer to call the Traditional Latin Mass/Old Form/Extraordinary Form the “Tridentine Mass,” which, historically speaking, can be both right and wrong, and which is often a springboard to an increasingly common and often deliberate fallacy.

First, though, what\’s the problem with calling it the far more popular term, the “Latin Mass”? In short, the problem is that almost every Catholic Mass celebrated in the West right now is the Latin Mass—new, old, whether it\’s presented in English, French or Spanish, it is a Latin Mass. The Roman Rite of the Church, which is to say the churches not including those of the Eastern or other rites, not only share a history of Latin, but indeed the Church\’s official language today is Latin (see generally Sacrosanctum Concilium, paragraph 36 and Veterum Sapientia).

To demonstrate this firsthand only requires looking back to events in recent memory. In the United States, the terminology of the Ordinary Form of the Mass was revised in 2011 so that it would more fully comport with the original Latin. If you attend Mass you no doubt remember the change in some of the language. Moreover, Lumen Fidei, released by Pope Francis in July, like all encyclicals, is in Latin, with all other versions being translations; the original of the Canon Law is in Latin, as are many other official documents, including formal correspondence from the Vatican to the other nations of the world. This is because the language of the Roman Catholic Church is, right this very moment, Latin, and its documents are then allowed to be translated into the many local languages (that is, the “vernacular”) within the Church and without. So the ordinary, regular, new Mass, the one we in the United States are used to hearing in English, is a Latin Mass translated into our “vernacular”. It, too, in its original form, is a Latin Mass. If you put the word “Traditional” in front of “Latin Mass” you get closer to the truth, but to call the Extraordinary Form of the Mass the “Latin Mass” as a way to distinguish it from the Ordinary Form, is merely a useful and convenient bit of nonsense.

The common fallback, then, is to call the Traditional Latin Mass the “Tridentine Mass.” This is done within the Church and is completely accurate, if used with precision. But it also can be used to deliberately set up a fallacy to minimize the history the Traditional Latin Mass within the Church. To understand this requires looking back to the Council of Trent itself.

With the rise of Protestantism in the late Middle Ages there came a liberality in religious practice. Princes wanted power without having to acknowledge a Church over them, kings wanted the lands and valuables acquired by the religious orders in their countries which were not, at the time, under their control. They embraced the reformation, and within few decades everything Catholic seemed to be turned on its head. In such an age, the liturgy, the doctrines, and the traditions of the Church itself were questioned. Declared protestants and particular nobles seeking power mocked the practices of the Church, and even those faithful to the Church began to lose sight of which essentials had to be preserved and which could be revised. Seeing the need to protect the Church and its ancient traditions, a council was called in Trento, Italy. This, in English, would be called the Council of Trent. It was an important conference that had much to say on a wide range of topics, responding to important issues of the day, clarifying matters, fighting back some of the wilder claims. In many ways the job of the Council was to clarify what was changeable, revisable, or in need of correction and what was not. In order to protect what could not be changed or lost, the Council had to formalize many things that to that point had been informal, or simply tradition.

The documents and proclamations produced by the Council were described as “Tridentine,” derived from the name of the town and the council itself. See generally, Council of Trent at Wikipedia. As a result of the Council, in 1570 Pope St. Pius V issued a revised catechism, missal and the Apostolic Constitution Quo Primum, requiring the use of the historic Latin Mass, with a few revisions. Quo Primum required that any other Order of Mass which did not have 200 years of consistent use by 1570 would cease. Old forms, which had simply fallen out of use, such as from the Celtic Rite, were to cease. Others, such as that of the Dominican Rite, still in practice and with the required history, could continue. But everyone else in the West was to use the same form of the Mass. This version came to be labeled the Tridentine Mass.

So, first, it is important to note that the Council of Trent did not change the language of the Mass to Latin. It had already been Latin in most of the Western World for almost a millenium. Further, the Council did not completely overhaul the Mass. Instead, it was revised and formalized to protect it from the uncontrolled excesses during the age of the Reformation. But the essentials of the ancient Mass were far older than anything that could be called Tridentine.

Indeed, it could certainly be argued that Peter and Paul\’s coming to and dying in Rome secured the fact that in the future Latin would be the language of the eternal Church. It is undeniably a fact that the Mass was in Aramaic and Greek before it was in Latin, even in Rome itself. But, inevitably, the Mass would come to be in Latin, the most common translation of the Bible (St. Jerome\’s Vulgate) would then be in Latin (around 400 A.D.), and documents written within, and for, the Church would be in Latin. Without question, by about 600 A.D., Pope St. Gregory the Great had formalized the Mass in Latin in the West. This means that the Traditional Latin Mass, now the Extraordinary Form, has been around, admittedly with revisions and additions, for over 1,400 years, not just the 440 years since Trent.

Which brings us full circle to the truth that Latin is still, right now, the language of the Church. In 1963, Vatican II\’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium, was promulgated by Pope Paul VI, allowing for Mass in the vernacular instead of Latin when a territorial decree permits the exception, see Sacrosanctum Concilium §36. Permission was obtained by the U.S. Bishops in May of 1964 to use the vernacular, which began almost immediately (causing no small amount of confusion). The new Order of Mass followed with the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum in 1969. (For a bit of the history of the development of the Novus Ordo see The Mass of Paul VI at Wikipedia.)

These days, those with an incomplete picture compare Vatican II to the Council of Trent, suggesting they are the same because both changed the missal. The result of the Council of Trent, however, was protection of the timeless traditional liturgy. The results of Vatican II are more complicated.

Vatican II, after all, produced wise and inspired documents, in keeping with the great traditions and history of the Church. The media coverage, and the “Spirit of Vatican II” (which people would, and still do, refer to when they wanted to support personal conclusions often not at all a part of the documents of the council), led to teachings and practices that clearly had nothing to do with what Vatican II was about. The Mass was no different—no document of Vatican II suggested the complete abandonment of Latin in the Masses of the Church around the globe. (Quite the contrary. Again see Sacrosanctum Concilium, paragraph 36.) They did, though, allow for the use of the vernacular with permission, and soon afterwards the Novus Ordo was established.

To say that the Novus Ordo, or Ordinary Form, which is to say the Order of Mass seen at most Churches today, is less valid than the Traditional Latin Mass, as some calling themselves Traditionalists do, is to step onto a path that points out of the true Church. To conclude that Vatican II itself was something other than a great council of the Church, in keeping with its great traditions, also puts one on that same perilous path. The documents themselves show otherwise. Conclusions of this type, for the very few who have made them, represent one extreme.

There is, though, another extreme. To suggest that Vatican II addressed the sacred liturgy the same way that the Council of Trent did is factually wrong. To suggest that the Order of Mass, or the language of Mass, is frequently changed in a dramatic way, is a fallacy. To claim that the traditional Mass was Tridentine, as a way of minimizing it from something ancient to something more recent, is disingenuous if not deceptive. To be certain the Extraordinary Form, as it is now called, was formalized at Trent, but it was not invented there.

Just as it is wrong to suggest that the Novus Ordo Mass in the vernacular is less valid than the Traditional Latin Mass, it is equally wrong to suggest that the Traditional Latin Mass is anything other than an ancient and precious part of the Church itself, which the Church should protect, as indeed is mandated by the Magisterium of the Church.

In the end, the Traditional Latin Mass is a great treasure of the Church. It has survived the assaults of tyrants and barbarians, protestors and reformers, complete outsiders and officials within the Church itself. It is, in this age, being recognized again for its great beauty, by young and old alike. It has stood for countless ages, and, despite assaults, and however you refer to it, its long history is undoubtedly just the beginning. It can proudly be called Tridentine, so long as its long history is acknowledged instead of minimized by the people doing so.


16 thoughts on “The Tridentine Fallacy”

  1. Recently discovered the ‘Tridentine’ mass, and as someone who went to NO mass his whole childhood (and even occasionally today, late 30s w/family) I was struck by the beauty, power, and majesty it contained.

    Never in my life had I heard the Mass sung before, and it moved me to tears – tears of thanks to God for finally revealing it me – tears of joy at the thought that something so perfect could exist on this earth – and, after doing a bit of research, tears of anger when I found out how it had been ripped away from us by the evil of the Vatican II council.

    I have since been doing some research and have found out more than I ever knew about the undoing of the church that started with the Vatican II. Think I’m wrong? Look around you. Families leaving. Attendance at an all time low. Perverts and homosexuals allowed to run wild, causing irreparable damage to the reputation of the Church and damaging countless lives in the process. The church, at least here in the midwest, seems to be dead or dying and on life support.

    Yet when I see the Traditional Mass it does something to me – touches a deep root and gives me hope. Perhaps it is a key to the Church surviving the next thousand years – perhaps it is the key to our society surviving it as well…

    If you haven’t seen it yet, the best example I found was the mass as held by a Church is Paris, who still holds the Traditional Latin mass to this day (even though this video is a bit older – it’s so well done and the audio is great, video is well done, etc.) I’ve watched it a half dozen times since. What joy, what blessings, what good fortune the people in this church have – watch it and see – the key to the life of the church is the True Mass.

    Finally, I have searched out and found – using the listing on – a great church which offers the Mass nearby which I’ll be heading to and taking as many of my family members as I can.

  2. Vetus Ordo sounds repulsive to Francophones. Vetus is akin to the French ‘vétuste’, which means obsolete, dilapidated, deteriorated in English. One would think that a ‘Latin’ Pope (he only speaks Italian and Spanish) would understand the pejorative taste of saying Vetus Ordo over usus antiquor or la forma straordinaria del Rito Romano for example.

  3. Pingback: The Global Fight for Children’s Rights: Europe -

  4. Thank you for this; I learned a great deal. It is so uncomfortable (discussions and grandstanding between sides), I hardly know where I stand and I haven’t done much studying to figure things out (We’re still exhausted from studying and converting!). Now you’ve done it for me.

    1. Boy do I understand that! I took a course on the history of liturgy, and it was soooo hard, but also so helpful. Instead of thinking of this or that liturgy, I came to think of it as “the” liturgy, analogous to a rose bush. The Church has tended it throughout history, pruning, fertilizing, watering, etc. and although there have been changes (sometimes stability, sometimes flourishing, sometimes drought), the rose bush was always essentially a rose bush in the process of growth.

  5. The Novus Ordo Mass has no grandeur, no aristocratic allure. It shows no cultural and religious refinement and lacks the spirit of devotion and awe. It is a mechanical construct devised by Vatican bureaucrats. And the common practice to recite it while facing the congregation instead of “facing east” (i.e. the tabernacle) is a break with tradition which is as old as the Christian Church itself and which finds its origin in the ancient Jewish practice to pray in the direction of Jerusalem.

    I ceased to attend Novo Ordo Masses a long time ago, and am completely determined to never attend them again. They are boring, styleless and superficial.

    1. The Liturgy according to the Novus Ordo itself downplays the Real Presence. Compare the liturgical rubrics of the two rites and you’ll notice this. How many of the Novus Ordo priests believe in the Real Presence anyway?

    2. How many of the Novus Ordo priests believe in the Real Presence anyway?
      Sounds like a seminary formation problem to me.

    3. “no aristocratic allure?” The RCC is a church of the poor, it needs no aristocratic allure, nor would the Divine want it…

  6. To paraphrase Patrick Pierce I offer this clarification of Vat II by John W O’Malley S.J.

    What most Trads and new faithful call the Spirit of Vatican II seems to have a bewildering number of attitudes and many of them are imprecise for one reason
    or another. Here is its ‘spirit’.

    ” To give you the kind of spiritual shift Vatican II tried to effect, here’s how it goes:
    from threats to persuasion, from adversary to partner, from hostility to friendship,
    from monologue to dialogue, from fault finding to common ground, from laws to
    ideals from coercion to conscience, from behavior modification to conversion of

    In the end, Vatican II will be known as a great treasure of the Church. It has survived the assaults of extreme right wing Catholics and officials within the Church itself.

    1. In Mark 7: 7-8 Jesus talks about tradition and doctrine, not with flattery but dissent, however we can leave that for another time : )

    2. Vatican II hasn’t survived anything. The Catholic faith has been watered down to attract Protestants, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is now a picnic, and shorts and flip-flops are the appropriate attire, Latin is scrapped, sacred hymns are changed to eliminate male references to God, who was called “Father” by Our Lord and the Catholic Church is dying, like the Mainline Protestant churches it is now modeled after. Lucky for us extreme right wingers that the gates of Hell will not prevail against us.

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