Trust in Jesus

Jesus Christ, Love, Sacred Heart
Trust in Jesus

Jesus knows us through and through. As Catholics, He knows and forgives our past mistakes through the sacrament of Reconciliation. He leads us by His grace to where we are meant to go, through the power of prayer and by receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. He even knows our tomorrows. That is why it is essential that we place our entire trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.

No one can help us to travel better the path that is meant for us than Jesus. Why? Because God created us and created that path for us. He can see us as clearly through the wall that we build between ourselves and God as the sun’s rays break through a wall of clouds. God can and will brighten up our whole situation – what we are going through and where we are going in this earthly life – if we only place our complete trust in His holy will for us. He will lead us to His heavenly home that He has prepared for us.

Growth in Trust through Scripture and Prayer

The following quotes are a few of my favorites on trusting in God with our whole hearts.

As it is stated in Sacred Scripture, “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

“Do not be afraid; just have faith.” Mark 5: 36

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:6-7

For about two months now, I have been praying the Sacred Heart of Jesus novena daily. I can say with complete honesty that my trust in Jesus has grown tremendously. I have a little journal that my older sister gave me last Christmas, and I keep a list of all my intentions inside. One of my intentions is that my family and I grow in faith, hope, charity, and wisdom. Another one of my intentions is that I pray for Pope Francis and his intentions. So far, I have five and a half pages of personal intentions and only hope to grow that list as the days go on.

My favorite part of the Sacred Heart of Jesus novena prayer is, “O my Jesus, you have said: ‘Truly, I say to you, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away’. Encouraged by Your infallible words, I now ask for the grace of…” By saying these words of our Lord Jesus Christ, I grow in trust in my God and feel that my relationship with God has been strengthened.

Personally, I know God wants me to be a writer. However, I must work on this every day to grow in this skill. If you are born to be a writer, it is not something that just happens. Writing is a journey that can take you to very far places if you put in the time, effort, and trust in God. Catholic Stand has done this for me and I know that God has a lot in store for me if I do what I was meant to do.

Guidance from the Saints

Although I am sure this is my calling, it does not mean that sometimes doubts creep in when rejections weigh heavily on my heart. When tsomething I write is not accepted, I look for inspiration. One beautiful place to look is at quotes from saints. Below are a few that mean the world to me and have lifted up my spirits, pushing me on the path of persistence.

When I look for some quick reassurance of my writing journey, I think of a quote by Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She says, “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much.”

Another quote is one by Saint Alphonsus Ligouri. He says in this quote, “Those whose hearts are enlarged by confidence in God run swiftly on the path of perfection. They not only run, they fly; because, having placed all their hope in the Lord, they are no longer weak as they once were. They become strong with the strength of God, which is given to all who put their trust in Him.”

The third quote is a popular one known by many. It is simple yet holds abundant wisdom. Saint Padre Pio says, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayers.”

Overall, we all have different abilities and are made for certain tasks in this life that will lead us closer to Jesus Christ. God made us so we can each have something to contribute to His heavenly kingdom and build up treasures there. It is our duty as God’s creation to realize this truth and place our whole trust in Him so that he will lead us to where we are made to go: Paradise.


4 thoughts on “Trust in Jesus”

  1. Thank you, Diana, for your beautiful article concerning trusting in Jesus; it truly speaks to the heart! I especially like the metaphor where you write that God can see us as clearly as the sun rays break through the walls of the clouds. It is very consoling to know that Jesus is so intimately close to each of us. As you eloquently stated, it is when we put our trust in Jesus that the best path for our lives is illuminated. Thank you also for sharing about the Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena. This novena is a great way to grow in trust for our Lord! The saint quotes that you included are also very encouraging. Thank you again for this wonderful article and for sharing your writing talent with the world; it is greatly appreciated!

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  3. “Although I am sure this is my calling, that does not mean sometimes that doubts creep in when the rejections weigh heavy on my heart. ”
    Oh, Diana, these words went straight to my heart. I’m so sure God wants me to write, and I love writing. But then I write and it feels as if I’m writing into this enormous void. No interaction, no comments, am I even reaching anyone?
    Then I have to remind myself that I’m now looking for human approval. As long as I reach even one person out there, I’ve done something good. As long as I believe God approves of me, that’s all I need.
    Still, it’s hard when you seek some human affirmation and get none. Keep writing, I’m rooting for you!

    1. It is so true, Ida. I think as writers we all go through the thought process that you just mentioned. Don’t worry, Ida, sometimes I read really beautiful articles but don’t always comment because I am lost for words. I will try to be better at giving feedback though. Thanks for rooting for me. It really means a lot to me. I am rooting for you too, Ida!

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