The Impact of Fatima is Still Being Felt Today

mother, mom, Mary, Fatima

In previous articles, I pointed out two occurrences that have greatly impacted our world.  In this article I look at another occurrence – Fatima.

The two occurrences I wrote about previously were: 1) the ancient Israelites losing their position as God’s chosen people when they encouraged Rome to crucify Christ, and 2) how those who formed their own churches unconnected to the Church Jesus established fairly quickly caused the spread of hundreds of conflicting creeds.

By failing to heed our Mother’s exhortation at Fatima, the Catholic Church lost out on an offer by God to convert Russia and stop the spread of Communism.  Instead, we let Communism spread – and we failed to avoid a second world war.

Humans have often failed Jesus Christ in His ministry through His Church. Even though Fatima was a task specifically given to the Catholic Church to resolve, I think God has not separated us humans into different creeds. This was man’s doing.

There is only one God, only one human race, and only one revelation – the Gospel of Jesus Christ – made by God to all humans. I think we were all required to take God’s revelation seriously. If we fail, as a race, to take it seriously, we all suffer just as humanity suffered when WWII was not averted, and Communism was not stopped at its inception.

The Woman will Crush Lucifer’s Pride

Around 1350, Satan began beguiling humans into questioning the Faith as presented by the Church Christ founded.  This led to The Reformation, which caused the Christian revelation to splinter into thousands of sometimes contradictory versions.

After the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which was the first highly visible intervention of Blessed Mother into worldly affairs, there are very few references in Revelation outlining her interaction with modern events. Instead, there are many Marian Apparitions.  These have been usually to children about oncoming events that threaten the Church.  And they have been accompanied by Mary’s appeals to correct these events through activities of the Church.

Scholars say there have been 2,500 Marian Apparitions to date.  Of these, 16 have been approved by the Vatican and are considered authentic.  The most famous of these are Guadalupe, Lourdes, and Fatima. I think God intends for Lucifer to be defeated by the action of Blessed Mother and the little ones in the Church.


Pope Benedict XV actually begins the story of Fatima.  Elected pope on September 3, 1914, he was very concerned about the ravages of WWI.  On May 5, 1917, he invited all the church to pray a solemn novena to Mary “Mother of Mercy” asking for peace in the world. On the eighth day of the novena, Mary appeared to the children in Fatima with her plan for peace.

Later, during Blessed Mother’s third appearance to the children. Mary predicted that in October 1917, there would be a miracle for all to see and believe.  She also showed the children a vision of hell and told them God wants to establish in the world devotion to her Immaculate Heart.

Mary tells the children that if what she asks is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. She also says an unknown light will be seen as a sign the world is about to be punished for its sins by means of wars, famine, and persecution of the church and Holy Father.

The Consecration of Russia

Benedict XV was in the final years of his papacy at this time (he died in 1922). And he was very interested in Our Lady’s messages at Fatima. For some reason, however, he did not try to have the consecration made.

Mary told the children “You will see an unusual sign in the sky warning that time is running out to make the consecration. An unusual light was seen in the heavens all over the world on May 24, 1924. An older friend of mine saw it and described it to me.  I wasn’t even born at the time, but I believe this was the sign.  Others, however, believe the January 1938 geomagnetic storm that was seen throughout the world (dubbed the “Fatima Storm”) was the sign.

I do not know why Benedict XV did not try to set up the consecration. He had almost five years to set it up prior to his death. And there is still controversy today about the consecration. But to my thinking, the fact that WWII did occur and Russia swallowed up 15 nations under its yoke show that the consecration was not made in time to avert Communism and WWII.

Miracle of the Sun

The promised miracle – the Miracle of the Sun – took place on October 13, 1917. It had rained all night prior to the Miracle of the Sun, and the ground upon which the pilgrims stood was soaking wet and muddy. A secondary miracle was that the rain stopped, and the wet, muddy ground completely dried up during the sun’s dance in the heavens.

Seventy thousand people were present to see the miracle. Many of them were unsympathetic to the events of Fatima and were present only to scoff and ridicule those who did believe.  Newspaper articles appeared all over Europe describing the mysterious disturbance of the sun and detailing people’s explanations of why it happened.  The names of the three children and their recounting of what the Mother of Jesus said were also publicized.  Savvy people, including those directing the German war effort and the Communist Revolution in Russia, could not have avoided becoming aware of what happened at Fatima.

Start of World War II

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland.  World War II broke out immediately.  But the church still has not made the consecration. The first attempt to make it was done by Pope Pius XII on 31 Oct 1942 and again on 8 Dec 1942. But the war was then upon the world, so it was too late to avert war and the Communist triumph.


On July 26, 1941, Lucia was asked by Bishop Dom Jose to write her third memoir on Fatima.  She finished it on August 31.  It discussed two of the three parts of the secret: the vision of hell, and the five First Friday promise attached to devotion to the Immaculate Heart.  Its publication was yet another reminder of the message of Fatima.  On October 7, 1941, Lucia was asked to write her fourth memoir.  It was the longest one and adds more detail about the apparitions and about Francisco.

Two months later Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.  The war is now global. If the world had believed the warnings, we all could have averted the incredible suffering and desolation and the incredible loss of an estimated 35 million to 75 million lives during World War II.

In December 1943, Lucia, fearing she might be killed during the war, wrote down the third part of the secret to be read by the Pope.  It was read but not made public.  Regardless, the two big warnings – the outbreak of World War II and the spread of communism were largely ignored.

We Belong to God

What a mess we human beings make of our world. First of all, it is not our world: it is God’s world, and we, every single one of us, belong to God. When God allows His Mother to appear to us, every single one of us had better pay attention.

We make the mistake of demonstrating our own failure to believe God when we separate ourselves into those who believe God’s revelations to us and those who ignore them because some of us have chosen not to be members of His church. Are we not members of His Church? If He felt that we do not belong to him, then He might abandon us. None of us should desire that. Perhaps He let the Church fail to make the consecration in time to alert those critical of Him and His Church to pay attention next time He sends a warning.


The message to Fatima was meant for all of us. If all of us had paid heed to it, we (mankind) would have asked God’s church to make the consecration and we would not had had WWII and the enslavement of so many nations to the Communist yolk. What most of the people on Earth did was ridicule Catholics for believing and made fun of it.

God has revealed time after time that wars are punishment for our sins (read that as all of us on Earth).

If the entire population of Russia had become converts within ten years, like 8 million Aztecs did 482 years ago, what a wonderful world you and I and our loved ones would have experienced all our lives.

Brothers and sisters, if the world is going to end soon, God will sort us out according to His guidelines, not ours. And it will be a very difficult time for most of us.

Everybody should now know that God requires a show of faith from the world, and He would have converted Russia and stop the second world war if we had given it to Him.


17 thoughts on “The Impact of Fatima is Still Being Felt Today”

  1. Pingback: How I Understand and Interpret Revelation – Final Installment - Catholic Stand - SATB KiNG

  2. Pingback: How I Understand and Interpret Revelation – Final Installment - Catholic Stand

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    1. Before this gets out of control. I want to emphasize one thing. Those individuals who have conspired to kill the Messiah have been judged by God and punished two thousand years ago. No one today is guilty of that sin. Those who were guilty of killing he who would save the whole human race were some men who were to form a race of men privileged to serve the Messiah and help in the salvation of all men.

      Now that the Messiah is dead, there is no need for that kind of that kind of priesthood anymore. God knew what would happen beforehand, and He now chooses from all men through a spiritual vocation to form a priesthood.

      The Jewish people did not lose anything but the privilege of being in the priesthood of The Messiah. but they are now free to join the new priesthood if they feel a vocation.

      So please do not jeopardize your own salvation by any prejudice against the Jewish people who have suffered so much at the hands of wicked people.

      Maurice A. Williams

  4. Hello Captcrisis

    Take a look at Deut. 31: 16-18, especially verse 17, where it says: “I will abandon them and they will be destroyed.” What they did that was so evil in God’s sight was they not only refused to serve the Messiah, they had him killed. That would be like the Christians having the Christ killed.

    There is no remedy for killing God’s dearly beloved son.

    You should believe Scripture. It is the word of God.


    Maurice . Williams

  5. It sounds like the author does not believe a valid consecration to the IHM was made. Pardon me, if I am in error please. Otherwise, it makes for a good read.

    1. Hello Pray the Rosary.

      Thanks for reading my essay and thanks for the comment. I am aware of Captsrisis comments on my article, but I’m having problems with my email and can’t answer now.

      When my problems are resolved, I will prove my article is factual, and Captcrisis is wrong on every count.

      Thanks for reading my article and thanks for your support.


      Maurice A. Williams

    2. Hello Pray the Rosary

      Actually, a valid consecration was not made in time. If it had been, WWII would not have occurred and Communism would hove never started.


      Maurice A. Williams

  6. Communism was spread, and survived, largely because of our “containment” policy. Time after time, we drove popular independence movements into the arms of the Communists. Prime examples of that were Vietnam, Cuba and Nicaragua. Time after time, we kept people separated from their families and neighbors and countrymen. We opposed West Germans trying to establish relations with East Germans, South Koreans with North Koreans, Central Americans with Nicaraguans. And all because American politicians were afraid of being called “soft on Communism”.

    And I don’t believe for one minute that God drove the Jews out of Israel because they rejected Jesus.

    P.S. It’s “yoke”, not “yolk”, unless you’re likening the Soviets to a raw egg that spreads and expands on a cold frying pan.

    1. Hello Captcrisis

      Thank you for reading my article and thanks for the comments. I’m sorry to say I do not agree with anything you say.

      The American policy of containment has nothing to do with The Consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. If it did, Mary might have accepted their efforts and WWII and the rise of Communism might not have happened.

      We all know we have experienced WWII and the rise of Communism. And none of the wars we endured have prevented the rise of communism.

      You don’t believe that God drove the Jews out of Jerusalem! God had Moses warn them that they would betray The Messiah and God will punish them! See Deut. 31: 15-17, and in that day, I will forsake them and hide my face from them and they shall be devoured.
      Moses warned them again in Deut. 31 22 and 26-39, “I will take away Israel from the face of the land . . . and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people.

      God shall make thee to scattered throughout all the kingdoms of the world. Deut. 28:15-25.”

      The Lord spoke to Solomon: “Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all peoples (1 Kings 9: 9-7.”

      Jesus Himself told the Jews the parable about the wicked vinedressers. They are the ones who were given God’s vineyard and told to keep it. In the end, they were the ones who, with the aid of the Romans, both rejected and killed the heir of the owner of the vineyard. As a result of the spiritual rebellion of the Jews, God took away the vineyard and gave it to others, the Gentiles.

      Jesus even told the Jews “I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.” John 5:43. The one they did accept was Simon Bar Kochba. who ruled Judea when all the warnings finally came true.

      Captcrisis, I don’t often make mistakes but when I do, I always admit to them. Thanks for pointing out my mistake in the word “yolk.”


      Maurice A. Williams

    2. The Old Testament sources you cite are pre-exilic. Readers of those predictions would have understood them to refer to the Babylonian captivity. They are certainly not referring to the rejection of any Messiah later on.

      To think that Jews are being punished for what a handful of their remote ancestors did is repugnant not only to me but also to most Christians (and of course to all Jews).

    3. I comment here because I feel like I have something to add (or a correction to make). First I look things up. Usually I’m right, but sometimes I find that I’m wrong, or at least partially wrong.

      This time, I don’t know what to say. You tell me to look at Deut 31:28 – 29:

      “28 Assemble to me all the elders of your tribes and your officials, so that I may recite these words in their hearing and call heaven and earth to witness against them. 29 For I know that after my death you will surely act corruptly, turning aside from the way that I have commanded you. In time to come trouble will befall you, because you will do what is evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger through the work of your hands.”

      This is Moses, speaking shortly before his death. It is one of many predictions in the OT that Israel will do bad things. There is no mention of any Messiah, and certainly not any mention of a rejection of the Messiah. In fact, among the predictions of a Messiah in the OT, nobody ever predicted that Israel would reject him.

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