Spring Cleaning My Soul

dream, window, path

dream, window, path
Spring is in the air! The birds are rising earlier with the sun and the weather is warmer.  Here in the Midwest, it is never a safe bet to expect warm sunny weather this early, although it is May.  A hard freeze can suddenly put a damper on garage sale or clean up day.  One day it can be a beautiful and humid eighty degrees and the next a frigid and icy thirty-two! It certainly keeps us on our toes around here.  No matter the weather, I always wake up and immediately read the daily readings for the day.  I do not always make it to daily Mass, especially now that I am nearing my seventh month of pregnancy with my seventh child.  With a toddler in tow, it is easy to get weary about daily tasks.

Just like the crazy weather we experience in these parts, my own spiritual life can sometimes fluctuate.  I know that He comes first in all aspects of my life, but sometimes on those weary days I mentioned before, I begin to despair about current events and worry about future endeavors, and I allow doubt to creep into my life.

Protect Your Eyes

Not only your eyes, but your ears, and your mouth. For example, how often are you listening to secular music? I find some music to be quite depressing and hopeless.  The music teens listen to today is filled with the shallow worship of money and sex.  We may see this as harmless, but is it really?  Teenagers listen to music and secular media more than ever before.  They are bombarded with images of capitalism and sex constantly.  Children are marketed to by this type of music.  Then we wonder why our young daughters are over-sexualized and sexually transmitted diseases run rampant in the eighteen to twenty-four year age groups.  Television shows are also filled with casual sex situations that seem normal and acceptable to everyone.  Channels that label themselves “family” channels broadcast confusing sex topics that are certainly not family oriented in any way.  Is there any way to protect our children?

Setting Boundaries

Your children may not like you for it now, but setting boundaries regarding media access is critical for a clean spiritual life.  News flash: you need boundaries as well. Adults have just as hard a time resisting secular media images as children do.  How many of us have a certain TV show we love, yet we know to be immoral to our Catholic faith?  It is hard to live a holy life, indeed.  We justify our actions in different ways.  However, if we can be diligent with ourselves, we can be successful.

1. Cut the cable.  Yes, I know.  It hurts.  We did this years ago and it was painful for about two weeks.  I noticed right away, however, a change in our lounging habits and we were getting outside much more. I began to accomplish more during the day. Reading and writing took the place of “vegging” out in front of the TV.  Bible study and family game time became our favorite activities.  We only allow our children to watch pre-screened family shows under our supervision.  There are no televisions upstairs or in our children’s bedrooms.  Computers stay downstairs, where their use can be monitored.

2.  Monitor your children’s internet and television activity.  They will not like it.  However, they will thank you later in life. Some understandings only come with maturity.  Explain your reason why this will be happening and how it protects them now. Let them know that God wants them to see pure images that portray love and grace. Let them know you will be joining them in this new way of life. Do not only eliminate inappropriate sexual images or readings, but also rid your family of depressing or ungodly books, shows, and music.  I cannot tell you how much they effected me as a teenager.  Music can actually determine someone’s mood for the day, so why not make it uplifting instead of dreary?

3. Be patient.  They will resist.  You may also falter.  Ask for forgiveness and try again.  This is when it is good to have some sort of filter on our devices, so that when temptations do arise, there is no way to give in! It takes time to develop a new habit, so give it a chance.  Over time, I believe you will find that you do not miss all that mindless chatter that does not contribute to your well-being.  Filters are available from a company called Covenant Eyes, and they can be used for one low fee for the entire family and all devices in the home.  What a great investment in your family.

I sadly realize that I wasted so much time on silly gossip shows and non-family programming during my life.  This is simply the American way.  But if we are proactive in setting an example for our children on how to behave and spend our time, it can help you on your path to holiness.  Just like being on a diet, bringing unhealthy “items” into our homes is too much of a temptation for the entire family.  If you need a fresh start this spring, start by going to confession.  Giving glory to God and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you will give you strength to persevere.  Pray for strength to do the right things in all aspects of your life.  I literally pray before every decision I make.  Will it please God? Will it hurt me spiritually? Will it hurt my family?

I look forward to this glorious spring, and our new baby that will arrive in August.  I hope your spring and summer will be filled with Christ’s love and guidance, as only He can provide.  God bless you!


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