Spiritual Parasites and Distorted Sexuality

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A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host and gets its food from and often at the expense of its host. They differ from regular predators in that they have very specific, stiff rules. The first is that never kill their hosts, as that would mean their own deaths. The second is that they hide their presence very well so their hosts do not recognize their actions and thus try to get rid of them. The third is that, whereas they live off just one host (a predator lives off many), they can infest that host multiple times, whereas only one, or at most a few, predators are able to feed on one prey. Finally, parasites have six strategies, but the one we will examine is called Parasitic Castration. Here, the parasite effectively renders the host infertile in order for it not to compete with its own reproduction.

An interesting example is Sacculina. It is technically speaking a kind of barnacle that infests crabs. It grows inside the crab as “roots”, effectively controlling all its functions. It tells the crab where to go, it tells the crab what to eat, and it is even able to see what the crab sees. However, its most incredible function is that it forces the crab to take care of its eggs, and to that end, part of it grows in the same exact spot where the crab would keep its own eggs.

Even more amazingly, it is able to turn male crabs into “trans” female crabs because it makes crabs have the part where eggs grow too small to hold them, so Sacculina does a kind of sex-change operation on the male crab to enlarge that area as to be able to hold eggs. Also, it makes the male crab do the same kind of mating dance females do. Curiously enough, if the parasite is removed, the crab stays still in its new “female” sexual form.

Now, let’s make a parallel with the spiritual world. We see an increasing amount of strange sexual changes that bear a striking resemblance to what Sacculina does. Sex change operations and similar procedures effectively render the person permanently sterile no matter how much it may claim otherwise.

However, how can people get “infected” with a spiritual parasite? Again biology may throw light on this question with Lime Disease. This disease is transmitted by ticks, and the American aboriginals would not go to certain parts of the mountains during some times of the year because they thought some kind of “curse” inhabited those places during those times. Of course, they had no understanding of Lime Disease and its relationship with the ticks which would infest those areas during those times.

So, just like one could get Lime Disease if going to those hills at the wrong time of the year, one may also get infected with spiritual parasites if going to the wrong places. An example that comes to mind is a famous movie director, who started to go to an S&M place and soon decided to do a sex change operation, and his brother followed him for some months too.

Can we blame someone for being infected with a parasite? No, it is just a very unfortunate situation that only deserves mercy and pity. Still, that doesn’t mean we should just live with the parasite, especially if it is the kind that makes its hosts sterile, as that means it is actively reproducing and thus infesting others. In this, just like we cannot open ourselves to remove intestinal worms and we depend on a doctor for that.

Jesus is the only doctor with the capacity of removing parasites. We see plenty of examples in the Bible of how hard it is to remove them, with victims screaming, the parasites going to pigs and driving them mad, etc. What is most important is not to let parasitic castrators spread, as their strategy is to reproduce and thus spread much faster than other types of parasites. Let’s trust Jesus for that.


6 thoughts on “Spiritual Parasites and Distorted Sexuality”

  1. Another example is Massospora cycadina, a fungus which infects cycadas and makes males act as females, thus stimulating sex and spreading the parasite

  2. Pingback: The Catholic Church’s Most Austere Order Opens 4th Monastery in World’s Largest Muslim Nation, When St. Philomena Knocked on My Door Three Times, and More Great Links! - JP2 Catholic Radio

  3. an ordinary papist

    I think Mary’s reply and the author’s essay speaks for itself. It’s funny how God thought
    up the concept – as a necessity – long before man did.

  4. Sorry, this is just an ignorant piece, the kind of thing my drunk uncle the mail carrier in Brooklyn used to say in his cups when he wanted people to think he was smart. It takes a complex, painful and consequential subject and dumbs it down to the 4th grade schoolyard level. And dehumanizes people in the process. Please do better.

    1. Instead of just insulting, which does not speak well about your own discussion capabilities, explain why you think this is wrong

    2. Yes Mary, please critique the article instead of insulting Al. And those of us with ties to Brooklyn particularly find your slur offensive.

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