How to Conduct a Daily Examination of Conscience

confession, sin

While some may have difficulty going to Confession at this time, we all can do one thing that will have great benefit for our spiritual lives: make a daily examination of conscience.

Examination of conscience

But what does this term “examination of conscience” mean?  According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, it is “prayerful self-reflection on our works and deeds in the light of the Gospel to determine how we may have sinned against God.  The reception of the Sacrament of Penance ought to be prepared for by such an examination of conscience” (CCC, 1779).

I believe that God has a way of allowing “wake-up” calls.  While God did not cause our churches to be restricted during this pandemic, we can turn it into something good by getting closer to Jesus with self-examination.

Each of us makes many decisions each day.  Where is God in these choices?  Do we consciously try to ascertain God’s will before we speak or act?  Or do we not really consider His will but only do what we think is best for us, regardless of whether or not it is sinful?

I greatly endorse St. Ignatius of Loyola’s recommendation of taking a moral/spiritual inventory or “exam” before we sleep at night.

Using the Ten Commandments

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) as a means for conducting a daily self-examination.

  1. “I am the Lord thy God, thou shall not have strange gods before Me.”

We may recall the story of Abraham and his son Isaac.  Abraham was called to sacrifice his only son and was prepared to do so until an angel told him to stop. God wanted to make sure that He was the priority in Abraham’s – and our – lives!

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.”

Ask yourself if you put God first in your life or if material things—money, pleasure, power— are the “gods” you put first instead.

To what extent do I believe and participate in anything that is New Age, in horoscopes, fortune-telling or any other superstitions or aspects of the Occult? Do I associate with anti-Catholic groups such as the Freemasons?

  1. “Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

So many people use the name of God and Jesus Christ when they are angry or surprised.  This can be blasphemy.

Have I committed sacrilege by showing disrespect to the Church or holy objects such as the Crucifix or Rosary?  How respectful am I to the Pope, bishops, priests and religious?

Have I committed a sacrilege by going to Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin (without first going to Confession)?  Do I fast one hour before Communion?  Do I fast during Lent?  Did I neglect my obligation to receive Holy Communion at least once a year during Easter time (the Easter duty)?  Do I share my time, talent and treasure with others and with the poor?

  1. “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.”

Have I missed Mass on any Sunday or holy day of obligation without a serious reason, such as being sick?  Do I show up late or leave Mass early?  Am I attentive during Mass?  Do I honor Sunday or treat it as another work day?  To what extent do I give of my resources to help the Church or those ministries that I am called to support?

  1. “Honor thy father and thy mother.”

What kind of example do I give by how I honor or have honored my own parents?  To what extent do I teach my own children the importance of faith and following the teachings of the Catholic Church?  Do I show disrespect for those in authority?  Have I taught my children moral values?

For children, to what extent have I been disrespectful to my parents?  Am I obedient in what I am being told by those in authority such as parents, grandparents, teachers and priests?  Do I help with household chores and other responsibilities for the family?

  1. “Thou shall not kill.”

Do I support, or have I had, an abortion?  Do I realize that I cannot be passive about my support for defending life at every stage?  Have I been a participant in or support euthanasia for those who are sick or elderly?

Likewise, have I committed any acts of violence or abuse, whether it is physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal?  Have I done any reckless driving of any kind?  Have I driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol?  Do I show contempt for my own body?  Do I take care of my health, both physical and mental?

To what extent do I hold grudges or refuse to forgive those who have hurt me?  Am I grateful for others and the gifts I have received from the Lord?  Do I tear people down or build them up?  Am I prejudiced against people because of their race, language, ethnicity, or religious background?

  1. “Thou shall not commit adultery.”

Do I look at others with lust in my heart?  Do I desire sex outside of marriage?  Do I lust for things I don’t have?  Have I had any attraction to people who are not leading me closer to Christ?  Have I had sexual relations outside of marriage?  Have I masturbated?  Have I viewed pornographic materials in print or online, engaged in phone sex, or gone to massage parlors or adult book stores?  Have I used artificial contraception? Have I put myself in the near occasions of sin with persons, places, or things which would tempt me or harm my chastity?  Do I entertain impure thoughts?

  1. “Thou shall not steal.”

Do I cheat on my taxes, steal from my place of employment, or practice dishonesty in any of my personal or business dealings?  Do I lie, cheat, or steal in anything I say or do?  Have I borrowed something and not returned it?  Do I use work materials for my personal use at home without permission of my employer?  Have I been paid for work by my employer that I did not do?

  1. “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

Do I gossip?  Do I speak of others negatively behind their backs?  Have I told a lie to protect myself and deceive others?  Have I attempted to harm or ruin someone’s reputation?  Do I spread rumors which may hurt others?  Do I care if the rumors are true?  Have I sworn an oath falsely?  Do I love to spread bad news against my enemies?

  1. “Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”

Have I looked or lusted in my heart at someone else’s spouse?  Do I flirt with the opposite sex inappropriately?  Do I lust for what I do not have?

  1. “Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods.”

Have I ever cheated anyone of their goods or services?  Did I knowingly deceive someone in business or in my personal life?  Have I committed fraud or shown disrespect or contempt for other people’s property, or have I done any type of vandalism?

Am I envious of the success of others or the material things they have obtained?  Am I greedy, and do I want more and more things?  Do I let my material desires exceed my desire to please God or my family?  Do I want the things of this world more than I desire obtaining virtue and spiritual blessings and grace?

A good time to look inside

This time of trial and tribulation is a good opportunity to examine our thoughts and actions.  The Lord wants all of us.  He will give us strength to endure this suffering and anxiety.  Do not fear!  Do not be afraid!  God loves you eternally!


2 thoughts on “How to Conduct a Daily Examination of Conscience”

  1. Pingback: Go Forth and Sin No More - Catholic Stand

  2. Pingback: How to Conduct a Daily Examination of Conscience | ROMAN CATHOLIC TODAY

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