Strong-Willed Or God’s Will

Holy Spirit


Birgit - holy spirit

Sometimes being strong-willed is good, as in being determined.  Other times, not so much, as in being pig-headed.

Are you “strong-willed?” We sometimes hear this term to describe children who are defiant in some way.  They fight, scream, throw temper tantrums and push us until we give in to them.  Most often it is just a growth phase.

By the time we are adults, we’ve long passed this stage – at least most of us have! Mature adults do not scream and cry to get their way. However, we do push in other ways.  We push in subtle and passive-aggressive ways that we learn in order to get our way with those around us.  These methods may work at home with our family, but they do not work in our relationship with Christ.

A Hard Heart

As children, we naturally submit to our parents and elders for our overall well-being and survival. This is a glorious time in our lives, because we are receptive to faith and to Christ’s promise to us.  However, as we age we become cynical and suspicious of others’ motives.

As teenagers or young adults we tend to balk at being under someone else’s control when we feel we are fully capable of dealing with whatever life throws at us. We get rebellious.  We may even pull away from someone who is just trying to offer us guidance.  Perhaps this stems from a natural rebellion against parental authority.  We feel the need to demonstrate that we are “on our own.” It’s a rare thing for a teenager or young adult to admit to still needing mom and dad!  But as older adults, we sometimes still feel this rebellious attitude towards God and what He is calling us to do with our lives.

It Ain’t Easy

It’s not supposed to be easy. Some even find it impossible.  Submitting to God’s will is a process and for most, it’s a painful one as well.  Pride makes us hard and cynical. We get greedy and develop a bad case of the ‘wants’ or the ‘gotta haves.’  When we are used to getting our way and suddenly stop getting it, we become angry. We become like teenagers again.

But God is always calling us to submit to His will. He is even calling us to submit to His will during the most difficult times, like after a job loss, or maybe when faced with all the problems that come with having to pull your child out of a school that is promoting non-Christian values.  Maybe you have to quit your job to stay home due to an unplanned pregnancy or possibly when dealing with a difficult financial situation created by bad choices.  These are all stressful situations where you may be calling on Him for help, but not necessarily liking His answer.

Be Prepared

It all comes down to this: do you trust God? My answer to this question is who else can you trust?  There is no one wiser, no one who loves you more. He will never lead you astray.  You may be confused at first as to what His mission is for you.  You may feel frustrated and angry.  Pray.  God is listening.  He will answer, when it is time.  He loves you forever and wants the best for you.

The Beauty of Submission

I’ve always loved the song “Jesus Loves Me.”

“Jesus loves me, this I know

 For the Bible tells me so

 Little ones to Him belong

 They are weak, but He is strong.”

It’s a simple song that I sing to my children and one that my mother sang to me. It describes how small we really are and how dependent we are on His strength and love.  It includes the line “The Bible tells me so.”  This is trust and submission.  We love God and one another with the faith He has bestowed upon us.  What a beautiful gift.

I pray that you will be open to His will. I know it can be difficult to discern, because I have been there.  Be open to what He has planned for you.  God bless you.


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