God’s Laws are the Cure for the Evil in the World

devil, demon, satan, evil, temptation, swearing

After God created the angels and showed them a vision of the future Christ as God’s beloved Son made man, Lucifer refused to accept that he would have to worship God incarnate.  And evil came into existence.

Lucifer’s pride would not let him worship Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  He saw man as beneath him.  Lucifer became the embodiment of evil because he chose against God, and he has made war against God ever since he first saw the vision of Christ.

God knew this would happen, but He created the world anyway. He wanted the righteous, who chose correctly, to share in His existence and in His love. But free will gives people the ability to defy God.  And some undoubtedly will. They become evil by choice and now oppose God.

Harmony and Conflict

There is perfect harmony within God. The Son and the Holy Spirit always do the will of the Father, and the Father loves them for it, and they love the Father. For all eternity, and even before creation, there is nothing but love and harmony within God. But after creation, with millions of people with free will (and now billions), there is the possibility that some will choose not to obey the Father.

Those who choose to obey have the dignity of really being in the image and likeness of God because there is no evil in them who choose right, just as there is no evil in God. But those who chose wrong display evil within themselves. They stand out in sharp contrast with the others who display no evil.

God knew that this would happen, but He gave us a remedy for the evil we display. We can ask for forgiveness and be cleansed of the evil within us. This sounds easy, but it is a monumental task because Lucifer tries to take control of us. He wants us to continue in evil, making repentance an enormous task.

God has, more or less, placed us in conflict with Lucifer, who does everything he can to keep us in evil. On our own initiative, we don’t stand a chance of defeating Lucifer. We need God to help us. If we ask for help, God is sure to help us. If we do not ask for help, we succumb to Lucifer’s wiles and are lost in pride and jealousy.

But since we are made in the image and likeness of God, God wants us to display only righteousness like God does.


Happy and sad are human emotions and since God is pure spirit, He does not have human emotions.  Still, I tend to think that any display of evil within us evokes something like sadness in Him.

As a result of Original Sin we all have within us concupiscence, even after we are Baptized. And, we all must conquer it.  “The Catechism of the Catholic Church” calls concupiscence “the tinder for sin” (1264).

Concupiscence is on already display in our lives when we are too young to be fully responsible for our actions.  But by age seven or eight we become aware of moral right and wrong. We come to understand that we have to take responsibility for our actions, especially actions that are contrary to what God wants.

But today, it seems wrongdoers are being encouraged to see themselves as victims.  They no longer have to take responsibility for their actions.

Ignoring God’s Moral Law

If a nation state refuses to punish wrongdoers, chaos soon flourishes. If a state ignores the moral code that God wants all people to adhere to, people will soon lose respect for all law and try to live according to their own desires.

We have a number of problems with crime in America today.  I think the civil code of law not conforming with the moral code is causing these problems. For a long time now, our country has refused to teach religion and religious morality in our public educational system.

No matter what religion people hold fast to, most people realize that God is God, and that His will must be obeyed by every created person. And as Nostra Aetate says, “The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions.”  There are differences in religions but there is common ground as well.

But all religions have pretty much the same moral code. It is always wrong to murder, to steal, to oppress others, to bear false witness, etc. If our state sponsored educational system taught even this non-denominational kind of religion, all American citizens would at least have a heads up on what they should expect from our all-powerful God if they violate His law.

If all Americans realized the ultimate consequence of disobeying God, we might have fewer rapes of our young daughters, much less stealing of our property and our savings, and much less stealing of our identities to strip us of all our possessions. Instead, young Americans try to display how smart they think they are by devising schemes to rob others of everything they have.

When a State Ignores Natural Law

Because of the stupidity of some political leaders many of our children are growing up so undisciplined in morality that they think they deserve everything they can take. The end of the road for this is chaos.

Laws about sexual behavior are plainly embedded in natural law. If we refuse to teach religion and natural law as being required by a God who will punish all those who refuse compliance, lawlessness will soon follow.

Natural law has a lot to say about the state of marriage and the duties of both mothers and fathers as well. If a state refuses to teach natural law about marriage, broken marriages will soon break out. The result will be just what we have now, couples living together in sin and seeking sexual satisfaction without the burden of begetting children.

We should never have permitted easy divorce in the first place. Divorce should be rare and ethically administered to protect the child.

But then we made matters worse.  After easy divorce we permitted abortion on demand. Abortion is our political solution to unwanted children.  Now it seems like it also may be too late to stop abortion. When a crime of rape, for example, is brought against a young man he is not punished adequately even though he is the guiltiest. Offenders convicted of statutory rape receive on average 30 months in prison.  If a baby is conceived as a result of the rape, the baby, the least guilty person, is often condemned to death to solve the problem.


Don’t you see how outrageous this is to God? God’s laws are sufficient to deal with situations like this, but state laws deliberately set aside God’s laws to permit a situation where the least guilty person, the child, is sentenced to death.

Wake up America! We have a very thorny problem in our country.  Circumstances demand it be remedied, but I don’t see an easy way to remedy it. And if individual states want to put it up to a vote in this coming election and the voters choose to make abortion a state sponsored constitutional right, this will only make the problem worse.

It’s time to reevaluate problems of our own making. If you vote for rulers who sanction abortion, you become complicit in the evil of a huge, huge slaughter of innocent babies. And if God decides to punish the wrong doers, nothing will save you from His punishment.

Be careful how you vote in the next election.


5 thoughts on “God’s Laws are the Cure for the Evil in the World”

  1. However one defines God’s Law or laws, self evidenly they are without the authority to even dent the evil that has corrupted the world and the human condition. I like to think God has a better plan yet to be revealed that will accomplish HIS ends. Maybe that is the purpose of the second coming?

  2. Maurice, the following two sentences really caught my attention as self-evident truths: “But those who chose wrong display evil within themselves. They stand out in sharp contrast with the others who display no evils.” This insight also serves as an excellent hypothesis to explain conflicts that may occur in our lives in circumstances where conflict is not expected.

  3. Hello Father Chopp
    Thank you for your comment on my article. It is nice to hear from people who agree with me. May God bless you in your work, You have a bigger challenge than I have.


    Maurice A. Williams

  4. Pingback: THVRSDAY AFTERNOON EDITION – BigPulpit.com

  5. God’s Moral Law as summarized in the Ten Commandments were given to His People to serve as a teacher telling us how we are to be and what we are to do and not to do. God’s Law serves as a Mirror showing our sinfulness; God’s Law Curbs our wickedness and evil nature in this world–In fact, all human laws find their foundation in God’s Moral Law and it serves as a rule showing us how do live and serve our neighbor. The three purposes are Mirror, Curbs, and Rules. However, God’s Law cannot save, but it drives us to the Gospel of Christ Crucified.

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