Fernandez, Armed with the Fiducia Supplicans, Crosses the Rubicon.

Vatican II

By: Unknown Centurion

To a citizen of ancient Rome, crossing the Rubicon had an important, even menacing, meaning. It refers to Julius Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon River with a Roman legion on his way to install himself as emperor of Rome for life. The Roman Senate forbade any general from crossing the Rubicon with his army without being invited in by the Senate. It was an indelible line which could never be crossed. This phrase to this day has come to mean to perform such a decisive and defiant action that there is no turning back, and that nothing henceforth would be the same.

Imagine for a moment that we too are citizens of a worldwide empire headquartered in Rome. Imagine our senators (bishops) do nothing as a general who seeks to undermine the kingdom crosses the Rubicon at the acquiescence of the emperor. Imagine that because this Rubicon was not an indelible, but a meandering, almost imperceptible line, few citizens and senators were aware that the Rubicon had been covertly crossed or that a bridge had been built for the empire’s enemies to cross at will. Imagine that the causes of the fall of such an imaginary empire would be the same causes for the original fall of Rome – homosexuality and effeminacy.

Sadly, we don’t have to imagine it. Fiducia Supplicans is our Rubicon. This Roman edict is as deceptive an act as has ever been undertaken by a Roman leader, one which should be met by every loyal senator and citizen with outrage, prayer, resistance, and refusal to submit. Consistent with this regime, it’s surreptitious and ambiguous. Those working to bring the Church more in line with our post-modern world know they can’t draft a document that says to forget what we’ve always clearly taught, now we’re all about gay marriage. Maybe if they went that far, some of our American bishops would resist. Maybe.

However, the gay mafia and gay-adjacent powers can get their desired result under the radar, incrementally, under the Catholic-sounding concept of development of doctrine. To them, sins below the waist are no sins at all, or venial at worst. Clarity, logic, truth and tradition are their kryptonite. Ambiguity is the point. Confusion is the goal. They know that the army of enemies within and their effeminate allies across the globe will do their dirty work, stretching and extending this new “blessing” to the line of a gay wedding, and even beyond.  When we finally wake up a few years later to see the accepted status of gay marriage across much of the splintered, synodal, secular Church and wonder how we got here, we will point to this Rubicon.

Such a sneak attack on the Deposit of the Faith was met with an all too short-lived and subtle shock, especially in the West. Outside of active opposition at the edges of the empire, few active-duty generals offered any meaningful resistance.  Here, in the business of religion, it seemed to be business as usual. No forceful statements, no action, and no national opposition to this slippery slope. If this is the West’s reaction, or inaction, when this latter-day Rubicon is crossed, we deserve our leaders, our fate, and all the visible and invisible ramifications of our inadequate, apathetic response. We will be judged by the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah and found wanting.

Our Response

Haven’t we had enough yet? Are we just going to continue to take it? We’re in an abusive relationship with those who should be our spiritual fathers and we’re acting as if we are helpless. We should no longer make excuses for our Roman emperor and his inner circle, pointing out the times they sounded pro-life, mentioned evil, or seemed somewhat concerned with eternal, spiritual, matters. Remember, we have a clear two-thousand-year history that we stand on.

There are nearly a billion self-proclaimed Catholics and only a few to several hundred such enemies within and confusers-in-chief who have audaciously increased their activity because their time has grown short. Our fidelity is to God and His timeless teaching; we owe no such fealty to any promoters of novelties, fomenters of division, agents of confusion, remakers of the Church, or endorsers of abominations regardless of their present offices.  True, they are our religious leaders, but when they cause division, scandal, or even catechetical chaos, or fail to oppose it, we do not have to follow, and our duty is to resist.

It’s this battered Church syndrome which prevents us both from viewing this cadre and their actions as seriously as we should and defending ourselves and our flocks for the next ambiguous assault on the Faith. Just because they don’t clearly cross the line themselves doesn’t mean they don’t intentionally obfuscate knowing that those within and without who seek to weaken, destroy and remake the Church will finish the job and gladly cross the goal line with their tacit approval. If hypothetically, an emperor disbands his defense forces and opens the gates of the kingdom to the world and it’s Prince who hates her, enabling the spirit of the age to enter, undermine and transform her, why do so many otherwise rational beings tie themselves in knots trying to excuse and explain it away?

What can we do, and to whom can we look as a model of resistance when faced with an unjust order from Rome? There is a relatively unknown Roman soldier who stood up and took action against the evil empire when it had crossed the supernatural Rubicon. When the powers of Rome had mocked, tortured and killed the sinless Son of God, a soldier of the centurion rank brazenly refused to comply. When faced with a command to break the legs of the unblemished Lamb of God, the centurion defiantly disobeyed the Roman Governor’s direct order. Further, this future centurion-saint took decisive action, grasping his iron weapon of war to cross a threshold no man had ever crossed – through the Side and into the very Heart of God.

With his lance, St. Longinus opened a symbolic and supernatural pathway to the Heart of God, the treasury of all true blessings and a refuge from the evils of a fallen world. He crossed a threshold between the seen and unseen world, creating a channel to connect the human to the divine through the great, impenetrable chasm separating heaven and earth (Luke 16:26).  This Roman soldier crossed the divine Rubicon not for himself, or for Rome, but so that the graces and blessings would gush forth for mankind and so that all could enter the secret, sacred sanctuary of the eternal King and be transformed.

From the supernatural stronghold of refuge against the world, the flesh, and the powers of darkness flows a divine river of eternal life that consecrates and converts all it touches renewing all creation. This spear of such an unworthy sinner became the bridge between the Heart of God and the hearts of men, opening the seal which separated us since the Garden. What if he, like too many Catholics today, chose to remain silent, submit, and refused to take the bold, ardorous action his conscience and the promptings of the Holy Spirit inspired him to take, contrary to the unjust edict of Rome?

Our Senators

Where is this same sense of injustice and urgency among our Roman Catholic leaders? Do they not remember their oaths of fidelity to the Founder? Are they on board not only with the gay agenda but also with the attempt to feminize God, referring to Him as “mother” as paragraph 27 of Fiducia Supplicans does? Do they think they can keep kicking this dented can of explosives until the end of the current Pontificate? Where are the bishops who say not in my diocese? Or a firm statement from the USCCB that they will continue to uphold the immutable faith?

Is that really too much to expect that the American bishops (who are supposed to be ostensibly orthodox) go on record to uphold Catholic teaching, when German bishops have gone on record to oppose it, without facing any meaningful reprisals? Have any of our bishops issued any call to prayer and sacrifice in response to and in reparation for such outrages against Christ and His Bride? Sure, there’s that one retired general from Texas, our strongest and bravest, who was unceremoniously relieved of his command while his chestless brothers in arms secretly cheered or were too scared to speak up fearing that they might be next. Who else in the active episcopal ranks is holding the line?

We all know if we do nothing, where this goes from here: many homosexual activists will exploit it, some blessings will look like full-blown weddings, some priests will refuse to give them, others will use words like “chastity”, “God’s design”, and “avoid sin”, some will end up sidelined as a result, some dioceses will get sued, schism will be sown and the unity of the universal Church will be shattered. Assuredly as this diabolical doctrine develops, some bishops and priests will extend such so-called blessings to adulterous, polyamorous, or pedophilic relationships.

What is the effect of such a Church blessing on an inherently sinful sexual relationship? Do God’s graces impart to a relationship directly opposed to Him, one incapable of being ordered toward Him? Or is it a spiritual sham, a disingenuous sign of affirmation of something that Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium categorizes as disordered, grave matter, and sins which cry out to heaven? Does it lull practicing homosexuals into a false sense of security in the here and now, but subject them to an eternity of wailing and gnashing of teeth? Will the bishops and priests who purport to impart such “blessings” of the Church be held responsible for this? True, it is entirely consistent with a curia more concerned with things of the world (tolerance, acceptance, climate change, etc.) than repentance, conversion, and ultimate issues of the next eternal realm, but is this confused, temporal, program worth risking your salvation over?

It seems to me that there are powers and principalities behind Fiducia Supplicans. It’s been said that gray is the devil’s favorite color because he easily and effectively operates in the gray, ambiguous, areas. He hates clarity, consistency, order, and the unchanging black-and-white teaching of the holy Catholic Church. The Enemy would like nothing more than to infiltrate the Church, undermine its timeless teaching, attack its most active adherents, and issue an endless string of ambiguous pronouncements, none of which on its face advocates outright heresy, but each of which opens itself to a myriad of heterodox and heretical interpretations by the many useful idiots and enemies within. Sound familiar?

Active resistance aside, against such powerful dark forces, we need to pray, sacrifice, act, and enlist the host of heaven to come to our aid.  We need to, like the faithful son of Rome on Calvary, go to the source of our salvation, the Sacred Heart of Christ, and remain stationed at this sanctuary and stronghold, frequently receiving and adoring Him whose Body is the Church.

If you’re still spiritually naive about whether the Church in giving its imprimatur to active homosexual relationships is perverse or pastoral, ask yourself who benefits. Does the God of truth, creativity, order, and morality and His most faithful followers benefit or the infernal father of lies, sterility, confusion, and sin, and those opposed to God’s will? We’re no longer at the Rubicon; we’re at a tipping point for the Church. The deception, ambiguity, and willful ignorance have concealed that it has already been crossed, making us unaware of the precarious position we are in. If we don’t pray, sacrifice, and act, one more push from the allied forces of evil, from within and without, could, without the help of heaven, send it down into the abyss.


9 thoughts on “Fernandez, Armed with the Fiducia Supplicans, Crosses the Rubicon.”

  1. Who is Fernandez? Who is the author? This is a fairly well written piece of possible acts and the possible downfall of the Church. It’s a comparison of the Roman Empire with the Catholic Church and obviously makes the striking and fiery point that the gates of hell will prevail against the Church.

    A well written fantasy which contradicts Scripture is still a fantasy. I am still going to bless sports teams and police officers and firefighters singularly or in groups. I even blessed two twin brothers once on their birthday IN PUBLIC!!!

    Some may think this is foolish, but I’m signing my name to my comment!!! I would suggest others do the same but I might be accused of being SecrecyPhobic and then I’d be so hurt!!!

    1. Hi Father and thanks for calling this article well-written – praise God. This touches in part on my preference to remain anonymous. I’ve written a book to be published soon (God-willing) under the name Unknown Centurion, to both guard against pride and to honestly acknowledge that the words and ideas therein are not exclusively my own. Please don’t confuse such pseudonymity with pusillanimity.

      The gates of hell will never prevail against the Catholic Church, but the smoke of Satan has indeed entered it and his cloven hoofprints are all over it. My point was not that the Church will or could ever be overcome; it was that there are enemies within and without it who are working on its destruction, and too many of its watchmen are unaware, afraid, or on the other team. I’m sure a priest of your experience has seen your share of unholy and irreverent acts and omissions.

      And nothing I said (or implied) above suggested that you couldn’t impart your priestly blessing to teams, twins, or firefighters. But would you bless two men who inform you they are a homosexual couple and ask you to bless them, not individually, but their “irregular”, unnatural relationship?

  2. Thanks for an impassioned screed against modernism in the Church. Will it have an effect? I’m sorry to say, probably not.

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  4. Thanks for the comments.

    Ross, you can have false or ambiguous pronouncements from a valid Pope.

    Suellen, I too had a pastor who said that, and in that specific case, there was good reason some chose to speak the truth anonymously. Fear of reprisals among the US episcopacy and a vindictive curia seem to be the main reasons no active bishops have honestly spoken out against Fiducia Supplicans. Neither of these are my reasons to remain anonymous. Actually, I’d be fine if USCCB opposed FS in principle, without individual bishops signing their name to anything, as most of their press releases and action items do. Thank God for the church in Africa!

    Papist, the decline of Rome was a gradual loss of civic virtue (“virtus” from “vir” meaning manliness) especially their defining characteristics of valor, masculinity, excellence, courage, character, and perseverance. They practiced homosexuality and became effeminate (soft) and were unwilling to do the hard, necessary things, even outsourcing their sacred duty to defend to barbarian mercenaries. Without this decline, there would be no fall as your single, sentence simply summarizes.

    Catherine, couldn’t agree more. Please pray for our Pope and the people around him.

  5. Very good article and so true, sadly. Church history tells us that some of our Popes were not faithful to Christ or His Church. I read recently that one of our popes was excommunicated. I hope he repented before he died. So much confusion in the Church today. Confusion does not come from God. The father of lies likes confusion and disorder. Our duty: to pray for Pope Francis every day.

  6. an ordinary papist

    The Roman empire lasted over a 1000 years and fell because they overextended their
    land boundaries through conquest and subsequently driven back and defeated by the
    same peoples they conquered. It’s called Greed.

  7. A former pastor of mine had a firm policy. When he received anonymous letters, into the circular file they went. Decrying a lack of courage in the Church while not being willing to stand behind one’s own words is a bit hypocritical.

    I do not understand this policy at Catholic Stand. If there has been an article about adopting it I would greatly appreciate the link to it. Thank you and God bless you and our beloved Church.

  8. Good article. When does the Roman church stand up and proclaim that a false Pope who puts forth false doctrine is not the Vicar of Christ?

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