Divine Mercy and the Illumination of Conscience

mercy, imitation of Christ, grace

I hate masks. I wear them because of my close proximity to my elderly parents. I feel as though they remove real relationships and we treat one another as lepers. I do not judge what others decide, it is between them and God and I am not here to control people.

I was praying about masks when I sensed the Holy Spirit telling me:

If I could show you all the harm your past words have caused and who they caused them to, you would want to wear the mask. Though you are forgiven, you could never repair the harm that was done, that is why you need me.

I had a flash in my head of all the words I screamed at people in anger. One instance in particular from when I was 10 years old and spoke hurtful words to a classmate. Though I had confessed the sin and know wholeheartedly that I am forgiven, the words were already out there waiting for a demon to attach to them and carry them out.


When the Lord showed me this the other day, I knew I could spend all my days trying to repair and it would never be enough. It was like a ripple from my mouth into the lives of others that brought judgment, despair, and loneliness to them. If I didn’t know of His mercy and healing power I would have caved at the weight of it all. His mercy and healing power are my only recourse. So I handed it to Him. I trust in Him to heal it.

I decided then and there to look at these masks as reparation. I cannot tell you how much my words have hurt others. It made me never ever want to complain again and I am asking the Lord to hold my tongue and bring praise and joy to the world. It is still hard though, concupiscence is deeply ingrained.

               I tell you, on the day of judgment people will render an account for every careless                                     word they speak (Matthew 12:36).

This moment brought me to the realization that there will be a great illumination of conscience. I saw just how hard it would be for even the most faithful. When we see ourselves how we are and the ripple effect of what we have done, it will be astonishingly hard. It will be hard to accept His mercy because we will realize just how much we don’t deserve it. It may seem impossible that anyone would reject His mercy, but after this experience, I know some souls will reject it as a lie because they will not be able to accept how sinful their own actions were. And either through shame and despair, or pride and envy, they will reject him.

Divine Mercy

I believe the message of Divine Mercy that was brought to us through Saint Faustina will culminate with this Illumination of Conscience. God prepared us through Saint Faustina because when we see the reality of who we are we will be profoundly ashamed. But the Lord doesn’t want that. He wants us profoundly healed. And when this illumination happens I believe in the interior of each soul he will show the image of Mercy that Saint Faustina had painted so that we will recognize His mercy and accept it. He sent a prophet to pave the way. A voice crying out in the wilderness.

Jesus, I trust in you.


This illumination is not a judgment, but a gift of mercy, though it may feel like a judgment, hence why some will reject Him. This rejection is actually a blasphemy of the Holy Spirit – the unforgivable sin.

It is here that we will be marked.

                  He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of justice                    ( The Diary of Saint Faustina, entry 1146).

It is important to understand that this marking is not a thing, it is a decision; a free will’s choice. We will have the opportunity to accept or to reject mercy. Could things be used in forming our decision, yes, but a thing cannot force us to choose something against our will? If someone were to force something upon you that was evil (whether it be a tracker or vaccine or whatever you hear these days), if it is forced, your will was not involved in that. It is a decision of our own will that marks us. We get to chose how we are marked.

We will either be marked as servants of God, or marked with the beast.

After this mark, the battle will rage fiercely but because of our experience with Divine Mercy, we will know for sure the loving mercy of our God. So we can enter the battle prepared, He does not leave His children orphaned. We will all suffer, but we will know the loving goodness of our God which will help us persevere.

I see this marking with the acceptance of Divine Mercy as the beginnings of God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. He is purifying us. This will usher in the era of the Divine Will, and I see beauty, peace, and glory, much like the Apostles experienced at Pentecost.

                 Awe came upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles                         (Acts 2:43).

When we walk in the Divine Will, true peace on earth happens. I do not think this is the end of the world but the beginning of a better one. I see joy and hope in the future. A people who rely on their God instead of themselves.

I have no idea about timelines or how it happens or what exactly happens, and though I think we should watch and pay attention and be watchers, the most important thing is our cooperative effort to allow God to purify us so that when the time comes we accept His mercy and His will and His glory fill us.

He wants us resting in the bosom of the Father. Resting in the Sacred Heart, like Mary and Joseph are. Sacred. Immaculate. Guardian. Beloved.

(I am not schooled in eschatology; I am simply a woman who prays and writes down my thoughts. Everything I write is for your own discernment and prayer and I submit fully to the authority of the Church.)



13 thoughts on “Divine Mercy and the Illumination of Conscience”

  1. Dear Susan, I read your post and I know about the illumination of conscience. I had it already and at the time it happened I was so far from the Lord. It was after my father died. I struggled for 10 years and was unable to have a complete conversion. I suffered much and do to this day. I know the Lord was trying to heal me and I chose fear instead of just saying yes. I felt the Holy Spirit leave me and have been in darkness since. Now it is end of times and I don’t want to die or be killed in this state. I want to love and see God but I rejected His mercy. I listened to lies. I never wanted to turn my back on God. I long for Him now and fear I will never see Him because of my wrong choice. I need help now because where I am it will soon be bad. I need an exorcist and have not been able to get to one. I desperately need help. I do not want to go to hell but fear I committed the unpardonable sin. There is no real help locally where I am. I will go wherever I can get help. I am very sick, mentally, emotionally and am losing weight. I miss the Lord and want to give Him my life but can not where I am. I have been trying to get to Father Blount. Please write me back or call me. 609-970-6093. Dianne

  2. Thanks Susan, what a good reflection. Just thought I’d share something a priest told me once. He said he used to receive regular spiritual advice from a parishioner of his, who may or may not have been formally studied (I don’t know). But he used to put great stock in what she said, which was the result of her prayer. So, I think your reflections will have similar value, with the grace of God. I wouldn’t worry about not having formal qualifications in eschatology etc. Thanks again. God bless. Tony.

  3. Thank you Susan for sharing such an insightful and well written article! I appreciate how well you described the intent and meaning behind the forthcoming Illumination of Conscience – it really resonated with me 🙂

    I do have a few comments, and I try to make them with as much humility and honesty as I can muster…in the hopes that I am using my voice in accordance with God’s will and not with any personal vanity,

    I believe that wearing of a mask is more a gift to others than it is protection for yourself. The “fear ropes” in church, like the masks we wear are yet another sacrifice we make for love and concern for others. When we make these sacrifices meekly and offer them up to God with trust in his Divine Mercy and Divine Providence, I believe we are becoming more like children of God.

    I feel that within the Church right now there is too much discord and too many conspiracy theories amongst lay people as well as bishops and cardinals all surrounding traditionalist views vs what some label as progressive views. It is this discord itself that the enemy finds so delightful. The enemy whispers suspicions into the ears of any and all who are willing to elevate their pride and foment rebellion and cast judgement against others. This is happening now within the Church, the United States, and across the World. The enemy is absolutely gleeful with what is happening now: the erosion of human kind’s relationship with God and with each other accelerated by the fear, distrust, and resentment that the pandemic, political divisiveness and overall discontent has caused. This virtual virus is perhaps more deadly than the COVID-19 virus.

    I believe our focus should be on continuing our own personal relationship with God, and I feel we should not be spending our time commenting on the acts of others. If one listens to the messages of Mary from Medjugorje, it is very clear what we should be doing. Praying the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet daily (focusing on Jesus’ sacrifice for us), fasting on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays, reading the Bible daily, attending confession monthly if possible, and receiving the Eucharist as much as possible. In terms of how we treat others, there are three easy phrases to remember: 1. Humility over pride 2. Gratitude over discontentment 3. Mercy over condemnation.

    In addition to the Bible, I would also highly recommend reading the entire diary Diary of St. Faustina, the Autobiography of St. Gemma Galgani, and “Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words”.

    May God Bless you all and bring you closer to his Sacred Heart!

    1. I think God wants to see our faces, our beautiful faces!! Adam and Eve hit when they realized they were naked and have sinned. Should we hide? really?? More harm will come from the masks than good. If we sin, go to confession. Take off your masks!! Breathe!!

    2. Lisa,
      This article was written last year when mask mandates were first coming about. The Lord impressed upon me things I could control and what I could not and asked that I make reparation.
      You are correct that the hiding of our faces does not come from God 2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us this especially when it comes to Mass. But we were in a position where earthly authority was mandating it in order to receive Sacraments. My position when I wrote this, and my conversation with God, was about how to handle that which we cannot control. God asked me to make reparation and showed me why. It’s a purification of the interior.

  4. I hate the “fear ropes” draped over the pews. In order for this madness to end, the people have to make the jump to a conclusion about the “pandemic” few have made to date. I am afraid that most people are afraid to make that jump, and prefer to be comfortable with fewer freedoms.

    1. Hi Ken,
      Yes it is disheartening to see. Repentance is actually what is needed. But we cannot control others, nor should we want to. Our call is to purify ourselves, be reverent ourselves, and pray for other souls.

  5. Amazing personal story! Thanks for sharing! God is GOOD at all times!

    Our human impatience is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit. We are called to be peacemakers, Mt 5:9. Peace includes waiting to share a kind response when adversity, shame, blame, insult, criticism, offense, knock our hearing.

    The fruits of the Holy Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. May all people on Earth receive God’s grace to receive, value and expressed the Holy Spirit gifts so we all be able and be blessed to share the Holy Spirit fruits of everlasting life. In Jesus name I pray.

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