Creation and Scientific Evidence

Mitochondrial Eve, Dawkins

Those who control our culture no longer believe God’s revelation or respect Church authority to teach what God revealed, so I am just going to go out on a limb and venture my own private opinion of biblical creation and the scientific evidence the world offers us in apparent contradiction of it.

God revealed that, about 6000 years ago, He created the universe and man. Man was originally created immortal, like the angels, but after Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they and all their progeny lost the state of grace and their bodies became subject to death. The human race then embarked on a course of wickedness that eventually caused God to destroy humanity with a flood, sparing only the family of Noah.

Humans lived long lives – lifespans of hundreds of years – until the flood, but human longevity has steadily decreased until it reached about seventy-five years. After the flood, humans built the Tower of Babel and once again offended God, so God confused their language and scattered them all over the planet.

The Bible is clear that Adam and Eve were able to converse with God as soon as they were created. Presumably, all humans spoke that same common language until their punishment when God confused their language and no one could understand anyone else any more.

Longevity of Early Humans

There is almost no physical evidence that humans at first lived to be hundreds of years old. There is also very little evidence for the Tower of Babel and no real evidence of the universal flood. Surely, if humans lived for hundreds of years, many of their skeletal remains would have become fossils and are now on display in some of our museums. Perhaps there are some minute changes as years of life are accrued onto the bones, but as far as I know, only two scientists have ever picked up on this.

Jack Cuozzo, author of Buried Alive, is a dentist who argued that Neanderthal man had protruding jaws because bones in early man kept growing during the hundreds of years of life. To explore this possibility, Cuozzo was permitted to examine a skeletal fossil of Neanderthal man, and he noticed that the museum specialist, who had reconstructed the pieces of bone in position in the skull, had placed the lower jaw 3/8 of an inch too far forward, causing Neanderthal man to have a pronounced protruding jaw (the book’s Chapter 9 contains a detailed discussion of his findings).

The second book is Bones of Contention by Marvin L. Lubenow. The last pages of chapter 2 discuss the famous chart of human evolution.

I took a look at current data that could go into the construction of this chart of evolution. I concluded that it would take twenty-five thousand life spans (of 40 years each) as generational links to fill in the 1,000,000 years of so-called evolution up to man. If a chart showed every generation of man as full-sized and each link were four feet apart, the chain of links would be 257 miles long. That chart would look much more doubtful than the current one with only five to eight generational links.

Critics think this chart was deliberately distorted to get humans to accept evolution. That is probably true considering how much bogus information we are still inundated with. Don’t be misled by this. God knows the truth. He revealed how He created the world and you are well advised to believe it.

I found a couple books written by accredited scientists critical of evolution. Darwin’s Black Box and Darwin Devolves: New Science on DNA that Challenges Evolution, by Michael J. Behe; and Replacing Darwin: What is Creative Science, by Nathaniel T. Jeanson.

Wandering Tribes

Scientists have found evidence that humans began living tribal lives about 8000 years ago. They began building cities around 6000 years ago, starting in Egypt, then in the Indus Valley, then in Sumer, Mesopotamia. The flood must have occurred around 9000 years ago and the confusing of languages shortly after the flood but before humans migrated to distant lands to settle down. So we have a rough time line of creation: creation approximately 10,000 years ago, the Flood, 9000 years ago, and the Tower of Babel, possibly 8000 years ago.

This scenario of early tribal organizations of humans is very similar to the distribution of Amerindians in the United States and Canada. After the unfortunate wars of attrition, the surviving Amerindians settled down on lands set aside for them. There is today a very noticeable presence of many Indian powwow celebrations held throughout both in the United States and Canada.

In a Google search, there are 544 securely recognized Amerindian groups in the United States and 630 first nation communities in Canada. Those in the United States number 5.2 million and those in Canada number 2.13 million. No group is large enough to build cities with large stone buildings like the Aztec, Toltecs, and Mayans did in Mexico and the Mapuche did in Chile.

I think this is very similar to the situation among the peoples who were dispersed after the Tower of Babel. Gradually they increased in number or combined with neighboring clans until they grew large enough to build cities.

Civilized Nations and the Flood

The earliest civilizations on earth that built stone building were the Egyptians, followed closely by the Mesopotamian cultures, the Indus Valley cultures, China, Japan and those in the new world, Mayan, Aztec, Toltec, and Mapuche. This seems how the growth of civilizations occurred after the Tower of Babel. It looks like God created man thousands of years ago, not millions.

A big question here is this: just when did the Flood occur? The idea that the entire earth was covered in water deep enough to even submerge Mt. Ararat is absurd. That much water is several times the water already on earth. The Flood was probably a local phenomenon, but it did drown all existing human beings except the family of Noah. As to having two of each animal on earth aboard the Ark, I think that would have been too many animals. God wanted Noah to save only his family and his livestock.

There is evidence of many floods in the Middle East. I think it was one of those floods that was the flood that wiped out humanity, but how long ago? Prior to the theory of uniformitarianism, (which claims that the world changed gradually with minute changes slowly over millions of years), everybody presumed that the world suffered catastrophes that cause it to change, like the flood, for example, like volcanic eruptions, tsunamis etc. catastrophes of those kinds.

 Castratrophysm Versus Uniformitarianism

I’m not a geologist, but because of the popularity of western movies, we all have seen many geological features that look more like catastrophes than gradual changes that require millions of years to form. If you look beyond the actors in some of the desert scenes in westerns, you will see rock formations that look like 6- to 8-foot blobs of molted rock that merely solidified. You will also see sedimentary rock formations that show layer after layer of sand and debris that just eventually solidified. There are also sections of the solidified rock turned upside down and deposited on top of the same formation.

There exist geological deposits of large quantities of animals, their smashed bodies mixed in with splintered trees deposited against the base of mountains, which certainly looks like the result of tidal waves flowing through forests and crashing against mountains. Scripture writes about hills melting like wax, which used to be interpreted as subterranean lava flows developing frictional heat against the surface rock causing it to melt. See Earth in Upheaval, by Immanuel Velikovsky. The whole book describes these formations.

There is so much spurious information in the world concerning what God has revealed that you would wonder if someone is deliberately confusing God’s revelation. Someone is, but it is not so much wicked men as it is Lucifer who has the most at stake to lose in his war against God.


There is a famous story in Scripture about when Judea was situated between two pagan empires, Ptolemy’s in Egypt and Seleucid’s in Assyria in 701 BC (see 2 Kings 19). King Hezekiah was paying tribute to Assyria, but Egypt wanted Judah under their influence. Hezekiah chose Egypt and ceased payment to Assyria. The king of Assyria, Sennacherib, outraged, sent 185,000 troops to Judah to conquer it. Hezekiah prayed to the Lord, and the Lord said, “I will defend this city.” The Assyrian army arrived and camped overnight ready to attack the next morning, but when the next morning came, every soldier was dead.

This famous event in Scripture has met with many logical worldly interpretations to explain what happened, ranging from mice in the campground that infected the soldiers with plague (more deadly than bubonic, since it killed all the soldiers overnight) to the possibility that Mars was once in an erratic orbit and swept close to the campground while the soldiers slept. Because of its closer proximity to earth, a huge discharge of static electricity struck earth and killed the soldiers. This electrical discharge was known to the ancients as Thunderbolt and Lightning: The Divine Spark That Shaped History.

A peculiar thing about Mars is that it has two small moons, one is about 7.8 miles in diameter; the other 13.8 miles. The moons orbit in opposite directions and, since they are close to Mar’s surface, they orbit rapidly. The ancient Greeks and Romans knew this and named the two moons Demos and Phoebus. But how did they know this, since Mars is too far away to be clearly visible to the naked eye? In 1877, Asaph Hall went down in history as the first human to see the moons of Mars using the telescope invented in 1608 by Hans Lipershey. Mars must have come closer to earth in ancient times than it has in modern times.

No satisfactory explanation of this mysterious death of Assyrian soldiers ever came up until 1815 when the English poet George Gordon, Lord Byron wrote his famous poem with a plausible answer. “The angel of the Lord spread his wings o’er the blast, and breathed in the face of the host as he passed…. And the might of the Gentile, unsmooth by the sword hath melted like snow in the face of the Lord.” You should read this poem entitled, “The Destruction of Sennacherib,” easily found on the Internet. This poem is probably a much better explanation of what really happened than any theory conjured up by scientists.


God being God can do anything He wants, any way that He wants, any time that He wants. And if He appoints anyone to smite the wicked it would more likely be an angel rather than a human being, so if you feel lost in arguments with evolutionists, don’t waste time arguing. God being God creates simply by His intellect, His unspoken words, “Let it be so,” and here it is.

Let’s just leave it at that, and don’t make a fool of yourself arguing with those who refuse to believe. After all God did not command anybody to understand what God did, He merely commanded all of us to believe His word.


7 thoughts on “Creation and Scientific Evidence”

  1. Animals and more to save during the flood:
     1Then the LORD said to Noah, “Enter the ark, you and all your household, for you alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this time. 2“You shall take with you of every clean animal by sevens, a male and his female; and of the animals that are not clean two, a male and his female; 3also of the birds of the sky, by sevens, male and female, to keep offspring alive on the face of all the earth. 4“For after seven more days, I will send rain on the earth forty days and forty nights; and I will blot out from the face of the land every living thing that I have made.” 5Noah did according to all that the LORD had commanded him.” Genesis 7: 1-5.
    God bless, C-Marie

    1. hello C-Marie,

      Thank you for reading my article and many thanks for pointing out that I was mistaken. In my youth I knew that God did tell Noah to place members of all animals into the arc, but I was too young to speculate on it. In my mature years I saw the movie “The Bible,” which had a long session on the arc. The movie showed Noah loading huge animals like elephant’s and giraffes lions, tigers and bears onto the arc. And I felt then, without remembering what I learned in my youth that God did tell him all animals, How could Noah feed and care for such a huge amount of some very large and dangerous animals.

      I wonder now: what does God expect passing out such difficult jobs. How can Noah deal with such an impossible assignment? But you are right and I am wrong, God did expect it of Noah. I will have to revise my arguments next time,.

      I suppose God gives all of us impossible jobs. How can we refute the Devil and say no to every temptation. I suppose what really happens is God knows how difficult the tasks He expects from each of us ,but if we try to comply with God’s wishes , God intervenes and helps us accomplish these difficult jobs.

      Thanks again,

      Maurice A. Williams

  2. The problem in this article is that, despite the title, it’s not about “scientific evidence.” Moreover, it does not recognize the distinction between evolution, the common descent from some primitive organism (as indicated in fossils, the phylogenetic tree), and the Darwinian model (a theory) for how such evolution might occur. Pope St. John Paul II recognized this distinction, noting that while evolution is recognized as true, there are many theories for how it might occur. There are many non-theists (e.g. Thomas Nagel) who dismiss the Darwinian model for evolution as inadequate.

    If one is to take Genesis creation story as literally true (despite St. Augustine’s warning in doing so), one will also have to dismiss all of contemporary physics–quantum mechanics and relativity as being false. As a physicist, I am not capable of such cognitive dissonance. One will also have to discard the opinons of such eminent theologians as Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), Pope St. John Paul II.

    1. Hello Dr. Kurland,

      Thank you for reading my article and for your comments on it. As you know I am not very comfortable with our culture’s rejection of God. I think there are many reasons Americans have turned away from God. Believing evolution rather than God’s revelation is one of them,

      So I have sort of a private ambition to defend the veracity of revelation any chance I can. The more I get into it, the more I see I am not mistaken. I think you have worked your whole life in microbiology and I’m sure you are justly proud of it, but I think the scientific community has gone off track when they first became enamored with evolution. They have overrated evolution, and some scientists and our media and our atheistic culture, have used evolution to discredit Scripture.

      Most young Americans are overwhelmed with arguments favoring evolution and have lost faith in Scripture because they are too young to deal with the polished arguments our culture uses. I think this is a big mistake because if God really exists, and if the American people no longer believe His revelation, the American people are going to drift into serious errors in their relationship with God. That’s why I sharpen my pencil and take up the gauntlet every time I hear Scripture being refuted by evolution.

      I know you don’t refute Scripture, but you must be aware of the overwhelming influence of evolution in debunking Scripture.

      You criticize my article because it is not about evidence, but evolutionists hold up fossil bones as evidence and lately the FOXP2 gene. Bones and genes do not make us human: our spiritual souls make us human. I don’t think anthropology acknowledges that humans are unique in they have spiritual souls. I think the evidence they offer is insufficient to prove anything about the spiritual nature of man.

      You mention St. John Paul II when he conceded microbiology to the scientist but affirmed the Magisterium’s understand of Genesis. He made special note of monogenesis, a position that all human beings descended from Adam and Eve. There were no side branches of hominoids influencing the evolution of man. Every man and woman is gifted by God with a sovereign soul.

      Pope John Paul gave you a list of special gifts humans have based on Genesis. I think you agreed with that list when he gave it to you. It turns out that that list was already formulated by the church before Darwin was even born. So the church did not alter their magisterial teaching because of the discoveries of science.

      I see you are ninety-two years old and in a retirement center. I wish you a good life and would like to be among those who say “Well done good and faithful servant,” because I am impressed with the work you have done with your life.

      Maurice A. Williams

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  4. I would highly recommend looking into the vast array of truly excellent work that Genesis Apologetics has done and is still doing, especially when it comes to educating our kids against one of the demonic doctrines known as “evil”lution (my play on the word, not theirs). There is far more evidence to support the truths of the Bible, including a worldwide flood and a young earth, than most of us know at all. In Christ, Andrew

    1. Hello Andrew,

      Thank you for reading my article and for the comments you made.

      My defense of Scripture is mainly the authenticity of The Bible. I believe the flood really did happen but not millions of years ago and Adam and Eve were newcomers to God’s creation. After, all God waited to he very end of creation and the He created HIs masterpiece” man made in God’s image with a sovereign spiritual soul and destined to have a physical link (if any of us actually get accepted into His mystical body) with Him who is entirely spiritual.. We are far more than highly evolved apes with fish for ancestors.

      But I;m sure the Earth is very old. I don’t hold to young earth creation. But human beings are special

      Maurice A. Williams

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