Confronting the New “Abby” Normal


As we get older and experience more injuries and infirmities, the popular catch phrase to describe one’s condition to others is “it’s the new normal.” As a consequence, we have to learn to adapt and modify our behaviors to that new normal.

But beyond the personal dimension, the “new normal” label is more and more being applied to our social and political environment and much of daily life. The high cost of home ownership, for instance, is the new normal, according to realtors.

Unfortunately, this new normal in our society has morphed into social and regulatory norms that are forcing us to adapt not just behavior but our thinking, especially about what is true. In many cases it involves a new normal in morality.

The “New Normal” is “Abby” Normal

I recently watched the classic comedy of years back called Young Frankenstein. There is a scene where Dr. Frankenstein suspects that Igor, his assistant, did not bring him the right brain to use in the dead man he brought back to life. Igor confesses that the brain came from laboratory jar with the name “Abby Normal,” i.e., an abnormal brain.

That sums up what I think much of the new normal is today. Those in high authority are forcing new attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors on us. Just a few decades ago, however, these attitudes, beliefs and behaviors would have been considered strange, at best, to crazy and obscene at the worst.

It is relativism run rampant. That relativism seen in so many aspects of life as the new norm is, in my opinion, “abby normal.” Contemporary culture (media, education, academia, government) asserts that truth is not absolute. Instead, it is determined by changing social values. If one doesn’t go along with the abby normal, anything you say could get you into serious trouble.

Abby Normals

Abortion, and a number of other ‘abby normals,’ are health care and constitutional rights today. Two members of the same sex can now be married. The new umbrella of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is the key to workplace promotion today.  One’s race and sex, as opposed to merit, is what matters.

The list could go on and on.  But what really bothers me is that June – the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – is now Pride month for the LGBTQ community and movement.  The plethora of celebrations gets my juices boiling.

A Pride celebration event in Toronto, for instance, had buck naked men parading around in front of crowds that included children. Public lewdness has been part of such events for years.

Sacrilegious demonstrations by drag queens such as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are also now deemed as acceptable. This is a group who mock us as Catholics, desecrate the sacred, and engage in erotic exhibitionist behavior.  Steve Smith wrote recently about the LA Dodgers honoring them in his  article “There’s No Joy in Mudville, or in LA.”

At a recent a drag queen and Pride event in New York city the drag queens were chanting “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.” This illustrates that such abby normal groups are not just benign expressions of sexual tolerance.  They are active recruiters for homosexuality and transgenderism lifestyles.

It seems that most of the western world has succumbed to accepting this abby normal. Who would have thought that drag queen performances would be acceptable for very young school children.  And who would have thought that the U.S. Navy, in a bizarre effort to increase enlistments, is using a drag queen to show how inclusive is the Navy?


An associated abby normal is the bizarre acceptance of transgenderism.  Schools and the government that are now shoving this ideology down our throats. The recent White House Pride celebration with a transgender women/man baring her/his breasts demonstrates how the government has bought into this perverse gender ideology.

Who would have thought that men and women can no longer be considered men or women? Instead, we are forced to accept the notion that one’s gender identity (of which some claim there are numerous variations) is determined by feelings and not by biology.

Not Adapting to the Abby Normal

The implications and consequences of these examples have been explored in a previous post. Some folks choose to ignore what is happening or adopt the notion of “live and let live.” Others highlight the changes that are occurring and say they are redundant.

A question asked at a recent Church men’s group meeting is why do we keep discussing these various issues?  We have no choice, I answered, offering up Edward Burke’s famous quote.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Discussion of such issues can serve to help us find direction for dealing with them. Whereas we adapt to our personal infirmities (as a new normal) we don’t and should not adapt to what is “abby normal.” We should not willingly go along with those efforts and ideologies that go against common sense, the truth and core beliefs, especially when social or regulatory pressure is being applied.  As such, they need to be on our radar screen.

An opinion, or ideology, law or political order that goes against the truth, especially as expressed by the Church requires standing up and challenging it. Many are doing so as I write this essay.

Standing Up to the Abby Normal

The pro-life movement is an example of standing up over many years by refusing to adapt to abortion laws and social pressure to accept abortion. Writing, petitioning, voting, witnessing and marching for life has resulted in changed laws to protect life.

Parents are confronting schools and school board policies about forced transgender ideology in the curricula, allowing drag queen story hours and policies such as allowing boys in girl’s bathrooms.

Legal efforts are underway to overturn regulations requiring approved speech “codes” regarding transgenderism and sport governing bodies are finally seeking legal means to overturn transgendered policies allowing boys to compete against girls.

The Catholic Church is legally challenging hiring practices forcing employment of persons that do not adhere to Church teachings such as same-sex married individuals.

Christian bakers and florists are legally challenging state law efforts to demand they provide services for gay marriages and transgender celebrations that go against their religious beliefs.

Many legal defense organizations are aiding these efforts, such as The Thomas More Society, First Liberty and the Alliance Defending Freedom. They deserve continued support.

Perhaps the most difficult non-adaptation is in day-to-day conversations with those that support “abby” normal positions. It is all too comfortable to remain silent and not “rock the boat”. Too often, if one does not go along, I have found that the discussion mutates into a discussion of the “intolerant Catholic Church”. However, if we are true to our beliefs we need to stand up and reasonably and calmly defend our faith.  Not always an easy task since the Church has its “abby” normality’s.

“Abby” normal within the Church

Unfortunately, there are efforts within the Church to go along with and support the new “abby” normal. Many clergy and the hierarchy are wishy washy or silent about standing up to the secular world’s acceptance of the “abby” normal norms outlined above. An example is that many in the clergy and hierarchy look the other way in providing communion to pro-abortion politicians.

The clergy abuse problem stands out as another example of looking the other way by tacitly accepting and/or covering up homosexual predation.

Who would have thought that a so called Synodal Way, especially exposed by German bishops, would advocate for such secular causes that counter Church teaching and practices to the point of potential schism?

We even see accommodation to the secular world in the Vatican making an agreement with China that gives that totalitarian regime some control over the Catholic Church. Should China really have a say so in the ordination of Bishops?

The list goes on and on as in secular society.

While the Church has made great strides in cleaning up the clergy abuse scandal, there is still work left to be done, especially regarding the Bishops roles and responsibilities.

In terms of the other areas highlighted above, there have been a few clergy who have spoken out. However, many have remained quiet and the Church leadership has a long ways to go to not let the progressive agendas become a new but “abby” normal. Consequently, I believe we all have an obligation to speak out to voice the truth and what the Church teaches.

“Abby” Normal Progression

I once heard someone comment on all the “abby” new norms of having gone from “stupidity to tyranny.”  The new normal examples mentioned here are moving toward more and more regulatory demands on all of us to go along, accept, and support the various ideologies.

“If I can convince you to believe an absurdity, I can convince

you to commit an atrocity.” – Voltaire

In that light, vigilance is required.

“Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous,

be strong” (1 Cor 16:13).


8 thoughts on “Confronting the New “Abby” Normal”

  1. richard s auciello

    What is “the message of Fatima?” If the Catholics of this world became united in spirit and in prayer we could “change” the world.

  2. Pingback: THVRSDAY MORNING EDITION – Big Pulpit

  3. Thank you! My husband has been saying for years that people like you describe have Igor’s Bad Brain!

  4. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

    Thank you for this insightful article. I”m old now and probably set in my ways, but I still believe your sex is assigned at birth, male or female.

    Then again – our Lord socialized with all.

  5. an ordinary papist

    Actually, I believe it was the Three Stooges who did the ‘Abby Normal’ skit some time before.
    The Inquisition was an ‘atrocity’ also but this too did pass.

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