Commissioned to Catch Men (& Women) for Christ

brazil jesus

Many Christians consider themselves followers of Christ, but only a few are truly committed to His Mission of catching men for God. The Gospel accounts of the call of the four fishermen (Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20 & Luke 5:1-11) make for a good reflection for those of us who are still in consideration mode. Some of us need the Lord’s direct help to get our Christian living aimed in the right direction. It is true that we have met the Lord, we have listened to His preaching, and we have started following Him (a tad from afar). But we are yet to completely commit to His mission. Perhaps like these fishermen, we are constantly distracted by our trade. We are heavily preoccupied with making a living. And the Lord Jesus knows that we need to be redirected if we are to start living His purpose for our lives. Thus, He takes us back to the shores by the Lake of Gennesaret to enlighten us using St. Luke’s account of the events.

The Opening – Luke 5:1-6

We find the Lord Jesus teaching God’s word, while Simon (like many of us) is busy tending to his fishing business (vs 2). I imagine Simon washing the fishing nets while brooding over his failed overnight expedition; pondering how they did not catch anything despite working hard all night (vs 5). This reminds me of myself when life throws me an occasional curveball that gets me wondering what it is I am doing. I tend to busy myself with manual work as I rack my brain for solutions. In these moments, I shut out most things and just focus on my thoughts while automatically doing whatever physical thing. I suppose Simon was in a similar state of mind – he was not really listening to the Lord’s words. The all-knowing Lord Jesus is aware of Simon’s frustrations in this trade. He has a plan for Simon. So, He gets into Simon’s boat and asks him to put out a little from the land. Then He sits down and teaches the people from the boat (vs 3). Although Simon is not aware of it, the Lord plans to prosper (not harm) him. The Lord plans to give Simon hope and a prosperous future (Jeremiah 29:11).

Step 1  Gets the Fishermen into the Lord’s Net

If these men are to become fishers of men, their attention must shift from the fish of the sea to the Lord Jesus and the world’s lost people. I remember one of my teachers who used to call students to come and sit at the front of the classroom when he caught them not paying attention. This being called up front meant that the student would have to focus on what the teacher was saying. The Lord uses a similar design of catching Simon’s attention by getting into Simon’s boat. Just as in the classroom, the action of the teacher also draws the attention of the other students. In today’s case study, these others would be Simon’s partners in the other boat. The Teacher being in closer proximity to them means the fishermen cannot continue washing their nets, seeing as it were that they have been drawn further into the lake and could distract the people with their activities. They inevitably stop and now listen to the Lord’s teaching. Simon and his partners have the front seat so to speak. They can clearly see the face of the Lord as He teaches the people – His facial expression, His hand gestures, every body movement that He makes. They hear every single word that He speaks. They catch every emotion in His voice. They have put so much into catching fish, but the Lord will teach them the art of catching men.

  • Lesson 1 The Message of Evangelism comes from the Word of God

It is not wrong to want a successful business. However, it is important to differentiate between a job and a calling. Simon’s calling was in catching people for Christ. His trade was in catching fish. This fishing job helped him develop the skills needed to catch men for the Lord. The job entailed catching fish which would die before reaching the intended destination (someone’s meal). The new focus for all of Christ’s followers is to catch dead men who are to come alive at the Lord’s table. How so? By shifting focus from success in daily business to success in catching people for the Lord. By listening to the teachings of the Lord every day and being transformed for the mission of the Lord. By becoming a servant of God involved in the great cause of catching people for the Savior. However, not all are called to take this as a full-time ministry, but all are called to be faithful servants of the Lord.

Every Christian has been given the gifts and the calling to participate in the mission of catching people for the Lord wherever they are and in whatever trade they are involved in. This means that we must be diligent to do well in our work. We cannot be mediocre in our everyday engagements and yet expect to be superb in our spiritual endeavours. Both works need us to be disciplined enough to adopt His purpose for our lives. Whatever we choose to do to make a living, our main goal should be to glorify God (Matthew 6:33). Our focus should be to witness Christ through our behaviour, attitudes, words, and actions. Seeing people through the eyes of Jesus means seeing yourself as Christ’s representative to those you come in contact with. At the end of life, your measure of success will be how faithfully you used what God has entrusted you to further His Kingdom.

Step 2 Reveals the Sovereign Authority of the Lord Jesus

When the Lord Jesus had finished speaking, He told Simon to put out into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch. A carpenter asks an experienced fisherman to do what is not conventional for catching fish! Aren’t fish best caught at night? Simon’s response says it all (vs 5). Nonetheless, he obeys. And he is astonished at the great catch that threatens to tear the nets. He even has to signal for their partners in the other boat to come and assist. The boats are filled to the point that they nearly sink (vs 6-7). Such a catch could have tempted them to go for more nets so that they make even more profit. This could be the catch of a lifetime that many dream of. But that was not the Lord’s plan.

  • Lesson 2 The Initiative for Evangelism comes from the Lord Jesus

Simon did not push his argument about toiling all night but without a catch. He agreed to indulge the carpenter. Well, he had spent a good part of his day listening to the Lord’s teaching, and something must have changed in him. So, he obeyed the command. His reward was immediate and overwhelming. It dawned on Simon that he was but a sinful man; limited in everyday things and yet being here in the presence of holiness. He fell down at Jesus’ knees and made his confession (vs 8-10). Simon acknowledged and worshipped the Lordship of Jesus.

And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not fear; from now on you will be catching people (Luke 5:10b).

The initiative to make these fishermen into fishers of men came from the Lord Jesus. It is unlikely that Simon and his companions set out on their own to become fishers of men. It is also unlikely that you and I will wake up one day and decide to become fishers of men of our own accord. It is the Lord’s will that we go out to evangelize nonbelievers and help them come to faith in Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). And this will happen when we adopt His purpose as ours. It is He who will turn our ordinary lives and make us agents for catching others for God. When we get involved, we are assured that the Lord goes before us (Isaiah 45:2). Ours is to cooperate with His eternal purpose in taking the gospel message to the ends of the world. Ours is to endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation, which is in Christ Jesus, and with it eternal glory (2 timothy 2:10). Ours is to obey with confidence as Simon did, knowing that the Lord will use our witness for his eternal purpose.

  • Lesson 3 The Guidance we need in Evangelism comes from the Lord

Simon is first told to put out a little distance from the land. The Lord’s teaching was meant to carry far and wide. This was aided by moving away from the crowd and carrying His voice over the waters. It also focused all attention on the Teacher, who was seated in the boat. Simon is then directed as to where he ought to cast his nets (vs 4). When we do not know how to reach out to lost people, the Lord will direct us; but we must ask Him. And when He shows us where to cast the nets, we must obey and do so. Then only will we have a miraculous catch.

  • Lesson 4 The Results of Evangelism come from the Lord

We know that when the fishermen did what was asked of them, they caught a great quantity of fish, and their nets began tearing (vs 6). Even more, they had to get help from the other boats, which were likewise filled to the point of sinking (vs 7). Later when Peter preached to the multitudes, thousands in whole groups responded (Acts 2:41). As St. Paul puts it, we plant the seed in their hearts and someone else waters, but it is God who makes it grow (1 Corinthians 3:6). We should always try to be effective in presenting the gospel, but we must remember that true conversion comes from God alone.

  • Lesson 5 The Obedience we need in Evangelism lies with Us 

The miraculous catch of the fish happened because Simon obeyed even though he had reservations. Sometimes we have myriads of reasons why we cannot do what the Lord asks of us. No matter how absurd the command sounds, we must set aside our reasons for thinking contrary and obey the Lord in seeking to bring people into His gospel net. Ours is to let down the fishing net and allow the Lord to bring the large fish into it.

  • Lesson 6 To catch people for God requires that we grow in our understanding of who He is and who we are     

We know that this was not Simon’s first encounter with the Lord Jesus (John 1:42 & Luke 4:38). It was also not the first time that Simon was witnessing the miracles of Jesus. But this miraculous catch affected Simon the most. It touched on his personal trade. It made Simon see the Lord Jesus in a different light and recognize his sinful self (vs 8 & 9). He had listened to the Lord’s teaching and recognized the power of His words (Luke 5:5). He was overwhelmed by the holiness of the Lord Jesus (vs 8); we too must first acknowledge our sinfulness (Isaiah 6:5). Simon experienced the power of the Lord Jesus over nature (the miraculous daytime catch). He, who created the heavens and the earth by His word (Genesis 1:3 & Hebrews 11:3) was sitting in Simon’s boat. Simon was speaking to Him, who sustains all things by His word (Hebrew 1:3). We must likewise grow in our understanding of Jesus as the powerful, holy, and gracious Lord of the universe. Keeping in mind always that the work of evangelism depends solely on God’s might working in the hearts of sinners, we acknowledge that the word of His gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).

And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not fear; from now on you will be catching people.” Luke 5:10

Step 3 Assures Simon (and us) and Confirms the Mission

In His graciousness, the Lord Jesus assures Simon (and us) to fear not, and He states the mission to which He is calling us (vs 10). Even when we have miserably failed before, we fall before Him and confess it to Him. Then we hear His gracious words, “Fear not, from now on you will be…..” Listen to the Lord of new beginnings for those who repent. We must grow in understanding that our sinfulness renders us undeserving, but His graciousness transforms us to be worthy. Our sinfulness does not disqualify us from catching people for Christ; it does rather qualify us. Being constantly and painfully aware of our sinful and weak nature means we totally rely on Him (2 Corinthians 3:5). St. Paul helps us to understand that the transforming grace of God qualifies us and motivates us to reach out to others with the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:9-10). When you know the depravity of your own heart and also know the abundance of God’s grace, you are in a good position to tell others where to go to find some.

  • Lesson 6 To catch people for God demands that you work together with other transformed sinners

We cannot do the work of catching men alive for Christ on our own. Simon had to call his fishing colleagues to come and help him haul in the catch (vs 7). He could not do it alone. We, too, must work together to bring in the catch. But we remember that we are not responsible for the catch; the Lord Jesus is. We work together and haul it in, but all the credit and glory belong to the Lord Jesus.

Take-Home Message

The thing you do for a living may captivate you. The question you must attend to is whether it is your business or the Lord’s business which captivates you. You must ensure that you do not lose sight of what the Lord’s purpose is for your life. When your focus shifts, be quick to let the Lord into your boat; He will redirect you. Listen to His words and obey His instructions. The Lord will be pleased to give you a miraculous catch of numerous fish of all types. And your mission to catch people from all walks of life will come to fruition. Blessed fishing!

*NB: All Bible quotations are from NASB Version


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