Canticle of Confidence

Belief in the Divinity of Jesus, faith, Jesus

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:2

In my RCIA class the other day we were speaking about the fact that most of us don’t think big enough of God. By that I mean we seem to put limitations on what He might be able to do in any given situation. We’re not the only generation who has done this, it is ancient. Sarah laughed at God when she was told she would have a child in old age. Zechariah questioned God when he was told Elizabeth would have a child. In both these cases, there was an interior disposition that didn’t believe.

This is where Mary is different, when she questioned the angel, her disposition was one not of thinking God couldn’t do it, but of trying to understand how He would. It’s an interior disposition of awe at the greatness of God. Mary is our guide for these times.

We find ourselves in strange times where things are sometimes scary. Sometimes we may not feel safe. I was thinking, there are days that can feel like the Israelites who had been freed from slavery only to start complaining in the desert that they missed their slavery. Comfort zones have been stretched and we don’t like it. And I realized this kind of complaint can end up with seraph serpents biting you. That is old sin that kept you in chains, starting to creep up and tempt you again, trying to take you back to comfort. A false comfort, born in chains that God brought you out into the desert to look at. He is asking for surrender and abandonment to His Divine Will. He wants to take you beyond your limits to show you just how big and how loving he really is. He wants you to realize how much His grace sustains you when it’s hard and how much healing He has in store. It’s a promised land. Don’t go backwards. Don’t complain. Be grateful. God’s glory awaits you.

And so, because I could see the desert devil, I decided to do what so many in scripture did. Bring praise to the God who is bigger than I can imagine. He is bigger than my suffering. He is bigger than my thoughts and ways. Have confidence and know He is bigger.

Canticle of Confidence

Blessed Be the Most Holy Trinity, the three in One.
You are Abba, the great I AM.
You created the universe and all within it.
You do not forget or abandon your people.
You parted the sea for Moses when there seemed no way out.
You closed the mouths of lions for Daniel.
You sent down fire from heaven when Elijah called upon you.
There are no other gods before you.
Your promises are true.
You came to dwell among us.
You healed the blind and the leper.
You raised Lazarus from the dead.
You cast out demons.
You forgive our sins.
For you are the God of mercy whose ways are not our ways.
You sent the Paraclete.
Greater works you promised.
Miracles abound from generation to generation.
You gave us your Mother, your perfection.
Magnanimous for us.
You set us upon a rock and foundation.
There is nothing you can’t overcome.
Your spirit is not timid.
We approach your throne with confidence in our time of need.
We were made for these times.
We repent of our sins.

Make us Holy, Lord.
Your grace is sufficient for us.
We thank you all the days of our lives.
Blessed be the Most Holy Trinity.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


3 thoughts on “Canticle of Confidence”

  1. I love this. May I reprint your prayer (crediting you, of course) in my parish newsletter? I am co-editor with my pastor, and we usually close with something inspirational to meditate upon.

  2. Pingback: THVRSDAY EDITION – Big Pulpit

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