Archbishop Viganò is Right About ‘The Great Reset’

The Great Reset

Catholics, in fact everyone, should be concerned about ‘The Great Reset.’  It is not a conspiracy theory.  It is very real.  And its aim really is a new world order.

So why is this article running on Palm Sunday?  Shouldn’t our thoughts be on the horrible death our Lord and Savior endured for us on Good Friday?  Yes they should.  The Great Reset, however, makes a mockery of His sacrifice for us.  It is a blatant attempt to implement a secular totalitarian world order.

Abp. Viganò has been warning people about The Great Reset since mid-2020.  More recently he wrote:

“For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious leaders.”

Many have passed off his warnings as those of a fugitive from the Church and a conspiracy nut.  But Vigano is not a lone voice crying in the wilderness. Cardinal Burke and Cardinal Müller have also voiced warnings about Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset plan.

Cardinals Burke and Müller Agree

In December 2020, in his homily on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, at the Shrine church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Cardinal Burke said Covid-19 is being “used by certain forces, inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda. These forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called ‘Great Reset,’ the ‘new normal,’ which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear.”

Cardinal Müller seems to agree with this assessment.  In an interview with the National Catholic Register’s Edward Pentin, Müller said he believes the goal of The Great Reset “is absolute control of thought, speech and action.”

The Great Reset

So just what is The Great Reset and why should we be concerned about it?

In short, The Great Reset is a total revamping “of all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

On the surface, some revamping doesn’t sound too bad.  Many people agree that society’s priorities are out of whack.  Many would also agree that too few people hold too much of the world’s wealth. Additionally, greed now seems to be viewed as a virtue instead of as a deadly sin.

And as for education, the U.S. educational system is in shambles.  It ranks in the middle of the pack amongst all countries in the world in science, math and reading.  What’s more, secularism, relativism, woke-ism, and Critical Race Theory are being pushed more and more in our schools.

So some changes in society, economics, and education might be a good thing.  But what kinds of changes are Klaus Schwab and the WEF talking about?

One of the biggest changes being predicted should set off major alarm bells:  “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”  Make no mistake – this is socialism.  Yet the WEF tries to hide its authoritarian/socialistic leanings in warm and fuzzy language.

Totalitarian Socialism

The mission of the World Economic Forum (WEF) seems pretty straightforward.  The WEF is “Committed to improving the state of the world.”  That sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?  But the WEF also says its purpose is “to empower global leaders to shape the future for the better.”

But just how do democratically elected leaders suddenly become empowered to shape the future for the better?  Democratic governments have built in checks and balances that keep leaders from wielding or grabbing too much power.

The WEF gives us the answer to this question.  Shaping the future “will require stronger and more effective governments.”  So implicit in this stated purpose is a need to change the shape and forms of governments.  Governments have to become stronger and have more power.

Make no bones about it, this is totalitarian thinking. Totalitarians want strong, centralized, dictatorial governments.  And they want citizens to be completely subservient to the state.  This is the stuff of George Orwell’s “1984.”

The Vatican’s On Board?

As Edward Pentin wrote, a number of heavy hitters would like to see The Great Reset become a reality. “Prominent backers include President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Britain’s Prince Charles.”  Pope Francis would also like to see an economic reset.

But Pentin points out that, “critics see it [The Great Reset] as a flawed and dangerous agenda that paves the way for an autocratic global future more closely resembling the communist-capitalist system of an increasingly dominant China.”

So it is troubling that Cardinal Peter Turkson, prefect of the Dicastery for Integral Human Development, sees “significant commonalities between the goals of the [Great Reset] initiative and those of Pope Francis.”

Pentin quotes Turkson as saying “The objective for us and from the point of view of Pope Francis is to reimagine a social order with more justice, equity, where social injustices are overcome.” As such, says Pentin, “this is why, he [Turkson] explained, his dicastery has “shared a lot of information with Davos, the U.N., about our approach,” making it “very likely” that language of the Vatican and the WEF “now begins to be closer.”

The Vatican, however, should have one objective – to bring the world to Christ through the Catholic Church.  As Pope St. John Paul II wrote in “CENTESIMUS ANNUS” (Part 6, paragraph 6), “there can be no genuine solution of the “social question” apart from the Gospel.”

We DO NOT Need Better Systems

Two years ago I wrote, “No, We DO NOT Need Better Systems.”

“More laws and secular progressives changing our systems in a misguided attempt to make them better are not the answers.  We need better people.  We need people who are not so easily swayed by the devil.

“Imagine if the world was peopled by devout, practicing Catholics, all trying to lead virtuous lives.  In all likelihood, there would be no war, no poverty, no hunger, no racism, and no murder.

“Too many Catholics (and other Christians), however, are allowing secular progressive propaganda to sway their thinking.  They are letting irrational, emotional arguments cloud their judgment.  Too many Catholics are letting the teachings of their religion – teachings that are firmly based in both faith and reason – be displaced by irrational and illogical ideologies intended to put man above God and man’s laws above God’s laws.”

Even some Protestants agree with this.  As Protestant Theologian Stanley Hauerwas has said, “It has been the project of liberal political and ethical theory to create just societies without just people, primarily by attempting to set in place social institutions and/or discover moral principles that ensure cooperation among people who share no common goods or virtues.”

It’s Happening

Dr. Michael Rectenwald, scholar and chief academic officer of “American Scholars,” says:

“Just as Klaus Schwab and the WEF hoped, the covid crisis has accelerated the Great Reset. The response to the covid-19 scourge has consolidated the grip on the economy of monopolistic corporations above, while advancing “actually-existing socialism” below. In partnership with Big Tech, Big Pharma, the legacy media, national and international health agencies, and compliant populations, hitherto “democratic” Western states are being transformed into totalitarian regimes modeled after China, seemingly overnight. I need not provide a litany of the tyranny and abuses. You can read about them on alternative news sites—until you can no longer read about them.”

But he also says “Like earlier attempts at totalitarianism, the Great Reset is doomed to fail.”  Let us hope he is right.

In the meantime, I pray that Pope Francis does not let the title of Austen Ivereigh’s biography about him go to his head.  So far his reforms of the Catholic Church have been dismal.  Any attempts on his part at reforming societies and systems are likely to have similar results.  He really should limit his focus to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

The Great Commission

As St. Paul instructed Timothy “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingly power: proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching” (2 Tim 4:1-2) [Emphasis added].

These words of St. Paul’s are instructional for all Catholics and Christians.  The only way to stop the Great Reset from coming to fruition is to persistently “proclaim the word.”

We should not let The Great Reset ideology take the place of The Great Commission given to us by Jesus Christ Himself:

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” [Matthew 28:19-20].

Experts, economists, social engineers, ideologues, and politicians will never be able to solve the world’s problems.  Only Jesus Christ can do that.


46 thoughts on “Archbishop Viganò is Right About ‘The Great Reset’”

  1. Pingback: Глобалисткият Нов световен ред носи белезите на „Антицърквата на Сатаната“. Само християнската цивилизация може да спаси света от глобал

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  3. Gene:
    Follow up to your claim about the Catholic Church.
    I couldn’t find anything online that supported your claim of the first universities or hospitals being started by the Catholic Church.

    1. Robert, be assured that any “claims” I make are backed up by facts. Even Wikipedia (not really a Catholic-friendly source) credits the Catholic Church for starting the first universities and hospitals –,a%20high%20degree%2Dawarding%20institute, and,%22first%20hospital%20among%20Christians%22. And as the Wikipedia entry also notes, “The Roman Catholic Church is the largest non-government provider of health care services in the world. It has around 18,000 clinics, 16,000 homes for the elderly and those with special needs, and 5,500 hospitals, with 65 percent of them located in developing countries.”

    2. Gene:
      Locally, we have seen the closures of Catholic Churches, schools, nursing homes, and hospitals.
      Priests are leaving the priesthood.
      Some priests have been identified as active homosexuals. Others have been identified as sexual abusers.

    3. Robert, you are ranging too far afield from this article, so this is the last word in response to your comments.

      In regard to al-Qarawiyyin university, “The date of reference [for its founding as a university] is the year al-Qarawiyyin was founded as a mosque.” It is a single university in Morocco, but note too, that the intellectual center of al-Andalus was also highly regarded. The Catholic Church, however, founded many universities in many countries. And we are still a Christian society not an Islamic society.

      As for hospitals in the various Islamic Caliphates, most certainly a Saudi publication is going talk up the Islamic contributions to medicine. And there is no denying that Muslim physicians did made significant contributions to the practice of medicine. But the history of Western Civilization deals with what took place in the West, not on what took place in the mid-East. And in the West, it was the Catholic Church that set up and ran the hospitals.

      And finally, you go global for your comments on hospitals and universities, but now you talk about local closures. But consider, as I wrote in a CS article (Oct. 27, 2020) that “In 1970 there were 653.6 million Catholics in the world. Today there are over 1.3 billion Catholics in the world. We’ve even gone from just over 191,000 to over 223,000 parishes worldwide.” So whatever point you are trying too make is lost. But don’t bother trying to explain because comments are now closed. Christ’s Church will prevail in the end.

  4. Gene:
    Thanks for the feedback.
    And yet the words from Revelation 18 and 19 remain to confront us!
    Which do we choose? Do we accept the inspired word of God written by John the Apostle, who walked with Jesus, OR guidance from those who followed 100’s or 1,000’s of years later?

  5. Gene:
    I’m not fully aware of all the events throughout the 2,000+ years of the Church. However, some other events come to mind; the papal encouragement of the Children’s Crusade to the Holy Land, the papal attack on the Knights Templar, the strangulation and burning of William Tyndall, indulgences, sexual abuse by priests, etc.
    The Holy Roman Empire, which came into existence around 800 AD, linked secular with religious powers.
    Bible prophecy suggests that this combination of secular and religious power will occur again.
    When I view the wall behind the Pope in his audience hall, I shutter that the images. It certainly doesn’t express the hope of salvation found in the scriptures.

    1. Correction: I shutter at the images, which the sculptor claims is Christ rising from a nuclear blast

    2. You might want to do some research rather than continually bringing up more urban legends fostered by anti-Catholics. The so called “Children’s Crusade” was not started or sanctioned by the Pope or the Church and it was not supported by any major secular ruler (and it was not made up of children). Philip IV, King of France, was the mastermind behind the demise of the Knights Templar. The Pope (Clement V) was duped into going along with Philip after Clement tried to offer clemency. Tyndale was merely defrocked by the Church. He was arrested tried, and sentenced to die in 1536 by Charles V, the King of Spain, because Charles (and even Henry VIII) deemed his translation of the Bible to be over the top heretical and dangerous to the peace. Also, the Holy Roman Empire wasn’t that big a deal (or even that great an Empire). Holy Roman Emperor was more of an honorary title, and the Concordat of Worms in 1122 severely restricted the religious influence of the Holy Roman Emperor.

      Look, Robert, it is inconceivable that a 2,000 year old organization is going to be lily white, especially considering it is made up of sinners. But let’s not forget that the first universities and hospitals were also started by the Catholic Church. Sure the Church has had bad popes and clerics. It’s also had great ones and has produced a lot of great and holy saints. And even though the devil has been trying his best to bring the Church down for 2,000 years she is still here.

  6. Gene:
    Read the article that you suggested.
    Started researching online. Immediately found this article:
    Then thought, why bother? Am I going to change your mind? Doubt it!
    But have you considered the shameful history of the Catholic Church, or how the current Church is so different from the early Church? Is there not blood on the hands of the Church over the decades? The Spanish Inquisition comes to mind quickly. But there are certainly more examples to consider. Keep in mind that the Church was adversely affected by secular influences from the beginning.
    Regarding the wealth of the Catholic Church, have you considered the opulence on display in the Vatican?
    Revisit the warnings from Jesus in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.

    1. Robert, I don’t think the “shameful history” of the Church is as shameful as you probably think it is. Many ‘urban legends’ about the Catholic Church were started by anti-Catholic zealots and they are still floating around. But they have been refuted time and again. The Inquisition is a good example. You might want to check out this 45 documentary by the BBC on the Spanish Inquisition —

    1. Gene

      Some comments are really so unhinged that you shouldn’t respond. The Church as the “Whore of Babylon”?? I have plenty of criticisms of the Church but this is ridiculous.

  7. Pingback: Extra, extra! News and tidings for April 13, 2022 – Catholic Mass Online Search

  8. Francisco Ruffolo

    Yes Kathleen this is a call to arms. As you say a call to prayer. We all must become prayer warriors in this titanic spiritual war. After all we all became soldiers in Christ when we were Confirmed. The beginning of the Third World war has already begun. This is the spiritual war part of the Third World War. The more conventional third part will come later. All I know is that every single day that passes brings us one more day closer to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The day or the hour only God the Father knows. Look up for your redemption draws near!

  9. Gene:
    Yes, the efforts of the WEF, the UN, etc., are real. But the Bible is clear about where this is all headed. These worldly efforts will eventually be brought down by Jesus at his return. In the meantime, we will be subjected to these tribulations and possibly face the decision to accept/refuse the “mark of the beast” – the final test for believers. Pray that we all make the right decision!

  10. How about you pick up the Book of Revelation and take a look at it?
    Chapters 17 and 18 appear to describe the Roman Catholic Church.
    Warning in Rev. 18: 4-5; depart from her!

  11. Hi Gene,
    I did read your article from March 7, and I agreed with everything except the inserted excerpt about Putin being a “good little dictator” on Trump’s watch. That part detracted from what was a really good article. My point in responding to this particular article about Vigano and the great reset is to emphasize that Putin’s aggression and Patriarch Kirill’s support of Putin present a greater existential and spiritual threat than all this talk of the great reset. There are a fair number of Catholics who are following the likes of Dr. Taylor Marshall, John Henry Westen, and YouTube sites like “Return to Tradition” that seek to paint Pope Francis as some kind of sell-out to the “great reset” and some even want to insinuate that he is in league with the antichrist. This kind of divisive, rebellious talk is creating more division and weakening the church. We should be more concerned with the actions of Putin and Kirill misleading the Russian Orthodox Church. These events seem much more related to the predictions of Fatima and Garabandal. This is the time when we need to set aside differences and recognize the greater threat. I’ve watched his Excellency Vigano’s videos produced by Urbi et Orbi and they caused me great concern. Not because of his talk about the great reset, but because I saw a man of God acting of his own accord and not from obedience. If you read any of the books written by Saints never is there any mention of them rebelling against their superiors in the clergy…even when those superiors are clearly in error. God always asks them to trust that He will handle things…because ultimately God’s Will will be done with or without us.

    1. Steven, you might want to pick up a copy of Dr. Ralph Martin’s book “A Church in Crisis.” The Church is in crisis and, while I’ve defended Pope Francis in past articles, I really can’t say he is helping matters. But it’s not just Vigano who is speaking up about the Great Reset, Burke and Muller are doing so as well.

      Also we will have to disagree that “Putin’s aggression and Patriarch Kirill’s support of Putin present a greater existential and spiritual threat than all this talk of the great reset.” A secular, totalitarian, socialistic world that pushes God to the fringes is a greater threat than Putin.

  12. I would think that Patriarch Kirill’s support of Putin’s evil assault on the Ukrainian people should be of more concern to us, and that this continuing battle within our own church between conservative and progressive wings is an evil distraction. We forget about our cousins in the Orthodox Church and in our arrogance we think that all biblical prophecies are about the Catholic Church. It is a shame that we are listening to so many voices of discontent within our own Church. So many fingers pointed at our own Pope, while right in front of us we fail to see a far greater evil that has been birthed in the war against the Ukrainian people. Imagine what would happen if Russian forces were aided by forces from other countries and this war advances. What if Rome and the Vatican itself is besieged? Bear in mind that the fear of liberalism and “perverse western moral values” is the justification given by Patriarch Kirill for supporting Putin’s evil war. In making this observation I am not justifying liberalism nor am I justifying conservatism. However, I am pointing out that the enemy of God and of mankind has us right where they want us because of our pride, arrogance, fear, and lack of faith. Fear of a “great reset” could also be a tool of the enemy just as much as the “great reset” itself.

    1. I already addressed some of your concerns on March 8 in an article entitled “Putin Wages War on Ukraine.” This article is about the Great Reset. Gotta’ keep up Steven!

  13. Kathleen:

    Ultimately, the Great Reset, or the New World Order, or Satan’s plan, whatever you want to call it, will fail.
    But there will be tribulations that mankind, as well as believers, will suffer before Jesus returns to make things right!

    1. Robert:

      Yes, Jesus will make things right. In the meantime we must pray, and pray more. Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer – Our Father… thy kingdom come, thy will be done… If we pray this prayer from the heart and obey the Commandments we can be at peace and we can pray that unbelievers, and those who ignore what Jesus taught, will convert before it is too late.
      Come Lord Jesus, Come.

  14. “And they want citizens to be completely subservient to the state.” And the “state” is the group of those in power [earthly power]. As God’s inspired word calls them “the world rulers of this present darkness.” All these power people live in time, and all time is created by God. This same God will determine when each of them can no longer live in His time here and each of them will be before Him. The fallen angels want them and all of us to fall with them – and choose, freely, to reject the loving God who made us. These devils also want us to be happy about the prospect of these “present darkness” rulers going to hell forever without repenting. As difficult as it may be to not want the likes of Biden, Obamas, Pelosi, Trudeau, Merkel, Soros, Schwab, Bergoglio, Wilton, Marx, McCarrick, Bugnini, Whitmer, Brown, Murkowski, Xi, Dolan, Mahoney, . . . . .[comment section does not have enough gigs of internet memory for all this list], . .. Gomez, Siller, Martin, Massingale, and Clintons to suffer in agony for eternity, we MUST, to defeat them and their demons, pray for each of them so that they can be heaven with us (I know: I am working out my own salvation in fear and trembling). Guy, Texas (Moe/Lucy/Groucho).

    1. 1 Timothy 2:1-4
      New American Bible (Revised Edition)
      III. Problems of Discipline
      Chapter 2
      Prayer and Conduct. 1 First of all, then, I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone, 2 for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity. 3 This is good and pleasing to God our savior, 4 who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.

      Noticed that you excluded Republicans from your listing. They are as much sinners as the rest of the world.
      We are asked to pray for all the living, so they can come to the knowledge of truth. We can’t pray someone into heaven, can we? I think the Bible makes that clear.

  15. Mostly hyperventilated bilge. I know Archbishop Vigano from our days in northern Italy. People know him around here. He is no model of virtue. He is a wealthy Italian who has spent decades battling his own brother over their parents’ inheritance. What kind of priest does this? He was already wealthy, but he had to have more. The lawsuit has been reported in the Italian press – no one thinks of Vigano here like the band of Catholic neo-monarchists in America do. Now, he’s really lost his way with his bizarre conspiracy theories, a mix of European aristocratic reaction and now American crankiness. It’s the Bilderberg, the Rothchild’s, the Masons, George Soros, the Trilateral Commission – all the garbage “theories” I’ve been hearing coming out of the US from cranks and disaffected people all my life. They never amount to much, but they satisfy people unhappy with their lives and apparently unable or unwilling to do anything about them except adopt fairy tales to explain why things aren’t the way they imagine they should be.

    1. Francisco Ruffolo

      Giuseppe I know nothing about Archbishop Vigano’s past in Italy. But I do know this that God can use anyone to fulfill his ultimate plans no matter what their past might be. The Holy Hermit of Loretto, Prophecy for 1983 that Donald Trump would one day become President of The United States of America and that he would bring America back to God. The first part of the prophecy by Zimmer has already happened. The second part will be accomplished when Donald S. Trump becomes re-elected in the next election. God can use anyone anytime to accomplish his will. End of story!

    2. If the Italian media is anything like the U.S. (or Canadian) media, what you know about Vigano may not be the whole truth. Regardless, it is not just Vigano cautioning about The Great Reset. And it, and the WEF, are real.

  16. Francisco Ruffolo

    Gene you write a wonderful Column in today’s The Catholic Stand. Archbishop Vigano is a prophet for our times. With regards to this reset you talk about, it will completely fail and collapse on its own because quite simply it does not come from Almighty God. Its domed to failure! The Covid pandemic is a sinister attempt to take away both are religious freedoms and our personal freedoms and a precurser to the mark of the Beast. Remember Gene scripture quite clearly states: “If God is for you who can be against you.” God is against this so called reset!

    1. Yes, it is doomed to failure. Read the Book of Revelation to see the demise of the false prophet, the antichrist, and Satan. But there will be tribulations for believers before the return of Jesus

    2. Francisco: Your comment is right on! The RESET will not succeed. God is in charge. Our prayers matter.

  17. The Book of Revelation was given to us to recognize what will happen before and after the return of Jesus. Chapter 13 tells us that there will be a false prophet, who will encourage the world to follow the antichrist. A one-world religion and a one-world government, or the New World Order, on the horizon? Many students of eschatology believe so.
    Keep in mind that the pope has suggested the formation of both to save our planet. And he seems to be working towards that goal.
    Jesus is coming back as a warrior, with his saints, at the Battle of Armageddon and will establish the kingdom of God on earth (Revelation 19 and 20).

  18. I would like some specifics on this. I don’t see attempts to control the Covid pandemic, or attempts at international understanding, to be per se evil. What specific policies, programs or ideas are being promoted? How are they evil? What actual steps are being taken in furtherance of this evil?

    1. Capt, click on the link to Dr. Michael Rectenwald’s article as a starting point. Ed Pentin’s article also has some good links in it.

    2. I’ve looked at those links and I still don’t see any concrete proposals.

      The Rectenwald article in fact criticizes this “Great Reset” for lacking “clear ideas”. Though their general sentiments — if you go by their own words, and not by the words others put in their mouths — are unobjectionable. Yes, corporations should have a responsibility to the rest of us and to future generations — “stakeholders” — as opposed to just their shareholders to whom they are dedicated to maximizing next quarter’s dividends. Yes, current economies are not sustainable. Yes, greed must be curbed, and the only way to do that is through protection of the laws (which has always been true — e.g., child labor laws and anti-pollution laws were also criticized as the interference of “big government”). As for allying capitalism with socialism, capitalism has never been the creed of the Church, and in fact a number of Popes have made criticisms of it similar to the ones we hear from the “Great Reset” people.

      Which I think gets us back to basics. As someone put it recently, “If all you knew about Christianity came from a close reading of the New Testament, you’d expect that Christians would be hostile to wealth, emphatic in protection of justice, sympathetic to the point of personal pain toward the sick, persecuted and the migrant, and almost socialist in their economic practices.”

    3. Capt, you say “greed must be curbed, and the only way to do that is through protection of the laws.” You seem to have missed the point of the article. We don’t need more laws, or more government, or a great reset aimed at creating a new social order. We need Christ.

  19. Thank you for this sobering reminder. This is a call to arms. A call to prayer. Pray we must for the defeat of this diabolical “RESET”. And take action as the Holy Spirit inspires us and gives us the strength to do God’s Will. To quote Pope St. John Paul II ” Pray for the many spiritual and material needs of your families, your communities, the whole Church, and all humanity. Indeed, prayer is the first and greatest work of charity that we must do for our brothers and sisters”.

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