Aliens and God: Extra Theology for Extraterrestrials

Interstellar life and chemical evolution
Recent UFO Congressional Hearing

In the July 26  Congressional Hearing on UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), three former military officials told Congress that the government is hiding information about possible encounters with aliens.  There has always been an American mythology surrounding UFO sightings and alien encounters, most of it was hearsay and anecdotal. What happened on July 26 was different. We had men with serious credentials testifying before Congress that they know of someone or have personally encountered UAPs. themselves. One of the men, David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence official claims to have gained knowledge, through interviews with eyewitnesses, of a crash site of an alien craft that contained non-human biological remains. He also claims the government has the UAP craft and is studying its technology. 

A former Navy commander, David Fravor, said he and three fellow military pilots spotted a white Tic-Tac-shaped object flying at supersonic speeds in patterns that are impossible for human aircraft. As to whether the UAPs present a danger, Grusch told the panel that he knows of “multiple colleagues” who were injured by UAPs.

Theological Implications

If this testimony were true, then there are major theological implications. Not since Galileo and the switch from a geocentric solar system to a heliocentric one, have the stakes been so high. That was an ‘uh oh moment’ for the Church who at the time aligned with the theory of geo-centrism because it seemed to fit the biblical narrative. Galileo was one of the first to assert a heliocentric solar system and the Church wanted him to check his facts. The Church handled the Galileo affair poorly (though not as bad as most textbooks indicate). To this day, because of what happened with Galileo, many people think that the Church is opposed to science and that the Bible itself is anti-science.

If these experts are telling the truth and these so-called UAPs are flown by intelligent, non-human aliens, who are more advanced than humans, then the Church must be ready to give an answer to the many questions that this would pose. We don’t want another ‘uh oh moment’.  

We don’t have anything explicitly about aliens in the Deposit of Faith, the body of Church doctrine given by Jesus and the Apostles. The Bible is a Christocentric narrative that unfolds on a geocentric stage. It is mostly about what happens on earth between God and humans. There are references to heaven, hell, angels, demons and animals, but no aliens. 

Aliens Having Superior Intelligence

The aliens fly in supersonic, other-worldly, technologically superior craft. This suggests that they are highly intelligent and superior to humans. Are they more intelligent than humans or has their technology had more time to evolve? Compared to humans who are just now just getting deeper into artificial intelligence, the aliens may have been through that stage of development hundreds of years ago. They also may have access to energy resources, or unknown matter to construct a craft that can withstand the physics of long-distance space travel.

They may be equally intelligent as humans but with better circumstances. Higher intelligence separates humans from animals but it is not a criteria for being made in the image of God. Humans are not equal in intelligence. For example, those who have disabilities may lack intelligence but they are no less made in the image of God. Intelligence doesn’t equate to Imago Dei, therefore these aliens are not threatening our privileged status as, the ‘crown of creation’.

Aliens With Reason and Free Will

Do these aliens have free will? If they do, are they like angels who decide once and for all because they are outside of space and time or not bound by it? Do they waiver back and forth in their decision-making like us? Do they weigh the consequences and think things through? If they have free will and they have reason then they are getting closer to the ‘image of God’ status. 

Aliens and Sin

If they have free will and reason. but not divine revelation, then they would be subject to Natural Law, the innate, common sense moral compass built into creatures with reason. If they choose to violate that law, then it would be considered a disruption of the order of the cosmos and a violation of God’s will, therefore it is a sin. If they have revealed the law then they are held accountable for obeying those laws as well. 

We know from the testimony, that they can die. Since the craft recovered had dead bodies, then death is part of their reality. Theologically, that would mean they are subject to the effects of original sin, death being one of them. 

Was there an original sin in the alien species, or did the fall of our first parents on earth bring sin and fallenness to them? Does the fall affect not just our world but the whole cosmos? Maybe they were not fallen and in a state of original innocence, but by entering our world they become subject to the spiritual laws of our world. The aliens crashing and dying in this earthly, fallen world may have been their first taste of death. They may have had, like Adam and Eve, preternatural gifts intact. Those gifts that were lost in sin were no pain, immortality, moral integrity and infused knowledge.

The fact that they made a mistake and crashed also points to their imperfection. They make mistakes and they die, so we know they cannot be divine. Ok, they aren’t gods, but was life seeded on Earth by them? Is our world a simulation for their entertainment – one giant reality tv series? Are they just checking in on their project? There would be no way to rectify this theory of panspermia and divine revelation. It also brings us back to ‘the first cause’ argument, since it begs the question, who created them? It’s philosophically untenable to go down that path. 

Alien Ethics

They must have some sort of language because in order to have that level of technological sophistication there must be communication and societal structure. Long-term, multigenerational planning suggests a high level of vision, commitment and discipline. We know that the cooperation and hierarchical structure, that NASA or the military have, necessitates a code of conduct. Even aliens would need an ethical code to generate that kind of civilized achievement in their society.

If they have an ethical code then why aren’t they trying to meet with us? Aren’t they ethically obligated to communicate with us rather than remain mostly incognito? They would owe us an explanation as to why they are in our airspace. Are the aliens spying on us because they are ultimately unethical and power-hungry, intent on conquest? 

Are they explorers or conquerors? Have they come in peace or are they here to colonize and enslave humans? Are they here to extract our resources, our energy? What do they want? The fact that they haven’t communicated any of this is troubling. 

We do have the testimony that they have been aggressive and some people have been injured. However, no one has been reported to have been killed by an alien. Obviously, they have the power to make that happen probably on a grand scale. Yet they haven’t. They have shown restraint. Is that due to benevolence or could it be a military strategy? 

Is Jesus their Redeemer Too?

Jesus is the king of the cosmos, not just our world. Does the redemption he brings to earth extend to everything in the cosmos, or would the Word of God as Savior have to become flesh in an alien body and dwell among them? We know that Jesus could become a different kind of body, natural, resurrected, ecclesial or mystical, eucharistic and veiled.

One major objection to this thought experiment would be that there would have to be another Mary or many Marys. We know that Mary was spared from sin and uniquely chosen by God for her most pivotal role in salvation history. That would be weird to think that she would have to be repeated for every alien species. The point is, God wouldn’t just barge into a world. There needs to be an invitation, something like Mary’s ‘yes’ to the alien Incarnation. 

Could these UAPs be Demons?

Is this UAP thing an extra-terrestrial invasion or a supernatural phenomenon? We know they wouldn’t be good angels. Angels don’t need to fly in spacecraft. Good angels would announce themselves or otherwise be hidden. So, are these aliens demons in disguise?

We know that demons are tech-savvy. Electronic interference is one of their go-to attacks. Demons could manipulate the material world but to manifest as a species of aliens with spacecraft would be unlikely. Based on their limits and the pattern of behavior that they have already demonstrated, this would be a radical departure. 

Instead, the way demons are likely involved is they are feeding the hysteria and confusion that some people experience when questioning aliens. They may encourage people to get carried away with the alien thing, seizing on their fears and sowing doubt about their faith in doctrinal truths. This is inevitable for those without a grounding in the Deposit of Faith. 

Final Thoughts

We can be certain that what the Catholic Faith proposes as true is enough for our salvation. Since aliens didn’t make the cut, knowledge of them is not necessary for our salvation. Jesus is enough. He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. We also know that God created everything, the whole cosmos, out of nothing. He’s not just the God of earth. Every star and every planet, and any hypothetical extraterrestrial living thing out there has God as their Master. 

On aliens, I myself remain skeptical. On UAPs, I think there must be some explanation. But again, I will play along…

If somehow we have rebellious, fallen and evil aliens that eventually attack Earth and harm humans, then we must repent and turn back to God. The only reason that would happen is because they are permitted by God to do us harm as a way of bringing about moral correction. That’s what we call the mystery of evil; God using that evil and turning it into some good. We must also resist evil done by aliens, with force if necessary. We would be obligated to defend ourselves and others. 

You might be thinking, “Ya. Right, we don’t stand a chance!”  Wrong! If you want to know how to kick some alien butt, I recommend you watch the film, Independence Day. Finally, please don’t forget to keep a sense of humor on this alien thing. 


20 thoughts on “Aliens and God: Extra Theology for Extraterrestrials”

  1. Since we “wrestle not against flesh and blood” our main antagonist is demonic.
    It has been suggested that all this UFO stuff is a demonic deception. Man has been deceived for millennium this way with “false gods” and this is no different. Some people/societies have worked with demons in the past to produce otherworldly phenomena and the Bible is filled with this. Many saints have written about this as well, so these are not just Old Testament events.
    More recently mankind has produced powerful tech and much was kept secret and then eventually released. The Manhattan Project is one example. How much more advanced could this tech become if one is working directly with demons?
    Since most UFO sightings are made around military bases it stands to reason these are military projects flown under cover of “UFO” propaganda. And since this tech is on a “need to know” basis, most pilots encountering them truly are seeing (for them) a UFO!
    If the NWO wants to create what has been called “the infrastructure of the Antichrist” what better way than to deceive us with an “it’s from aliens not God” history of our creation? Then as an alien being AC can claim that he is “the christ” as to our true origin and convince “even the elect” with signs and wonders.

    1. an ordinary papist

      Man has been deceived for millennium this way with “false gods” and this is no different. Some people/societies have worked with demons in the past to produce otherworldly phenomena and the Bible is filled with this.

      So Ezekiel and Enoch going up to heaven in a chariot of fire and having visions of God would fit right in with this ‘deception’ scenario …

  2. At the time of Pope Benedict, the Vatican put out guidelines in case we came in contact with life outside this solar system. Best to stick with that.

  3. Thank God that we are also given timely weapons esp.through our priests to deal with this last and greatest battle , helping us to also cherish the special devotions given for our times – The Precious Blood devotion from Nigeria , The Flame of Love devotion from Hungary and ofcourse the Divine Mercy devotion – add up to help open our hearts which when afflicted by demonic spirits of pride , hardness of hearts , impurity , greed and abuse of power – the polite demons that our Holy Father warns us about , becomes filled with oppositional spirits keading to discords in relationships and other areas .

    ‘Pray for joy ‘ – one of the good talks by Rev.Fr Jim Blount – joy as a fruit of The Spirit , Flame of Love to flood the world and blind Satan ===.
    FIAT !

  4. Pingback: Former Addict and Convert Says the Eucharist ‘Brought Healing to My Soul,’ Extra Theology for Extraterrestrials, and More Great Links! - JP2 Catholic Radio

  5. It is not called [the mystery of evil], it is called the mystery of iniquity. These are demons in trans-ports. And yes, we can fight and defeat them the same way we fight and defeat the “un-disguised demons”- with exorcism and prayers of liberation and the St. Michael prayer and invoking the name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph who happens to be the terror of demons.
    Faith not fear is needed here. My Redeemer lives ! Quis ut Deus !!

    1. Charles, thanks for the comment. By ‘Mystery of Evil’ I was referring to CCC 311, “God is in no way, directly or indirectly, the cause of moral evil. He permits it, however, because he respects the freedom of his creatures and, mysteriously, knows how to derive good from it”.

      The only place that the CCC refers to the ‘Mystery of Inequity’ is in CCC 675, “The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth”.

      I think the ‘mystery of evil’ phrase is a better fit for what I intended to convey. God can bring about good from evil.

  6. The article is more UFO nonsense, besides the flaws in theological reasoning of the author, there are no credible sources concerning the existence of aliens. The witnesses relied on in this article were not witness at all, but alleged hearsay concerning the non-human biology alien bodies. No one with firsthand knowledge has witnessed anything.. Let’s get the facts straight.

  7. Teófilo de Jesús

    Theological arguments aside, it bugs me that alleged ET’s have mastered the physics and engineering needed for interstellar travel, only to come here and crash. 🤔👎🏼

  8. IIRC from reading decades ago, there were medieval theologians who speculated about plural worlds, and how the Hypostatic Union of Christ’s divine and human natures did not preclude a union of natures with creation in such other worlds to the extent they had experienced a fall from grace they may have been created with. But if Original Sin is a matter of biological descendancy from Adam and Eve, they would not partake of that Original Sin unless they were biological descendants.

    1. Giordano Bruno speculated about plural worlds and got burned at the stake by the Inquisition for it. Odd that this post mentions nothing about that.

    2. Bruno was not condemned for speculation about plural worlds as such (others had done so centuries before him without being burned at the stake), but for his some his particulars and more importantly his denial of the divinity of Christ.

  9. Billy Graham once said, good-humoredly, that he had a “crazy theory, not supported by Scripture” that civilizations on other planets turned out all right, but we were the 100th sheep to whom Jesus was sent to save/retrieve.

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  11. Science, IMHO, says that there are no ETs:
    (1) ASTRONOMY: the closest exoplanet orbits around Proxima Centauri, 21.6 ly (light years) from earth. That’s 126,978,308,060,766 miles.
    (2) PHYSICS: matter can travel at a small fraction of the speed of light. You calculate the likely transit time for a “manned” ship to reach earth.
    (3) LOGISTICS: no ship could carry the quantity of food for crew, replacements for worn out components, fuel for such a distance.
    (4) ECONOMICS: a rational society would not allocate the resources for such an interstellar mission
    (5) POLITICAL SCIENCE: what rational extraterrestrial civilization would want to send a mission to earth? Imagine a little green man, saying “Take me to your leader” and is brought to Joe Biden.

    1. WJ, All excellent points.

      My only push back would be that you are basing your objection on the scientific laws that govern our ‘known’ world. Perhaps ET’s wouldn’t be bound by those laws. We only know what we know due to limitations that have hampered humans. For example Angels are creatures but not bound by space or time.

      I suppose that #5 would be the conundrum of all. If we took them to Biden as the ‘leader’ of the free world, that would be a dead give away on our collective ineptitude as a species.

    2. Right, because taking them to an orange philandering rapist who “bigly” uses “all the best words” would’ve been so much better.

  12. an ordinary papist

    You forgot one explanation that was proffered in Star Trek as to why they haven’t contacted
    us : the First Directive, non-interference in a developing species or civilization.

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