The Passionate Fire of the Holy Spirit

Lisa Shefferly-Gillay pentecost

\"LisaPentecost, the birth of the Body of Christ, the Holy Catholic Church, where the disciples were filled with such an intense feeling and fire to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord. Tongues as of flames alighted on each. Fear flew out the window when perfect Love filled their very beings, thus giving them the ultimate power to proclaim the Good News. Travelers from afar heard the faith declared in each one’s own native language. These travelers were impressed with what was being told to them and they believed. A strong faith became alive and vibrant. Eyes were opened, hearts were set afire, and the Church was born by this Holy Fire of Love, this compelling desire of God to release Himself into the hearts of His people.

Pentecost is a season of glorious joy, of staunch power, of healing and eye opening hearts set aflame. The people of God celebrate with Mass, wearing red clothing, and with uplifting of hands and prayers to the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Holy Trinity. With passion they are renewed in spirit.

I went to Mass on Pentecost with family, and as I listened the priest was on fire when he spoke during the homily. He reminded the people present that God desired them to be in a closer relationship with Him. He offered some things that they could do after leaving the Mass. Perhaps to say a prayer with one another, even “five seconds” worth as he explained that even a little bit of prayer time could be the start of something more, something deeper among those we love. He also said that we could spend a few minutes more in prayer throughout the day, perhaps by saying the rosary or reading the Bible. The Holy Spirit will lead and help us to make that time with God. We were only to trust and follow the whisperings of God in our heart.

After our time at Pentecost Mass, we met up with more family; family I haven\’t seen in awhile. Our discussions turned towards catching up on the latest of all concerned. Well, red is my favorite color. It speaks passion, go big or go home passion, fiery blood red life giving passion. So when the questions came around to me, my strong faith in a miracle for a healing regarding something going on in my life lit up the table. I was not going to back down to naysayers and doubters. My words told all in no uncertain terms that I fully expected that God, as revealed in His Word, would heal the situation at hand, in His time. With some sideways glances at one another, they backed down, saying to me that from my younger years I have always been this way in my faith. One especially was particularly hard on me with what felt like a badgering of questions and goading of my stand. I told her that of all the people in my life, I credited to her the gift of learning about St Therese the Little Flower, my dearest saint friend. She seemed caught off guard and just looked at me. I knew I hit a bulls-eye in her heart with that fond memory of her youthful days, those days when her faith was much stronger and not so hidden under pain. Though I knew her doubts and the doubts of my family, they hoped for my sake I would not get hurt (or should I say, hurt even more) and wished the best for me. Later that evening, that one particular family member called to talk. Her words said to me that she was impressed with my faith at the restaurant and hoped that God would do everything I had been praying for, especially if for His glory. I have to admit that I was a bit blown away considering she was the most obstinate unbeliever in me earlier that day. I know her faith has been sorely tried throughout her life and that to this day she still struggles with the gift that has been passed down to her. She made me promise to keep in touch more often and to keep up the faith. Wow, only God!

In Pentecost, the prayers of the Church have been for a renewal of the minds and hearts of all people everywhere that they may know the deep love of God, through the Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit woos the soul towards the all-consuming fire of God. His Holy fire is cleansing and makes pure the hearts of people towards God so that they may be in deeper relationship with Him.

Pentecost is passion, red passion, and a holy fire of living Love. And Pentecost is the birth of this passion, the love of God as revealed through the Holy Spirit to the disciples in the upper room. Pentecost is a time for renewal, rebirth, conversion and reconversion, of healing, and of love enkindled and restored back to its original state. The Holy Spirit comes as the wind, we don’t know to whom He may go next. Let us pray that He answers the healing prayers of our hearts. And then, let us  pray He rekindles us in the fire of His love and renews the face of the earth.


5 thoughts on “The Passionate Fire of the Holy Spirit”

  1. Great article Lisa! I really like how you combined the celebration of Pentecost with examples of God working in your life. It truly is a season of joy, power, and healing. Praise the Lord! May He continue to bless you.

  2. Laurence Charles Ringo

    Wow, Ms.Shefferly-Gillay! You expressed the Holy Spirit’s awesome power and presence just as I would and do-and I’m a Protestant! God bless you, and I’m believing in ffaith that He will meet you in the place you need healing!

    1. Lisa Shefferly-Gillay

      Hey, thank you! I really appreciate what you said. I love my Protestant brothers and sisters and find so much in common during our prayer time together. We definitely worship as one. God bless you, Lisa

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