Killer Grandparents

Patti Maguire Armstrong

Across the country, pro-lifers battle for parental consent laws so that a girl as young as twelve can’t just walk into an abortion clinics and abort her baby. We know all too well that Planned Parenthood chronically aborts babies of young teens even to the point of helping to cover up sex trafficking of minors.

Girls in many states can secretly sneak into a clinic for an abortion and be home by dinner. Planned Parenthood is a ready co-conspirator when it comes to teens sneaking out for abortions. At one Planned Parenthood site when asked about age restrictions, they suggested ways to get around it: “Usually you can get around telling your parents by going to a clinic in a state without these restrictions or, explaining your situation to a judge. But this can take time, so call right away.”

While one group of parents are fighting to maintain their rights to be informed of the health of their minor children, there is another group with very different concerns.   Parents are sometimes the motivating force behind aborting their own grandchild. I know several very tragic stories.

Bad Parenting

Many years ago, I interviewed a high school girl in Montana whose parents were the ones that had taken her in for the abortion. “Did you consider adoption?” I asked.

“I thought about it but I just couldn’t bear the thought of a child of mine in the world thinking that maybe I did not love him or her.” No kidding. That, poor, poor girl. I can only imagine the horror when her heart finally connected with her brain to realize she killed her baby so it would not ever feel unloved.

Suzan in Oregon shared her story with me for the Amazing Grace for Families book. She was twenty-one, unmarried, and pregnant. “I’m not getting an abortion,” she had said to her parents.

“You will bring shame on this whole family if you have this baby,” her mother told her. “You are being totally self-centered.” After unrelenting pressure, she allowed her mother to take her in for the abortion. It was Suzan’s birthday. Something inside her died on the day her baby died. It took almost twenty years before she sought healing and eventually began to speak publically against abortion. At the end of her mother’s life, while she lie dying of brain cancer, her mother pleaded for Suzan’s forgiveness. So much had been lost after Suzan’s mother had her own grandbaby aborted. Their relationship never was the same again.

A friend told me recently of a mother and daughter she had known for years. The mother had forced the daughter to have an abortion. The friend worked as a nursing assistant at a nursing home where the mother ended up. “I know she’s always hated me for making her have that abortion,” the mother often told my friend.

In the news this week A Pennsylvania mother was sentenced to 18 months in prison for illegally obtaining a dangerous drug from oversees to give to her daughter to abort her own grandchild. The daughter ended up in the hospital with serious bleeding due to an “incomplete abortion.”

Last year, a Texas 16-year-old teenager sued her parents to stop them from making her have an abortion. They had taken away her car and phone as punishment for not getting the abortion.

A Time to Disobey

I’ve met girls who defied their parents’ pressure to have abortions. The grandparents ended up adoring their grandbabies. I imagine they often hug their grandchildren and are haunted by the fact they wanted the babies killed.

It’s illegal in all 50 states to force someone to have an abortion. It happens though, because short of taking legal action against parents, boyfriends or husbands, who would know?

While praying against abortion, we should keep in mind that not all girls who walk into abortion clinics want to be there. Many are scared and don’t know how to resist the pressure from their parents, the very ones supposed to take care of them.

Dear Lord, we pray for all expecting mothers and for the grandparents and relatives, that they love the precious child in the womb. And please melt the hearts of parents who don’t have enough love to support and nurture their grandchildren. May God have mercy on them and help them see the light.


8 thoughts on “Killer Grandparents”

  1. I can’t think of anything more contrary to all your instincts than insisting your child abort your grandchild. God have mercy on their souls.

  2. This was so important to bring out! I witnessed it time and again, in the years I did sidewalk counseling; Parents and fathers of the child, coercing the young mother to “get in there and do it!” My heart broke to hear a grandmother actually say to us and practically in her daughter’s ear…I raised one kid and I’m not about to do it again!” No, I’ve never tried to assign blame to the baby’s mother….who more often than not, arrives with tear stained cheeks, precisely because she had no “choice.”

  3. And this is the karma of abortion – deathbed regrets: years of deep, scouring pain – dark, gnawing psychosis that haunts whenever a trigger is tripped. This is what the focus should be on, not the sin and threat of hell for eternity; the natural consequences a developing conscience may impart from an action for which Confession is only one cure.

    1. And let’s not forget the men harmed by abortion as well. Can you imagine the pain of a man that wants to protect his unborn child and is utterly helpless to do so?

    2. Patti Maguire Armstrong

      My heart truly goes out to them. What a heart break to be a father and not be able to do anything to save your own child.

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