Beware the Red Kettle: The Salvation Army and Abortion

[Editor’s Note: This article was first published on Catholic Stand, December 12, 2014. We are republishing here for your holiday consideration, since the message is still quite relevant today.]

It’s Advent and our thoughts naturally turn toward less fortunate souls, longing for basic niceties, and the call for selfless giving. Christ-like love, almsgiving, and prayer are staples of this anticipatory time which brings in the new Church year. The scripture readings at Mass remind us of those in need and our moral obligation toward them. What a sad statement about current times, then, that we are forced to look a gift horse in the mouth.

No, not the gifts we receive, but the gifts we give.

As the giving season continues, as well as the rest of the year, we are often hard-pressed to find a charity compatible with our moral values. The mainstay options of Girl Scouts, UNICEF, and the ALS Association have already been exposed as being bedfellows with unsavory sorts – like Planned Parenthood.

Although there are worthy, ethical alternatives, you won’t find them pushed by banks, schools, businesses, or even churches. You won’t encounter them as you fulfill Christmas wish lists at the local mall. But as Catholics, we are not called to be of the world – we are just temporary inhabitants in the world, on our way to Eternal Life. With this in mind, a Catholic is best served by a bit of research and discernment.

Does the Red Kettle Promote Our Values?

Ring-a-ling-a-ling — the bell beckons passers-by to drop their change into the red kettle of the Salvation Army (SA).Yet even charity isn’t as simple as it seems. What ethical problems surface when the SA is scrutinized? Shouldn’t we be concerned about the destination of our good deeds?

When it comes to large organizations, it isn’t enough to blindly give. As Catholics (or any Christians, for that matter), we have a moral obligation to hold charities accountable. Since there are many options, we are capable of making a difference by giving to good, morally sound organizations. In a past year, I wrote an in-depth piece outlining and providing sources to some very disturbing facts about the Salvation Army. Here, I offer an reiteration of what my research found.

What’s the Salvation Army’s Stance on Abortion?

On the surface, the beginning of the SA Positional Statement is morally sound. There is acknowledgment that all people are created in the image of God, and therefore have unique and intrinsic value.  They further state that human life is sacred, and that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. The Salvation Army also accepts that life beings at the moment of fertilization. So far, so good.

Later, in same section, there are shocking contradictions. The Salvation Army notes that termination can occur when “carrying the pregnancy further seriously threatens the life of the mother” or diagnostic procedures identify a fetal abnormality causing only a “very brief post-natal period”. Further, rape and incest also represent “special case[s] for the consideration of termination”. These exceptions portray a troubling contradiction to the professed “sanctity, unique dignity and respect” due to the “image of God” found in our unborn brethren.

Salvation Army and Planned Parenthood: What’s the Connection?

In order to determine collusion between the Salvation Army and Planned Parenthood, we must look at material cooperation as well as monetary support. While SA may not directly contribute to PP, there is evidence that they do partner with one another. Research by Life Decisions International has found this to be the case, and has placed the Salvation Army on their Dishonorable Mention list. Further, American Life League has also found a troubling connection between the two. Simply considering “all the good they do” is not enough to excuse or set aside this compromise of pro-life principles.

How About Contraception?

As we further peruse the SA website we can also find stated support of contraception in their international positional statement:

“A serious commitment to the protection and care of the unborn calls us to a commitment to the prevention of unwanted pregnancy through means such as access to reliable birth control ….”

Yikes, yet another position not in sync with Holy Mother Church! Don’t they know that oral and many other contraceptives (such as the IUD) are also abortifacients?

What Does the Salvation Army Teach About the Sacraments?

Here we find even more, compelling incompatibility. Founder William Booth completely rejected the Sacraments. Although for some years he continued to follow the Protestant tradition of two Sacraments – Baptism and the “Lord’s Supper” — he held they were purely symbolic, until finally he dispensed with them altogether. In practice, many adult recruits had never been baptized, nor was it required. In the end, Booth had come to the conclusion that not only were the Sacraments not vital, they were mistakes. Therefore, in his “Foundation Deed”, he abolished the Sacraments completely. This is definitely not a good match for Catholic charity.

Aren’t There Better, Moral Alternatives?

So how should we resolve our moral Advent/Christmas almsgiving conundrum? Do the good works performed by the SA outweigh their acceptance of abortion exceptions, support of contraception, and heretodox views?

In a word, no. After all, the options for charitable giving are vast. We are easily able to find a more ethical and life-affirming recipient for our alms. Rather than giving to a sect that has little moral common ground with Holy Mother Church, perhaps our focus should go to more suitable recipients.

Luke’s Gospel tells us, “He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” (Luke 3:11) Surely, our pastors know of local families who are in need. Perhaps a young woman in your area finds herself pregnant during this season. Pregnancy Support Centers can always use help as well.

Using the comprehensive list provided by American Life League, we can also look for charitable opportunities, among organizations, that are ethically compatible with the teachings of Holy Mother Church. Among these: Food for the Poor, Habitat for Humanity, MaterCare International, and the Wounded Warrior Project.

Why not give a gift to some such person or group? How about you … do you have any ideas? Please share your suggestions with us!


84 thoughts on “Beware the Red Kettle: The Salvation Army and Abortion”

  1. The idea that Catholics are not allowed to get women’s health care in anyway, it insane. This shaming about a woman choosing birth control or abortion to plan her family is archaic. The fact of a bringing in a deformed, ill infant to suffer is unconscionable. And the idea of Catholic women not getting an abortion for incest, rape or teenage pregnancy is not the advice of GOD. God is forgiving, and understanding of what people can INDEED handle. This column has overstepped it’s boundaries. Wake up folks, it’s time for the Pope and Priests to understand, life is much more sacred than bringing a child who CANNOT be cared for into the world. We have millions of children who are hungry and up for adoption. Until all the children in this world are fed, there is no reason anyone, anywhere should proceed with a pregnancy that is beyond the scope of their personal abilities. We all choose life, women’s LIVES ARE SACRED.

  2. Hi Birgit, I appreciate getting to read your article. However, Pope Francis himself is not against the Salvation Army (see link below). Perhaps Pope Francis is not as conservative as you might want him to be, but he is our pope nonetheless. Anyway, I realize you wrote your article a few years earlier than the one I’m posting. Thanks for your article. I appreciate being able to weigh the information as I make my decisions.

  3. Thank you for writing this article Birgit. As a cradle Catholic myself, I always give to the Church instead of blindly giving to any organization that mounts a planned offensive to separate me from my hard earned money. With restaurant chains asking for your change, TV commercials begging you to give X amount each month,people laying on the sidewalks with their hands out to the red kettle folks I feel it’s best for me to give to my place of worship as the Catholic Church helps people around the globe 365 days a year. Any trolls to my post, I forgive you and I am told to pray for you. Merry Christmas!

  4. This makes me want to shop at the Salvation Army – love me some Planned Parenthood!
    Thanks for the great article!

  5. Absolutely not true. As a “christian” you should be ashamed of yourself for this article. Let;s talk about your priests, and the children they have sexually assaulted through the years. Looks like the “pot calling the kettle black.” Shame on you!!!

    1. If you read the article and followed the provided links, you can hardly deny what has been shared. After all, the truth is found in the Salvation Army’s own words on their own site. As for your other comment. That is quite uncharitable and not even remotely relevant. What a shame!

    2. Dear Debra: I am a priest. I have never sexually (nor otherwise) assaulted a child. Nor an adult, for that matter. God forbid that I ever would! I am angry and ashamed and embarrassed that there are documented cases of priests who have sexually assaulted children. You say, “let’s talk about your priests, etc”. God knows that, in our clergy conferences, we have talked about them (ad nauseam) and we are talking about them and we shall continue to talk about them. But there is absolutely no evidence that Catholic clergy have assaulted children in greater proportion to Protestant or Jewish or Muslim clergy. One priest per century who assaults a child is one priest per century too many, but let’s not use the recent crisis in order to revive the wild-eyed anti-Catholicism of the past. Yes, I’m sorry to say that I detect anti-Catholicism in your comment.

  6. Pingback: The Chick-fil-A and Salvation Army Dilemma | Catholic Canada

  7. Pingback: The Chick-fil-A and Salvation Army Dilemma - Catholic Stand

  8. I think Food for the Poor has an obscenely high paid administrator. I quit giving to them, and help out a local, Catholic homeless shelter in Detroit instead: The Pope Francis Center.
    I remember, while on patrol, the Salvation Army throwing out a temp resident in -5 below wind chill, at night, because they smelled liquor on his breath. Heartless.

    1. Yes, so many charitable organizations have an obscene amount of overhead. Donating to a local charity is always a wonderful option and goes beautifully with Church teaching on subsidiarity. I also make it a point to thoroughly vet any group to which I plan to give. American Life League has an in depth list and rating system to which I frequently refer.

    2. I had a brother I law that used to go to the Salvation Army. They are told ahead of time the rules. You break them you are out immediately. Even though I understand he knew the conditions and chose to break the rules.

  9. I was wondering about this my gut feeling was telling me something today when I went through the drive through, I will tell them how I feel the next time and why I won’t give them any more money. Thank you for this information

  10. As a Catholic, each year I wonder about the Salvation Army (SA) Bell Ringers. I wonder: do the volunteer ringers, who come from many local churches – including Catholics, and the donators know they are essentially supporting a “demomination”? This article clarifies what I had a gut feeling about: while the SA likely does much good, the volunteers and charitable givers do not have a clue that the money supports a specific “church” or body of belief. Would these people be so ready to give support if the kettles were under the name of Catholic Relief Services or Methodist, Lutheran or Presbyterian charities? Not likely. Yet, they support blindly. And, most unfortunately, our Catholic church leaders do not instruct us in this matter.
    I thank the author for her clarity on this and hope the message will reach our local Catholic pastors and bishops.

    1. Thank you for your succinct comment. It demonstrates your thorough understanding of the issue. Your point about the blind support is spot on. I’ve often wondered if printing out this information would be helpful to the bell ringers’ enlightenment.

      Add to this the fact that they are in support of abortion in some cases, and you have more than enough evidence against dropping donations into the red kettle. My personal favorite charity is Cross Catholic Outreach. Their overhead is low and they help the poor help themselves – which maintains their dignity.

    2. St. Yincent de Paul Society is a good organization to support. They cloth and feed and help with other basic needs.

  11. Cross Catholic Outreach is a “safe” place to donate. I also try to give to Mary Jo Copeland’s “Sharing & Caring Hands” in Minneapolis around Christmastime.

    Thanks for the article. God bless!

    1. Yes! Cross Catholic Outreach is my favorite charity. Not only do they have low overhead, but they also enable the poor to maintain their dignity by setting them up to help themselves. The kids still remember the year we purchased a goat for a needy family, so that they could make a small income.

  12. Both Life Decisions International, in their documentation available for purchase, and American Life League have researched this information. There are links to both organizations in the article.

  13. There’s a wonderful local organization here in Minnesota that does fantastic pro-life work throughout the country promoting life. Pro Life Across American is responsible for all of the very positive educational billboards seen as you travel. Their address is PO Box 18669, Minneapolis, MN 55418-0669.

    Another that does work that has an international scope is Human Life Alliance. Their main focus is producing educational material that’s in use throughout the world. And again they’re in Minnesota. Their address is 1614-93rd Lane NE, Minneapolis, MN 55449.

    And then there is always some pregnancy resource center in most communities that is always in need of financial help as well as infant and maternal needs.

    Thank you for the insight on Salvation Army. I didn’t know this and very seldom have walked by without sticking a small cash donation in their kettle. I just got a mail solicitation and am sending it back with pro-life info in it, and telling them that I’m sorry, but I can no longer donate to them.

    1. Thank you for the wonderful suggestions. Our diocesan Gospel of Life Committee puts the billboards up at many parishes. Through generous donations we continue this effort. Our. KCs erect the structures.

      I’m pleased that you found the information useful and that you shared your reasoning with the SA. Don’t be surprised if they deny – even though their own policy is found online, in their own words.

    1. Both Life Decisions International, in their documentation available for purchase, and American Life League have researched this information. There are links to both organizations in the article.

  14. Pingback: Is The Salvation Army Ethical?How Do They Stand On Abortion? - Catholic Life In Our Times

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